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Could you do Pooki a mahussive favour???


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Hello one and all,


Now this'll probably get deleted and oh well if it does but if n-europe has a heart (I'm looking at you Tellyn!), then at least hear me out!


It seems that my girlfriend has randomly decided overnight to enter into a contest in which the winner gets to become the next "eye model" for Soflens contact lenses.


Her family and I have been saying for ages that she should become an eye model of some description because she really does have lovely eyes! I was hoping that some of you (if not all of you!) could take a little bit of time to vote for her on the website.


It's a little annoying because you have to register but it's not too long a process. You can only vote once a day too but if people were to do so every so often then I'd be very grateful.


She's not desperate to win or being big-headed, she signed up thinking it was worth giving a go but this post exists more because I personally would love her to win (she doesn't know I have told you all this)


So here's the website http://www.winning-look.com/partecipans.aspx?n=Ro_z_ismyname check out those lushious eyes for yourself and if you vote I will love you all forever!


Sorry to fill up the boards with what could be perceived as spam...


Many thanks!

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Now this'll probably get deleted and oh well if it does but if n-europe has a heart (I'm looking at you Tellyn!), then at least hear me out!


How did you know sweet-talking works 100% of the time with me? :heh: I've signed up for an account, I'm currently waiting for an activation email and will vote for your girlfriend as soon as it comes through. Which seems to be taking a while...


EDIT: Never mind, I'm in. Voted. :)

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Cheers ReZzybunny! :)


People, keep voting, she's actually 14th out of everyone now! Sure you have to sign up and I'm being a pain in the arse but you'll making her happy and getting me a lot of lovin' in the process. You can vote more than once a day folks!


I know I'm spamming and it's annoying but eh, it's one of those things you do for love I suppose!

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