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  • 2 weeks later...

So that's Picard season 2 finished and the first half of Prodigy season 1 aired in the UK finally.

Picard season 2 was an odd one. I enjoyed a lot of the elements but it was a terribly paced season and too many parts of the story that were just there to give the extra characters like Raffi, Seven and Rios something to do while the main story went on. Raffi might also be one of my most disliked characters in all of Star Trek.

Prodigy seems pretty good so far, especially the visuals which have been amazing. I'm still getting used to the cast but they're fine for the most part. Gets a bit confusing at times why certain species seem to appear or be known of and I would just put it down to it being a kids show but I think they do a really good job not just dumbing everything down for kids so I dunno. My only real issue I guess is that I'm enjoying having Janeway back so much that I keep just thinking about how this makes it less likely to see her in live action Trek again.


Anyway I'm glad Paramount Plus finally has a UK launch date (22nd June) so I'll be able to watch Strange New Worlds next. Sounds like that first episode was very well received.

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With all episodes of Picard season 2 now out, I've finally started watching it.

Really enjoyed the first couple of episodes. Nice to see a lot of characters from the first season making a return. 


The Borg sure got an upgrade! Interesting to see how that all plays out if they go back to that timeline.

Loved the second episode and the dark timeline. Seeing the skulls of Gul Dukat and General Martok as Picard's trophies was pretty shocking. 

General Sisko getting a mention. :heart: Shame we didn't get to see him. :( 


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We doing The Voyage Home now. :D 

Love it when Star Trek tackles current/soon to be timelines. The Voyage Home and the Deep Space 9 and Voyager episodes that do this were fantastic, as is this.

The scenes with the Borg Queen were pretty cool. No doubt she will cause chaos at some point.


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The speech that Guinan gave about humanity was spot on. People killing the planet and the few that have the wealth and power to make changes just want to help themselves. Very fitting for today's society.

The DS9 episodes that were set in the past were also spot on with where society was headed.

Really enjoying this season, probably more so than the first.

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6 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
  Episode 4 (Hide contents)

The speech that Guinan gave about humanity was spot on. People killing the planet and the few that have the wealth and power to make changes just want to help themselves. Very fitting for today's society.

The DS9 episodes that were set in the past were also spot on with where society was headed.

Really enjoying this season, probably more so than the first.


There are a lot of nods to those DS9 eps in the background as well. Mentions of the Sanctuary districts, Jadzia's friend in a newspaper headline etc.


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I enjoyed Picard season 2 for the most part, but some of the plot elements seemed to go nowhere and the pacing was annoying as the end of some episodes felt like they were in an odd place.

Strange New Worlds episode 1 was a very strong start. 

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Watched a couple more episodes.


Yeah, the Borg Queen messing with things was always going to happen. Very intrigued to see how things play out now that she's got a body. I did like her during the party. She was pretty funny.

The plot line involving Adam Soong doesn't really interest me. I'm not sure what the payoff is going to be.


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Episode 7 has been my least favourite so far.


It pretty much killed all the momentum of the previous episode. Spending the best part of the time exploring Picard's past/memories wasn't fun. Thankfully, once that was out the way what little was left of the episode seemed to set up a few things.

Showing the doctor and her kid the ship will surely cause some butterfly effects. Saying that, Kirk and his crew messed around with the timeline a lot more during their escapades with the whales. :D 


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As someone who thought the middle six or so episodes of Picard S2 were mind-blowing-ly awful, boring, badly written, terribly paced and relying on cheap nostalgic drops to rope some people in... the last two episodes were actually quite good I thought. At times excellent even.

It's glaringly obvious though that this was a 3 or 4 parter at most, but CBS/Paramount told the writers to string it out to 10 eps.

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I enjoyed both of these episodes, although I could have done without the constant flashbacks of Picard's childhood.

I've said it before and i'll say it again, I love anything that involves the Borg and this season certainly hasn't disappointed. I thought it was great when the soldiers were 'assimilated' and the laser sights on their guns were all green. Reminded me of that scene in First Contact where all the lasers appear through the darkness.

Elnor being the hologram protector of the code was great. I can see why he was taken out of the game early as i'm not sure where his character would have fit when the story shifted to the past version of earth. Dude probably would have just been sat on the ship all this time.

The back and forth between Jurati and the Queen has been awesome to watch. The speech about creating a new cooperative Borg was great.

Methinks i'll save the finale for tomorrow. No idea how things are going to play out.

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7 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:
  Episodes 8 and 9 (Reveal hidden contents)

I enjoyed both of these episodes, although I could have done without the constant flashbacks of Picard's childhood.

I've said it before and i'll say it again, I love anything that involves the Borg and this season certainly hasn't disappointed. I thought it was great when the soldiers were 'assimilated' and the laser sights on their guns were all green. Reminded me of that scene in First Contact where all the lasers appear through the darkness.

Elnor being the hologram protector of the code was great. I can see why he was taken out of the game early as i'm not sure where his character would have fit when the story shifted to the past version of earth. Dude probably would have just been sat on the ship all this time.

The back and forth between Jurati and the Queen has been awesome to watch. The speech about creating a new cooperative Borg was great.

Methinks i'll save the finale for tomorrow. No idea how things are going to play out.


Jurati and the Queen were the MVPs of this season for me. I loved their interplay.


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To be honest, I wasn't thinking much of the final episode...at least that was until the conversation between Q and Picard. I thought it was a brilliant and touching scene. 

Chris should have just taken the lass and kid with him to the future. What's good enough for Kirk is good enough for everyone else.

Loved seeing the fleet all standing together with the Borg ship in the centre of it all.

I am a little confused about the Queen though. Did she travel from her own timeline into the current one just to stop the galactic event or is she part of the current timeline anyway but has just been hiding for the past 400 years? 

I'm sure there's a little hint/jingle of the First Contact theme music when everyone is sat in the bar and has a toast.

Love that tune. Easily one of my fav Star Trek pieces.

Overall I loved it. I found it much better than the first season. Here's hoping a 3rd season isn't too far behind.

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15 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:
  Final Episode (Hide contents)



To be honest, I wasn't thinking much of the final episode...at least that was until the conversation between Q and Picard. I thought it was a brilliant and touching scene. 

Chris should have just taken the lass and kid with him to the future. What's good enough for Kirk is good enough for everyone else.

Loved seeing the fleet all standing together with the Borg ship in the centre of it all.

I am a little confused about the Queen though. Did she travel from her own timeline into the current one just to stop the galactic event or is she part of the current timeline anyway but has just been hiding for the past 400 years? 

I'm sure there's a little hint/jingle of the First Contact theme music when everyone is sat in the bar and has a toast.

Love that tune. Easily one of my fav Star Trek pieces.

Overall I loved it. I found it much better than the first season. Here's hoping a 3rd season isn't too far behind.


The First Contact music was used quite a few times during the season so it wouldn't surprise me if it was used there as well.

Jurati Queen is part of our timeline and had just been hanging around for 400 years. I'd love to see that explored more, show if she interacted with the real borg etc in all that time.

The scenes between Picard and Q genuinely brought a tear to my eye.

Were you not excited to see Wesley??? 😆


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5 minutes ago, Happenstance said:
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The First Contact music was used quite a few times during the season so it wouldn't surprise me if it was used there as well.

Jurati Queen is part of our timeline and had just been hanging around for 400 years. I'd love to see that explored more, show if she interacted with the real borg etc in all that time.

The scenes between Picard and Q genuinely brought a tear to my eye.

Were you not excited to see Wesley??? 😆




Thanks for the answers regarding the Queen. Yeah, I think that would be a pretty cool setting to explore.

I was happy to see him but it just so happened that I watched that episode of Big Bang Theory yesterday evening and so the gif needed posting. :D 


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3 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:


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Thanks for the answers regarding the Queen. Yeah, I think that would be a pretty cool setting to explore.

I was happy to see him but it just so happened that I watched that episode of Big Bang Theory yesterday evening and so the gif needed posting. :D 


Ah the gif was broken on my page which is why I didn't realised that's what it was about. I forgive you :p 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Strange New Worlds is amazing so far. Each episode has a different feel, but is really solid. I think people who want something closer to older Star Trek shows are going to be extremely pleased.


Unfortunately, the UK plans are a bit rubbish. It will be £6.99 a month (or free if you have Sky Cinema). Star Trek Discovery season 4 will be available straight away, as are the first 10 episodes of Prodigy, but only the first three episodes of Strange New Worlds will be (instead of putting all episodes currently available in America), with the rest being available on a weekly basis, so it will be 8 weeks behind.


The new director's cut of The Motion Picture will also not be available in the UK.

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On 12/05/2022 at 2:41 PM, Hero-of-Time said:
  Final Episode (Reveal hidden contents)


Overall I loved it. I found it much better than the first season. Here's hoping a 3rd season isn't too far behind.

Same here. I'd heard from some that it also falls apart in the second half like S1 did and was bracing myself for it, but for the most part I found it really enjoyable and was looking forward to each next episode, and now to Season 3.

Reminded me a bit of The Voyage Home (that cameo on the bus was ace!) and also Future's End from Voyager.

Edited by mr_bogus
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Should be able to get onto Paramount+ tonight with Sky and finally start watching Discovery season 4 and Strange New Worlds.

Sounds like theres a few episodes missing here and there in some of the shows (I think both the TNG and Enterprise pilots were missing for some reason) but I'm sure it won't take long to sort.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched the last two episodes of Discovery season 4. The penultimate one was excellent, not the most original concept but executed pretty well and really compelling. The final episode was ok but back to the usual Discovery brand of melodrama, OTT action and forced lovey-dovey crew stuff.

Then watched the first two episodes of Strange New Worlds. Fantastic! Finally a bunch of likeable characters! They're all great. The first episode storyline wise was a bit meh and forgettable, but the second was really good. Nice to be back to episodic story-telling too. And the humour was well done too. 

But man those opening credits, apart from one shot, are fugly. Not helped by yet another forgettable theme tune and John Eaves making the Enterprise a bit of a Frankenstein's monster.

Still, excited to see where the show goes!

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