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I'm pretty okay with the PSP Go costing £199 - for me thats good value provided:

K I'll entertain you for a bit here. Even though it sounds like you have more money than sense...


1) Buying games online is cheaper then at retail, what with it costs being reduced with no retail cut, no packaging, shipping blah blah blah.


Never. Sony determine prices; no second hand trade-ins. You can pick up PS1 games for 99p these days...can you ever imagine Sony selling proper full games willingly for this these days? The only exception is super rare games; which won't even be that rare in disc form once you can download it anyway. Most good games on PSP aren't super rare anyway.


2) Getting another 16GB memory stick thing isn't too steep - as I'll use this for all my musics. 16GB internal just isn't enough for me if I'm going to have all my games on there too.


Since good phones double up as MP3 players much better than this energy guzzling rich boy tosh, you'd be much wiser to buy either an MP3 player or a phone/MP3 player combo. Most phones accept similar memory sticks, anyhow.



Whoever keeps using the DSi as a comparison is being silly... you can get the DS Lite (which is practically the SAME as the DSi apart from not having a shitty camera and the 'ability' to download some mini games; and the ability to play far better GBA games instead) for £80 new. Compare with that. Justify why you should buy this POS for a price that could buy 2.5 clones of an awesome handheld. I don't care if the add ons to the PSP Go are similar to the add ons added on the DSi. I just want to know why anyone should pay so much more for a PSP Go than a DS Lite.

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Never. Sony determine prices; no second hand trade-ins. You can pick up PS1 games for 99p these days...can you ever imagine Sony selling proper full games willingly for this these days? The only exception is super rare games; which won't even be that rare in disc form once you can download it anyway. Most good games on PSP aren't super rare anyway.


A quick gander at the current PSP titles on the PSN store shows nearly all ofthem at £14.99, which is 50% the RRP of DS or PSP games. Looks quite expensive if I want to pick up older titles but new releases will be cheaper - I think Sony have 'big plans' for the PSN store before the PSP Go is out though. I hope so as the current interface is ****ing useless.

Since good phones double up as MP3 players much better than this energy guzzling rich boy tosh, you'd be much wiser to buy either an MP3 player or a phone/MP3 player combo. Most phones accept similar memory sticks, anyhow.

Buying a new phone would be just as expensive as this... but I already have a phone that I'm happy with. A new Mp3 player won't set me far off of £200 either.


I'm far from sold on the idea and just toying with it at the moment. The DS Lite really hasn't gripped me as a handheld gaming device (I think it's a stigma due to the nature it's games vs their price which puts me off) so I might try out the PSP. Won't sell it until Scribblenauts is out though ;).


I need to read up more on the PSP to PS3 stuff as well, they could have some interesting selling points, or be complete poo :P.


I'll do some more reading I think, see what exactly the PSP can do and make sure there is no horrible catch to put me off. I think the biggest appeal for me is not having to carry around any games or cartridges, I like the digital era.


EDIT: another 16GB storage will set me back £40... Which is a bit more of an expensve >_>.

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Rumours abound that PSN is getting a major overhaul. Next Tuesday we'll probably find out the detail. Maybe it will address the whole matter of pricing.


Yep, I think GamesCom will probably decide for me whether I 'need' a PSP Go or not. Expecting some pretty decent trailers / announcements from the show :).

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K I'll entertain you for a bit here. Even though it sounds like you have more money than sense...




Never. Sony determine prices; no second hand trade-ins. You can pick up PS1 games for 99p these days...can you ever imagine Sony selling proper full games willingly for this these days? The only exception is super rare games; which won't even be that rare in disc form once you can download it anyway. Most good games on PSP aren't super rare anyway.




Since good phones double up as MP3 players much better than this energy guzzling rich boy tosh, you'd be much wiser to buy either an MP3 player or a phone/MP3 player combo. Most phones accept similar memory sticks, anyhow.



Whoever keeps using the DSi as a comparison is being silly... you can get the DS Lite (which is practically the SAME as the DSi apart from not having a shitty camera and the 'ability' to download some mini games; and the ability to play far better GBA games instead) for £80 new. Compare with that. Justify why you should buy this POS for a price that could buy 2.5 clones of an awesome handheld. I don't care if the add ons to the PSP Go are similar to the add ons added on the DSi. I just want to know why anyone should pay so much more for a PSP Go than a DS Lite.


You know, I disagreed with many of your points regarding the value of the PSP Go compared to the PSP 3000, but its funny how a ridiculous price point can make you see the light. If I was ever going to get a psp, it would not be the GO at that price really. even the psp 3000 is still expensive for what it is IMO (regarding how I would use it, i.e. not for photos, music or movies, just for the odd psp game i cant get anywhere else).


Choze, I really think you are wrong on this one.

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The PSP Go's price is fine. At the end of the day its better selling less consoles provided they do so at profit and at a price reflective of the value of the console. The people moaning about it are the ones no company will ever cater to simply because its unreasonable. It'd be like telling Apple to match crappy Dell prices.


If you are going to moan about price then the 360, Wii and DS are all much better candidates than the PSP Go.


I buy most gadget/electronic stuff immediately when it's released...but at the end of the day this does exactly what the PSP 3000 does except for flash memory and costs loads more! I'm a spend thrift normally...but not for me this time...i love the look of it though.

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That price really is detrimental. I thought the whole point of the GO was to invigorate software sales but i dont see how it will achieve this if nobody buys it.


Having said that, if i was forced to choose between a GO and DSi, id pick the GO without hesitation. I hope Sony doesnt use this same line of thinking with the PS3 Slim

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Exactly its not like the PSP 3000 or the DSi were considered cheap either. There will be price adjustments with the PSP go as with the DSi ofcourse. Having said that the PSPGo has strong value. No Japanese company including Nintendo is going to cut prices. So dont expect anything.


I buy most gadget/electronic stuff immediately when it's released...but at the end of the day this does exactly what the PSP 3000 does except for flash memory and costs loads more! I'm a spend thrift normally...but not for me this time...i love the look of it though.


Not quite. The PSPGo does more and better. But yes the 3000 is always there too.

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A quick gander at the current PSP titles on the PSN store shows nearly all ofthem at £14.99, which is 50% the RRP of DS or PSP games.

Go into any gamestation and you'll find most PSP games over a year and a half old being sold at £7.99. Easily proves what I've been getting at.


Basically buy the PSP Go to give Sony more money, while costing yourself loads more.

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Go into any gamestation and you'll find most PSP games over a year and a half old being sold at £7.99. Easily proves what I've been getting at.

All old games are cheap in shops.


Basically buy the PSP Go to give Sony more money, while costing yourself loads more.


Thats a stupid thing to say. Everything you buy from MS or Nintendo are beyond worse in that respect.

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All old games are cheap in shops.


You're not even able to understand the point that was being made. Follow the conversation or just don't bother.


Here was the point being made - You can buy cheap games in shops, but you cannot ever get them this cheap for the PSP Go. This is because Sony set their prices for games online.




Thats a stupid thing to say. Everything you buy from MS or Nintendo are beyond worse in that respect.

Again, you're being a prize timewaster. Completely missed the point of that statement. The point about giving Sony more money is in regard to buying a different model PSP; where you could pick up preowned games for far cheaper, as well as a reasonably similar model for much cheaper, too.


Seriously. Do you even read posts before replying to them? You just waste everyone's time.

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Here was the point being made - You can buy cheap games in shops, but you cannot ever get them this cheap for the PSP Go. This is because Sony set their prices for games online.


and 3rd parties. Its like the app store. Generally downloading is going to be the future for portables. Not only that but PSN store is going to be widened interms of its offering.





Again, you're being a prize timewaster. Completely missed the point of that statement. The point about giving Sony more money is in regard to buying a different model PSP; where you could pick up preowned games for far cheaper, as well as a reasonably similar model for much cheaper, too.


Seriously. Do you even read posts before replying to them? You just waste everyone's time.


No, how else should i interpret the statement?


No matter what you say the PSP 3000 is not the PSPGo.

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Go into any gamestation and you'll find most PSP games over a year and a half old being sold at £7.99. Easily proves what I've been getting at.


Basically buy the PSP Go to give Sony more money, while costing yourself loads more.


Indeed, it's a small issue but I'm willing to pay slightly more for the convinence of not having to carry UMD's around, albeit definitely not an extra £7. I'd imagine I'll save as much with games releasing cheaper then buying old games in the long term.


Supposedly Sony are going to have to get ALOT of PSP games up on the PSN store before October 1st, so I'd imagine alot of those will be reduced once the PSP Go launches and, hopefully, the PS Store is redesigned.


Sony are apparently working on a 'solution' to old UMD's going on the PSP Go too, so for all we know it could be possible to buy cheap UMD's for the Go and just copy them onto it.

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Also Sony don't want to isolate retailers so you can still buy PSP games in shops. It'll just come in the form of a redeemable code. You won't be able to get these second hand but they could be reduced over time like normal games.

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Yeah there will also be PSN cards.


Its more of a case of pushing the PSP platform forward in a direction that works for everyone. The business case is important as the platforms survival depends on its returns. So hopefully they get it all working.

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PSPgo games will be as cheap as iPhone games




With the rumour mill speeding up prior to Sony's press conference at the Gamescom show in Cologne, Germany, next week, news has been leaked concerning the price of PSP games for the soon-to-be revitalised PlayStation Network (PSN).


Pocket Gamer has learned that these will be priced at 1, 2 and 5 Euros, making them the equivalent of the games available via Apple's App Store.


In fact, the highest priced games on the App Store are $9.99 - currently The Sims 3 and Real Racing - making PSN cheaper at the top end.


It's a significant move as Sony has been hit by criticism concerning the price of the PSPgo hardware ($250, £230).


Ensuring the price of games is much lower than previously experienced on the PlayStation Network provides a strong incentive for people to shell out for the heavily revised hardware.


This low pricing structure for games also means Sony will have relaxed its business model to enable small development studios to get involved with PSP.


There's no news concerning the revenue split between Sony and developers and publishers, but we'd be surprised if it's not the 70:30 that's become standard thanks to Apple's adoption of it for the App Store.


In addition, Pocket Gamer has learned that Sony has been actively sourcing iPhone developers to bring existing titles to PSN.


Obviously some rework is required due to different screen size - 480 x 272 versus 480 x 320 - not to mention transposing touch controls to joypad, D-pad and buttons - but the bulk of game logic and artwork is likely to remain the same.


Sony isn't taking a leaf out of Apple's book when it comes to easing the process of publishing, however.


Games will continue to go through formal console-centric Technical Requirement Check (TRC) requirements, as well as a two week quality assurance testing period.


Sony will also actively control the release schedule for games, although considering the current disquiet over Apple's laissez faire attitude to app approval and release, this might not be a bad thing.


At least we can expect a full launch line up of titles when PSPgo is released on 1 October.


Over 50 developers have been signed up to produce content for the existing PSP and new PSPgo hardware via the digital distribution PSN channel.




I don't think this is Go specific, more a reworking of PSN. Sounds good.

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I don't think this is Go specific, more a reworking of PSN. Sounds good.


Ha, believe that when I see it.


A quick gander at the current PSP titles on the PSN store shows nearly all ofthem at £14.99, which is 50% the RRP of DS or PSP games.


Not even bringing up the point that waiting a few weeks and game prices tank, I don't know where you're seeing DS games for £30 as a flat rate.



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Ha, believe that when I see it.




Not even bringing up the point that waiting a few weeks and game prices tank, I don't know where you're seeing DS games for £30 as a flat rate.




RRP not the price you can buy them - I can very rarely find a good DS game for under £15 though.


Hopefully Sony will give us a way to play UMD's on the PSP Go, as then I can just buy games dirt cheap and still have the convinience of no UMD's, woo.

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RRP not the price you can buy them - I can very rarely find a good DS game for under £15 though.


Hopefully Sony will give us a way to play UMD's on the PSP Go, as then I can just buy games dirt cheap and still have the convinience of no UMD's, woo.


The reason they announced the psp go is beacuse it will be digital so you don't need UMD games and they are not cheep the ones on the PSN Store will be and Sony is doing a good will program for people who got UMD games to transfer them to the PSP GO and we will now how much the PSP GO will cost in UK this Tuesday at Gamescom

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