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The Wrasslin' thread


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Well I was watching a stream too, and the quality was just horrible. I mean it's Wrestlemania, it's meant to be watched in HD, not crap-o-vision. Think I'll go sleep and buy it tomorrow...


Here's where I watched the last two WM's:



The HD Links will be uploaded later today but you can still watch the Standard Definition ones. The quality is average, text is readable overall sound & visual quality is OK.

I normally watch it as early as I can so I can avoid spoilers, then I visit my uncle and watch the Sky Box Office version with him.


When Punk hit Taker with the urn while he was about to get the Last Ride reminded me of Taker vs Triple H at WM17. Crowd was really involved with that match, but that's been the case in recent Taker Mania matches.



So far I also enjoyed the Undertaker vs CM Punk then after that it would probably be the 3 man tag match between Sheamus, Orton & Show and the Shield.


At least the WHC match didn't start the off the event.



Thought the Rock vs Cena was an okay match too.

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Well, just finished watching Mania. My predictions are below to remind what i chose.


Jimbob’s Wrestlemania Predictions (or as i call it, a 4 hour RAW)


Firstly, the card for this years “Show of the Immortals” is crap. It’s weak, and is only being propped up by 1 or two matches which I believe are the highlight of Mania and the other matches have been added just for beefing the card. I’m confused as to why Cesaro is not on the card at all, the US title has lost all meaning and may as well be retired as far as I care. And Sky want £3 more for this event


Anyway, the card and predictions.


Wade Barrett Vs The Miz - Intercontinental Championship Pre-show Match


Firstly, why is this even a pre-show match? Whose wise idea was this to make the IC Title a pre-show match? It’s got prestige and honour; many greats have worn the strap including Bret Hart, Stone Cold, Ultimate Warrior, Razor Ramon and HBK. Anyway, enough of my complaining (as there is plenty of it). Looking at both competitors, Barrett is hot and so is Miz. Both have had recent movie appearances, so this could go either way. Miz hasn’t held a title in a while so it would make sense for him to win, but I can’t see it


Winner: Wade Barrett


Tons of Funk vs Rhodes Scholars


Pointless match, pitting 2 good, talented superstars against Brodus Clay and Tensai (please drop this gimmick and go back to Albert). Rhodes Scholars, thought they split for good. But I see it’s not the case. It’s a pointless match, should have been the IC title match. And WWE needs to call it’s momma.


Winner: Rhodes Scholars


Chris Jericho Vs Fandango


Fandango, why debut at Mania? He’s had NO TV TIME at all, this is just a filler and something for Jericho to do (hence why he was a bit miffed when he was told to begin with). Fandango was going to debut several times, but no-one got his name right. Jericho takes the mick, he attacks and gets him in a match. Looking at the build, it’s not been good. It’s a waste of a match, again could have been something else.


Winner: Chris Jericho


Team Hell No Vs Ziggler & Big E - WWE Tag Team Championship


Rhodes Scholers or Prime-Time players should have been the challengers for the Tag Titles, I see no reason for Ziggler and Big-E to even challenge. And like Fandango, Big-E has had NO TV match on RAW as far as I see, so I can’t judge that. Ziggler is the MITB holder and hasn’t cashed in?. Why????. Ziggler should have cashed and joined the WHC match, made it more interesting. And this should have been a Triple Threat (but it’s not). Hell No, even though dysfunctional have more hope of winning. AJ will get involved, and probably ejected/cost a team the match.


Winners: Team Hell No


Ryback Vs Mark Henry


Feed Me More: It’s had little build, it’s another filler for the card. I feel sorry for Ryback, he was challenging the WWE title back a few months ago. Henry is injury-prone. I want to know how Ryback plans to Shellshock Henry, and because of this and this alone I pick


Winner: Mark Henry


Sheamus, Orton, Big Show vs The Shield


What I want is Orton to turn heel and revealed as the leader of the Shield. What we’ll get is not this. Shield are a group of future champions, and are very talented. I’ve been impressed with them over the past few months and I see bright futures for them all. A good build up (for a change) to the match, and one I look forward to watching.


Winners: The Shield


Alberto Del Rio Vs Jack Swagger – World Heavyweight Championship


Again, another good build to the match. Swagger got lucky with his DUI, a suspension should have been in place and this match not happening. But it’s another type of “Eddie vs JBL” matches from Judgement Day 2004. Swagger going on about his “America” and Del Rio being the Mexican from across the border as champ. It’s had some good build, and Colter has certainly added depth to the rivalry. It’s going to be close that’s for sure. And I hope it’s not the opener, because I want something to happen if it isn’t.


Winner: Del Rio (**Ziggler cashes in and beats Del Rio afterwards**)


**If it happens, thank you. Del Rio is beaten bad, Ziggler finally cashes in with no-one stopping him.


Triple H w/t HBK vs Brock Lesnar – Career match


Build is good, but it’s obvious who’s going to win. It’s a typical “revenge match”, Lesnar broke both HBK and Triple H’s arms. Both want revenge, hence why HBK is in the corner of Triple H. It’s had a good build; don’t get me wrong at all. But it’s close to clear who’s going to win, and we won’t get a 3rd chance at this.


Winner: Triple H


The Undertaker vs CM Punk – Streak Match


THE match that I want to see, it’s had fantastic build. And it’s had a good story based around the late Paul Bearer. Ok, it was pushing a little far yesterday. And that was coming from the family, who approved the story. It’s going to be close, I could have given a clear winner a few weeks ago. But I can’t really, not now. Too close to call, and it will be a fantastic match to watch that is for sure. But Taker has said he only wants one person to end it.


Winner: CM Punk


The Rock Vs John Cena – WWE Championship Match


I’m not going to complain, much. This match has the words “Obvious Winner” printed on it. It was clear who was going to win at the Rumble when Rock beat Punk for the title and “Super Cena” won the Rumble itself. Even when Punk vs Cena happened a few weeks ago on RAW, it was close but Cena won after taking all that attacking and he hit one “AA” out of nowhere and won. Last year was the match that will be most remembered, it was unpredictable, it was epic and it had magic to it. This year, it’s lacking. WWE themselves are prepping for the whole arena to boo Cena in and out of the arena, because we as the fans are sick of him being spoonfed everything. Kurt Angle said it himself a few years back, Cena has entertaining talent not Wrestling skills.


I really want Rock to win as he’s sticking around to Extreme Rules, and it would shock the arena for a change. We all predict Cena to win, and Rock wins instead. No-one would see it coming that is for sure, and it would be a Mania moment for sure.


But I don’t see that happening myself, which is a shame.


Winner: John Cena (and gets booed out of the arena/chairs/litter thrown at him/in the ring as the old days occurred)



Overall, it wasn't the greatest Mania. Heck, apart from 3 matches (Taker-Punk, Trips-Lesnar + Cena-Rock (even this one is dodgy), the rest was mediocre to say the least.


Wade Barrett Vs The Miz - Intercontinental Championship Pre-show Match


Match was decent, but should have been on the card.


Winner: The Miz


Tons of Funk vs Rhodes Scholars (Cut due to Time Constraints)


Cut due to time constraints, c'maan this is Wrestlemania. We got a pointless Diddy concert over this, stupid.


Chris Jericho Vs Fandango


A good match indeed, surprising result. I still don't agree with Fandango debuting match being at Mania. But still, it was good to watch.


Winner: Fandango


Team Hell No Vs Ziggler & Big E - WWE Tag Team Championship


I predicted right, it was good. I thought it was going to end in the same way Bryans match ended at Mania 28 within the first 20 seconds, but one could hope.


Winners: Team Hell No


Ryback Vs Mark Henry


Shellshock to Henry, something i didn't think would happen. It was one of them "meh" matches to be honest.


Winner: Mark Henry


Sheamus, Orton, Big Show vs The Shield


Another correct pick for me on this one, a great opener to Mania that is for sure. Loved Lawler saying if Shield come through the crowd, could take them a while. Thought Orton + co were going to take the win after the RKO, but alas not.


Winners: The Shield


Alberto Del Rio Vs Jack Swagger – World Heavyweight Championship


A good match, but WWE cutting Swagger's entrance is a no no. Everyone else got a televised entrance, he didn't. I honestly thought Ziggler would cash in, be the first to at Mania. Again a good match i thought.

Winner: Del Rio


Triple H w/t HBK vs Brock Lesnar – Career match


It was an obvious winner, but they sure made it look like it wasn't going to be. Lesnar dominated the match, heck even took care of HBK. Not quite a Mania classic, but it's worthy of being there.


Winner: Triple H


The Undertaker vs CM Punk – Streak Match


Again, i got this wrong. And to begin with, the match was a little slow and boring. But it got interesting to say the least, especially the ending with Punk and Taker reversing each others finishers. I was expecting a little bit more to it, but what can you say really.


Winner: CM Punk


The Rock Vs John Cena – WWE Championship Match


Clear as day who was the winner from the word go, and what also surprised me was the crowd at the end. I was expecting them to riot or something, but alas no. But now we are stuck with "Super Cena" once more, which is a shame.


Winner: John Cena



Out of all the matches, i predicted 6 out of 9 correctly. Not too bad.


You'll notice i've put 9 and not 10, the reason is one match was cut due to time-restraints. No guessing as to what one.

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You'll notice i've put 9 and not 10, the reason is one match was cut due to time-restraints. No guessing as to what one.


Is that what happened... I was wondering if it was randomly pulled to the pre-show or something.


Will give full thoughts later. A few good matches but overall the description Jimbob gave of it being a 4hour RAW is pretty accurate.


Aside from the Taker/Punk and HHH/Lesner matches... and at a little bit of the Rock/Cena it was lacking in that overall "Mania spark" :(


Was expecting some....



No surprising heel or face turns, thought we might see at least one of the final 3 matches have a surprise bit of interference but nothing.


Also no cashing of the Money in the Bank by Ziggler...WTF.... the one thing they've not done with that thing is have it cashed at Mania and I would love to see it happen. Thought this might be the year considering the big event that Mania is meant to be you'd think Ziggler would be itching to use and take a step into that big spotlight.


Thought Swagger would win the match with Ziggler then cashing in the MitB but alas it was not :(


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Rumors flying around at the moment concerning Dwayne "Rock" Johnson. Apparently, he's left RAW and won't be on the show tonight. Which has sent Creative into a spin. Could be a variety of reasons as to why he's not on RAW tonight, so keep them eyes peeled.

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Well i'm pretty mixed on the results..


Miz winning... I Approve. Wonder if there is anything lined up now for Barrett or if he'll be a jobber for a while.


shield match was awesome, it was a great way to start the actual ppv. the final moments were brilliant. The RKO to Seth as he's jumping off the top rope was awesome.


Mark Henry / Ryback started slowly, I had visions of a Lesnar/Goldberg match from maniaXX. It wasnt a highlight for me, didnt feel important. Nice to see Ryback lift Henry


Team Hell no I did not expect to win that, was a pretty great match, Dolph Ziggler can REALLY sell moves. The way he goes down after taking a hit actually look semi real. Kinda mixed on this match, would like to see Bryan in more singes action. and would also like to see the Ziggler stable with some titles, I felt sure that last night Ziggler was going to walk out of mania with the Tag title and the successful cash in of his MiTB win over Del Rio as the new WHC.


Fandango v Jericho... meh, not bothered.


Taker v Punk was actually amazing, really am shocked that the streak is still in tact, thought that this was it. Punk was incredible, looked like he actually got hurt though when the jumping on the spanish table didn't go to plan, I assume it was meant to break.


Punk probably with some time off now I guess?



HHH vs Lesnar, was good, but i didnt care for it, wasn't really anticipated for me.


Del Rio vs Swagger, didn't expect Del Rio to beat Swagger in the first place, and didn't expect either one to walk out as champion as I thought Ziggler was sure to cash in. Good for Del Rio though, glad he's still champ, I didn't and don't buy into this Swagger we the people shit. hoping this gimmick is dropped.


rock Vs Cena, OMG so boring, I was actually at this point urging the ppv to end soon as I couldn't be bothered to stay awake any more. But had to, to see if there were to be any shocks such as Rock winning or Cena turning heel. Neither happened, the standard face Cena won and it sucked. As soon as Rock and Cena won their respective matches at Royal Rumble, you already knew the Mania result.




Suck that Cessaro was no where, I liked that at the press conference the day before Punk was wearing a Cessaro shirt, and then yesterday in pics posted on AJ's twitter, there's Big E wearing a Cessaro shirt too, Perhaps the feeling in the locker room was all the same that Cessaro deserved to be there.


rock looked so uncomfortable doing all that promo, gracious loser, Cena being a gracious winner type thing.


Not surprised if he is pissed off and doesn't show up to Raw. would be nice to change the script in the WWE a little bit now and again.





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Pretty interesting that the Rock just decided to skip raw just like that. Wonder what the reason is? Anyway, apparently there's some other angle coming along tonight that was planned for WM, let's see what it is...


Great set, but the pacing felt sort of rushed. They nixed one match, didn't have a battle royal for the midcard, and even left out the America Beautiful song in the beginning. Could've just dropped some of the video packages that were coming out like the millionth time...


Anyway, to the matches.


- Shield winning was cool, good match.

- Ryback lifting up Henry, goddamnit that guy is a beast!

- Team Hell No won, well ok. Daniel Bryan making the whole crowd shout "YES!" afterwards says something about his success...

- Fandango won, good to see him get a push. Although it kind of makes you wary of Jericho's matches in the future, i.e. is he there only to propel new guys forward?

- Punk vs Taker, good friggin' lord. Punk with Living Colour was awesome, and Undertaker's entrance was even cooler than that. Total goosebump city...Not surprised Taker won, but it was still a good match. Seems Punk really did hit his knee when landing on the table, his face looked quite pained indeed...

-HHH vs. Lesnar: well, it was alright. The predetermined outcome did flatten this somewhat...

-Del Rio vs. Swagger: zzzzz, didn't manage to make me care.



Just like @Murr said...good god was that boring. The crowd was pretty much dead from the start, and there was nothing captivating about the actual wrestling. It felt like I wasn't watching a main event, but just some filler match...And the ending, that was just brutal. Well woohoo, Cena won, again, let's hug it out.


Seriously, I wonder how long they can keep this crap up. Unlike all the other talents, John Cena seems to have a free pass on his character, i.e. he doesn't have to change. Just think about the Rock, Austin, even CM Punk, how many times they've gone from face to heel and back. Cena? Nope, 9 years of the same garbage. Yes, I do understand he wants to do all his make-a-wish things and the management loves all the merch he's selling, but still. The gimmick is stale as hell now, yet nope, let's not change it, but just cram it down people's throats. Seriously, it's getting ridiculous...especially since the guy just keeps on winning the titles time and again. His presence and win at Mania brought absolutely nothing to the show, quite the contrary, sucked the life out of it. We've heard the same old rehashed promos a million times now, and it seems we're going to have to endure them a whole lot more...


My only hope now is that Ziggler cashes in tonight. Otherwise it's just another year of "I never give up" and "here's a different-colour t-shirt for you people to buy"...


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Oh Holy shit, how much can change in a night...


So Rock is apparently legit injured, but does have a rematch clause, so wonder if that'll be used at another PPV like SummerSlam or something? I guess they'll play it out he needs time to recover.


Barrett reclaimed his IC title..... 24 hours reign for the Miz, wonder if the WWE Creative just flat out changed their plans to use Barrett / Miz so either Miz lost for some kind of push elsewhere, or The original plan to have Barrett lose the IC at mania and push on changed?


Ziggler is Heavy Weight Champion, it's what should of happened at Mania, but still... at least he may bring a bit more life to th WHC.


If the shield are about to feud with Undertaker, Kane & Daniel Bryan... then holy shit count me in.


And it looks like Ryback is getting the push now to become number 1 contender.



As I only read the updates on WWE.Com and didn't watch, I don't know if Cessaro or CM Punk featured, I can understand if Punk didn't as apparently he's on a break now to recover. However Cessaro must be wondering what he has to do.







Just reading, apparently the crowd was incredible, during the Sheamus / Orton match they were chanting ECW, JBL, Mike Kioda, Randy Savage, Michael Cole. And did a mexican wave.





Apparently the crowd was just amazing. They were chanting Fandango's theme the whole way through his match and after, were doing it during the Cena Match.


They boo'd the shit out of Cena but they muted the crowd so to speak, When Ryback 'turned heel' they apparently went mental.


I need to watch this raw, the noise for Ziggler cashing in has been described as incredible.


Also the crowd were chanting fandango's theme when leaving the arena, in the car park, and were using their car horns to make his theme too..







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Yeah I'm just reading up on what happened on RAW last night.



Why the hell didn't they do these twists during Mania? They could have easliy cut 5 mins off the end of a few matches to make space for these things.

It would have livened up Mania a ton!



Ziggler cashing in MitB.... cannot figure out why the hell they would do this the day after Mania and not during Mania????

It was meant to be "The Grandest Stage of All", nothing against Del Rio, I actually like him but Ziggler has had that thing for AGES and to keep it during Mania it just seemed like it was meant to be used there. That would have made one hell of a "Wrestlemania Moment" that they keep harking on about.


Such a missed oppurtunity. Even if they did just that it would have improved Mania's atmosphere alot and would have made the crowd a bit more electric.


And now Ryback going heel! Again should have happened at Mania.... I get that they wanted Cena and Rock to have the shake hands/hugs/show respect moment to close the show but they could have still done that and then had Ryback attack just as Cena was walking out. Maybe they didn't want to end Mania with the new Champ getting his ass kicked... but suely they would have know the crowd would have LOVED IT. Imagine the social network explosion across the net if Mania ended like that...it would have been AWESOME.



GODS DAMNIT WWE... is Mania now a 2 day event? Mania on the Sunday being part 1 and Monday Raw being Part 2?


Also very surprised Undertaker seems to be sticking around for a bit now.


Thought he'd vanish again after Mania as he has done in recent years. Hope he sticks round for a while (maybe gets a title again :D)

Makes me want to get my Sky Sports back :)







Was reading some comments on WWE.com and saw a few people talking bout how Cena was the only guy to use the MitB to give proper notice and use it for a proper match.... and therefor lost the match cause he didn't try to "steel" the title with the contract.


Does nobody remember when RVD had the money in the bank in 2006 and gave Cena a few weeks notice that he would cash it in for a title match at ECW One Night Stand.... and won

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Yeah I'm just reading up on what happened on RAW last night.



Why the hell didn't they do these twists during Mania? They could have easliy cut 5 mins off the end of a few matches to make space for these things.

It would have livened up Mania a ton!



Ziggler cashing in MitB.... cannot figure out why the hell they would do this the day after Mania and not during Mania????

It was meant to be "The Grandest Stage of All", nothing against Del Rio, I actually like him but Ziggler has had that thing for AGES and to keep it during Mania it just seemed like it was meant to be used there. That would have made one hell of a "Wrestlemania Moment" that they keep harking on about.


Such a missed oppurtunity. Even if they did just that it would have improved Mania's atmosphere alot and would have made the crowd a bit more electric.


And now Ryback going heel! Again should have happened at Mania.... I get that they wanted Cena and Rock to have the shake hands/hugs/show respect moment to close the show but they could have still done that and then had Ryback attack just as Cena was walking out. Maybe they didn't want to end Mania with the new Champ getting his ass kicked... but suely they would have know the crowd would have LOVED IT. Imagine the social network explosion across the net if Mania ended like that...it would have been AWESOME.



GODS DAMNIT WWE... is Mania now a 2 day event? Mania on the Sunday being part 1 and Monday Raw being Part 2?


Also very surprised Undertaker seems to be sticking around for a bit now.


Thought he'd vanish again after Mania as he has done in recent years. Hope he sticks round for a while (maybe gets a title again :D)

Makes me want to get my Sky Sports back :)







Was reading some comments on WWE.com and saw a few people talking bout how Cena was the only guy to use the MitB to give proper notice and use it for a proper match.... and therefor lost the match cause he didn't try to "steel" the title with the contract.


Does nobody remember when RVD had the money in the bank in 2006 and gave Cena a few weeks notice that he would cash it in for a title match at ECW One Night Stand.... and won



I Just get the impression the scheduling of Wrestlemania really fucked them up. I just get the feeling that Ziggler was originally intended to cash in at mania, but due to the time frames and matches over-running they cut this part out. Much like cutting the whole 8 man tag.


I cannot fathom why they scripted Miz to be the IC champion, to only lose it 24 hours later. Not that the crowd seemed to mind, apparently he got a terrible reception at Raw and the crowd fully supported Barrett when he won.






OMFG... I hope this goes somewhere... I really do. Shield vs Team Hell No & Taker at the next PPV.



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The crowd was friggin' off the chain, they were chanting everything they could think of from Sexual Chocolate to JBL to Michael Cole to Fandango's theme song to ECW to "we are awesome"! Simply outstanding. Plus with all the other stuff that went on, it was a great Raw, definitely worth watching. WM29 was ok, this was awesome.


And the Rock, yeah as Murr said, tore his abdomen & adductor muscles off the bone at WM. Apparently, he still wrestled for 15 minutes after the injury, ouch...


Anyway, here's the

Cena comes out, blah blah. I wonder what's with the new t-shirt, it looks like it was made in Microsoft Paint. Cena trolls the crowd with a "heel turn", i.e. twisting his heel. Ok, well that was actually funny.


Mark Henry for #1 contender? I approve.


Barrett wins back the title? Wow, I wonder what the point of that was...


Ziggler cashes in and beats Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship. Finally!


Undertaker comes out and starts doing his promo...only to be immediately interrupted by the Shield. Ok, now that was perfect timing and just plain badass.


Orton-Sheamus-Big Show -triangle, well...kind of waiting for Randy Orton to go berserk and start kicking some serious ass.


Fandango vs. Kofi, Jericho interrupts and beats Fandango down. After being announced the winner by dq, Fandango while still lying on the mat, just has to correct his name. Great stuff.


John Cena makes Henry lose by countout, then Ryback turns out. Yeah yeah, we're pals and all that...crowd is waiting...and then he decks Cena with a clothesline and everyone erupts! I think people were just happy to see Cena get his face smashed in, brilliant. I don't know if Ryback was supposed to turn into a heel now, but the crowd was just happy and chanted "feed me more" with full vigour. Maybe, just maybe we can now make Cena a heel without actually changing him...



Very good, and one of the best crowds I've ever seen / heard.


Edit: More Fandango theme singing, hope this catches on like the YES!-chants:


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Very good, and one of the best crowds I've ever seen / heard.


Edit: More Fandango theme singing, hope this catches on like the YES!-chants:


Too be honest I hope not, I liked the crowd's energy and all that but I think it was largely misplaced. Don't get me wrong, they paid their money and can chant whatever, but I think it will hurt the show if future fans ignore the wrestlers in the ring and just chant random stuff at random times.


I thought the marquee Mania matches were fine, nothing too outstanding but nothing bad either. Taker vs Punk was the best but Tripple H/Brock and Rock /Cena were good too. Loved the spot were Cena pretended to make the same mistake as last year, and when Rock caught him anyway I genuinely thought Rock had him beat twice in a row.


On a side note I have to say I've found the backlash against Rock quite amusing. I don't know where this "Rock has taken his ball and gone home" headline came from that I've seen on a couple of other forums, turns out Rock is injured, so it seems like the anti-Rock guys jumped the gun a bit there. Even so, Rock comes back, people moan, Rock leaves, people moan, make up you're minds.


Likewise I found it amusing that people were so offended by the WWE promoting the first Rock vs Cena match as "once in a life time". It's funny that these apparently "smart" fans still haven't realised that wrestling companies lie, and make make things out to be a bigger deal than they really are, they're called wrestling promotions for a reason.


Raw was very good, well done Dolph. It's a shame though that there are two main titles because even as World Champion Dolph is unlikely to be positioned as top of the pile. Dolph cashing in on the World title feels like cashing in on the IC title back in the day, instead of the WWE World championship, but hopefully he'll make the best of it.


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Shocking Wrestlemania! Only decent match was Punk v Taker, and that was only towards the end. Seemed the crowd weren't into the majority of the matches, very quiet for 80,000+ fans.


From what I've read about Raw, I can't wait to watch it, but it seems like most of it should have happened at Mania, would have made it more exciting.

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Just watched some highlights from RAW, apart from the crowd reaction which is typical of a post-Mania RAW. It was a normal RAW, few moments which should have been on the Mania card. Seriously, US residents this is how a crowd should be.

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@pratty @Jimbob Yeah, the energy was a bit misdirected, but I say it's still better than a dead crowd. No doubt was it a result of the international WM crowd being there.


Also, about the Fandango theme song...I do hope it catches on. It's about time we had an interactive entrance tune like Kurt Angle and "you suck".


Btw, seems WM was full of injuries. Lesnar got knocked out 5 minutes into the match, HHH got 2nd-degree burns from dry ice during his entrance, Punk banging his knee, Rock ripping his muscles off the bone. Apparently, Cena had a broken thumb and food poisoning too.


Edit: Just had to include this : D


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Loved the sing-a-long at the end of RAW and on the way out of the arena, good times indeed for the fans. Hopefully the Fandango theme catches on and becomes the new "Yes", "What" and/or "You Suck".


I did notice at Mania that the "Yes" chant returned in full force.

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I made the mistake of reading the Neogaf WWE thread, and saw spoilers for Smackdown...


US Title changes from Cessaro to Kofi Kingston.


Vince must HATE Cessaro, or he's now released to do better things in WWE.




Daniel Bryan choke slams someone, can't make out who it is in the gif I saw though.



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