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Oh come on, Kimi has underperformed for the last 2 seasons.
More like Ferrari have let him down the last two seasons. The way he's performing in the Finland Rally with next to no experience shows his raw talent... McLaren were able to give him the cars to showcase it.

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More like Ferrari have let him down the last two seasons. The way he's performing in the Finland Rally with next to no experience shows his raw talent... McLaren were able to give him the cars to showcase it.


In the words of Rubens, blah blah blah blah.



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yeah yeah, 2005 showed not even your legendary Schumi could always win in a Ferrari. If the car's rubbish or doesn't suit the driver, there's only so much they can do.



On board with Kimi through part of Stage 11:





Kimi's just had an off and rolled the car a few times, on the last stage of the day, both him and the co. driver are ok.

Ironocally he was trying to avoid some spectators that were trying to warn him of another car that had just crashed out on that point.


Saturday's final stage was the longest of the event and brought about the retirement of two high-profile competitors.

First to go was Adapta Subaru team driver Mads Ostberg, who crashed his Impreza WRC off the road and into a ditch. Ostberg and his co-driver Jonas Andersson were uninjured. Ostberg was seventh before the crash.

Minutes later Ferrari F1 star Kimi Raikkonen crashed at exactly the same place, the Finn rolling his Abarth off the road, narrowly missing Ostberg's car. Raikkonen and co-driver Kaj Lindstrom were uninjured.

Edited by Retro_Link

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yeah yeah, 2005 showed not even your legendary Schumi could always win in a Ferrari. If the car's rubbish or doesn't suit the driver, there's only so much they can do.



On board with Kimi through part of Stage 11:





Kimi's just had an off and rolled the car a few times, on the last stage of the day, both him and the co. driver are ok.

Ironocally he was trying to avoid some spectators that were trying to warn him of another car that had just crashed out on that point.


Actually the car was the 3rd best on the grid yet he finished 3rd in the world Championship, an accomplishment in itself considering the one set of tyres a race rule pretty much fucked Bridgestone over. The 2005 car was just a beefed up 2004 car, it'd have been a beast if Bridgestone made a better tyre.


Just so you know Retro, I do love Kimi. The guys a beast ;) I remember him driving a Mclaren at Silverstone qualifying in 2003, absolutely on the limit. 2005 remains his best season for me.

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Oh no I know you like him, sorry, it's just I think he gets a bit of a hard time sometimes. He pushed Schumacher to the wire in his first year at McLaren. And I think he's had a bit of a hard (I won't quite say unfair) time at Ferrari.


Yeah I remember Ferrari didn't introduce their full spec 2005 car until halfway through the season (if I remeber right).

That was strange when we used to have that in F1... teams not always starting each season with a new car. Think McLaren did that in 2003.


Now that Kimi and Lewis are (hopefully) back in the hunt, hopefully Renault carry on there Hungary form as well (though Alonso was light as anything!)...

Because the prospect of Kimi v Alonso v Lewis v Schumi is one exciting one!!

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Oh no I know you like him, sorry, it's just I think he gets a bit of a hard time sometimes. He pushed Schumacher to the wire in his first year at McLaren. And I think he's had a bit of a hard (I won't quite say unfair) time at Ferrari.


Yeah I remember Ferrari didn't introduce their full spec 2005 car until halfway through the season (if I remeber right).

That was strange when we used to have that in F1... teams not always starting each season with a new car. Think McLaren did that in 2003.


Now that Kimi and Lewis are (hopefully) back in the hunt, hopefully Renault carry on there Hungary form as well (though Alonso was light as anything!)...

Because the prospect of Kimi v Alonso v Lewis v Schumi is one exciting one!!


True but he only won 1 race to Schumachers 6. That was a true example of the points system being gay, but yeah he's incredibly talented, up there with Lewis and Fernando.

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True but he only won 1 race to Schumachers 6. That was a true example of the points system being gay,
T'is true... actually there's a chance we could see something similar this year with Webber!



Kimi's crash:

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I'm surprised Ferrari let him go ahead with the rallying thing after Massa's accident.

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Massa's first interview since the crash (video):




Tell you what, it could be one scary moment for Massa if any kind of memory of the accident was suddenly triggered back to him whilst driving!... I'm a bit fearful of that!


Also, anyone think it's a bit much he's in his Ferrari gear?... I mean I know he has commitments to the team and all, but cut him some slack!... let him be as comfortable as possible!


BTW, when the the last time we had a team made up of two world champions? as will be the case with Ferrari come Valencia.

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Seems like he won't get to experience the success his father did after all, shame when a son of a great driver doesn't live up to his potential, did Piquet senior ever win a championship?

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Seems like he won't get to experience the success his father did after all, shame when a son of a great driver doesn't live up to his potential, did Piquet senior ever win a championship?


He won it three times, in 81, 83 and 87.

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Think Sauber (helped by FOTA, like they did with Brawn) are gonna try and stay in the sport somehow, though under a new name.

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Some legendary F1 Radio Transmissions (you'll notice that Montoya features heavily!!)


Montoya's Deer Joke:




Kimi Brake Tests Montoya:




Webber Throws Up Whilst Driving:




Jarno's Mario Impression:




Montoya Gets a Drive Through:




Montoya's First Pole:


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"Oh deer!"


I didn't like Montoya because he was a cocky little shit, but it's hard not to miss a personality like that >_>

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I liked Montoya because of his character and the fact he didn't kowtow to Schumacher like everyone else :p

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Right folks, I am hereby declaring the official start of Silly Season in this thread. So who wants to start hazarding some guesses at the grid next year? It's going to be a busy one with driver trading in, out and all over the shop especially with teams jumping in and out like so many jack rabbits. I can only name about 6 or 7 certainties, everything else is up in the air as far as I can see.


Here's my own best guesstimate. A billion internet cookies if you can guess even one member of any of the new teams:

Ferrari – Alonso – Massa


Mclaren – Lewis – Rosberg


Renault – Heikki – Grosjean


Toyota – Glock – Kubica


Williams – Nakajima – Hulkenberg


[sauber] – Heidfeld - Petrov


Force India – Sutil – Chandock


Brawn – Button – Bruno


Red Bull – Webber - Vettel


Torro Rosso – Buemi – Alguersurai


USF1 – Rossi - Wurz


Campos – Soucek - Pantano


Manor – Trulli – Di Grassi



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I'll get into this more later, but just wanted to say...


I think Trulli recently signed a Toyota extension,

NO WAY will Hulkenberg be Williams' best option!

And I think there's a chance of Sebastien Loeb being in a Torro Rosso next year... he's gonna drive Abu Dhabi for them this year I think as a test.

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I think Hulkenberg will be a great fit for Williams, he's storming the GP2 championship right now and I don't Williams are going to want an established name they'll have to support.

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Oh maybe, I havn't seen any of GP2 this year... all I know of him is that in every test he's done for them he's crashed the car. He even crashed their only '09 car on it's debut!


I don't understand why Sato and Davidson don't get more of a look in.

For example why on earth is DC Torro Rosso's test driver when he's not even driving anymore!

Davidson should get a drive with a new team or with Williams.

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