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Yeah, dwarf you hater. Bizarre reaction fom everyone since you were so looking forward to this and obviously want it to be good.

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  dwarf gourami said:
Am I not allowed to state why I don't like it or something? I'm saying it's good and bad, heck I made the thread and was really excited about the game but it's not the brilliant game I expected of it. It's only 'good' so far, just got the shield thing.


All I want to do is discuss stuff guys, why breathe down my neck when I like other people who disagree to talk about it as well as saying why they think I'm right on certain things? Jeez.


Not for this playstation exclusive. Just sit back and enjoy the ride :awesome:


I think a lot of the frustration comes down to the fact that I think it would translate far better if it wasn't a sandbox game.


Having all the side-missions, shards as well as uplinks to find is irritating for me because as far as I'm concerned they stop me from playing the better campaign levels. Levelling up should be quicker really because I'm on the last island and there's still all the last upgrades and stuff to get that I can't attain because I haven't done enough of the side missions. It's not like I haven't done my fair share either because I've done the whole of the first island and half of the second.


Obviously if they made the game less sandbox and more linear, they'd have to add a few options and open areas where you can zip along because it is quite entertaining and allows you to make choices about where to attack from etc. But the game's strong point are the set pieces and path following bits, I think they should've stuck with more of this and less of the roaming and searching etc. If they swapped it round like that I'd be having a far more fun experience.


Also, I really appreciate the hard work that Sucker Punch put into the detail and general feel of certain areas of the city. The first island had 1 focal point and fairly stnadard structures around it, the second had lots of different areas to jump around and was a bit more interesting.


Not sure yet if I'm going to play through as evil Cole, I take it you have to earn all the XP again to make powers better which is time consuming and cumbersome because of the damned side missions. It's not like they're bad or anything (apart from the security camera destroying things) but they can't compare to the variety and special events of the main game.


I'm definetly not going to buy Prototype however, it, to me, looks shockingly dull. I know graphics aren't a major part of a game but I think that if you're making a sandbox game they need to be pretty good to hold your attention, and if I have to scavenge around the same boring colours and perfectly rectangular buildings I think I might die. Plus shooting for me is still fun, I think if there's a large focus on different melee attacks it gets boring, unless there is a (2D) fighting game.


I've missed out quite a lot there as well, it's probably something I will review. If you could be bothered to read it, that is. Depends if you found the above riveting.


I died around 15-20 times but I wouldn't say it's difficult.


I think overall I'd rate the game an 8/10. Main gripe being it didn't quite take off. There weren't BIG moments but instead there were quite a few 'go here, blow it up, then do it 3 more times' missions.


Not sure if I want to play again as evil. Cba with more side missions so I'll probably put it on eBay.


I can already judge that it won't be. Yeah I could wreak havoc and not worry about blowing everything up but I cba to do the same things all over again. Time consuming and really can't be bothered with trophies. It's a one play-through thing for me, I thought I'd want to do it twice but it's currently on eBay.


Maybe I'll do evil the first time I play the sequel, if I get it.


Lol You're not selling the game to me! I did want it, but I don't really know why. I feel like I would get annoyed at it. How are things like checkpoints? The one thing I truely hate in games and the number one reason I play several on easy is repeating large sections of games.

  That Guy said:
Lol You're not selling the game to me! I did want it, but I don't really know why. I feel like I would get annoyed at it. How are things like checkpoints? The one thing I truely hate in games and the number one reason I play several on easy is repeating large sections of games.


Ignore dwarf. He has...different tastes. The checkpoints are very good for the most part (one mission was a little glitched and would not load properly when you died) with you having to repeat little. Even the boss battles, which are lengthy, have handily placed check points. On hard the game is hard. Normal, the game is moderately difficult. But the powers and good game design really do make it fun. You really should give it a try.

  dwarf gourami said:
I can already judge that it won't be.



then youd be wrong. the same basic mechanics exist, and yes, alot of the side missions are the same reguardless of karma, but playig as a villan feels very different, everything is more greedy, attacks work in more destructive, less precise ways. theres not even any need to force your self to level up uless your going for the torphies.

  Deathjam said:
Ignore dwarf. He has...different tastes. The checkpoints are very good for the most part (one mission was a little glitched and would not load properly when you died) with you having to repeat little. Even the boss battles, which are lengthy, have handily placed check points. On hard the game is hard. Normal, the game is moderately difficult. But the powers and good game design really do make it fun. You really should give it a try.


Sounds good. I think I will get it since I only have Prince of Persia left to finish on PS3.


The checkpoints work well and even if you have a large resistance to dying and retrying this game will be OK for you.

  Chris the great said:
then youd be wrong. the same basic mechanics exist, and yes, alot of the side missions are the same reguardless of karma, but playig as a villan feels very different, everything is more greedy, attacks work in more destructive, less precise ways. theres not even any need to force your self to level up uless your going for the torphies.

I'm sorry but I know that for me I've done the right thing. Seriously, I know. It's a good game but you've played through Fallout for AGES and it shows me that you don't mind hanging in for the same albeit slightly changing experience.

For me I'd rather invest in something more entertaining.


I gave it 8/10 what do you guys want? I'm sorry I half agree with you all, and maybe part of the problem is that I had such high expectations, but it's just not really a masterpiece in any way. It has lots of niggles that are barely ignorable.


Sounds like I'll be ok with it then. I don't mind retrying stuff, I mean I love hard games like N+ or Super Monkey Ball, but when I have to redo large amounts due to one moment of stupidity there is nothing that makes me want to stop playing a game more.

  That Guy said:
Sounds like I'll be ok with it then. I don't mind retrying stuff, I mean I love hard games like N+ or Super Monkey Ball, but when I have to redo large amounts due to one moment of stupidity there is nothing that makes me want to stop playing a game more.

I'd still recommend the game to you, it's good. It isn't special though, like Super Monkey Ball. Now that's a game right there! Brilliant taxing single player and hilarious multiplayer. Art was quirky and in general the game was bonkers.

Loved it.


N+ also a good game, only played the PC one though.

  • 2 months later...

I just finished this last night/early this morning and though the game was fantastic! Its a game I have been wanting to play since it got released in May and im happy to report I think it was well worth the wait.


The way Cole moves around the city is so smooth and easy to control. The game really could have been cocked up in this regards but Sucker Punch kept things simple which made for an enjoyable experience. Much like Crackdown there was many a time I just ran around the city jumping from building to building purely because it was so much fun to do. :D You can tell that Sucker Punch did this as when Cole runs/balances across a beam the animation is very similar to that of Sly Racoon.


I thought the comic book style used to tell the story was a genius touch to the game. Also I enjoyed getting the dead drops which gave a little back story into Johns character and what he had been up to all this time. The ending was a total mind job though, never seen it coming at all and a silent nod of approval was given when watching it.


Surprisingly I enjoyed getting all of the blast shards aswell. The orbs on Crackdown were a nightmare to find but being able to sense the shards in the area you were in was a big help and as I said earlier the fact that climbing around the buildings was such a joy it wasn't a chore at all.


I played the game doing all the evil stuff so my next run through will be on hard and on the good side. What a game!


Just to point out, it's easier doing harder difficulty when playing as evil, but it's too late for that now.


Personally I didn't feel that it was worth playing through a second time doing the same side missions and getting the same blast shards etc. Unless I was playing for trophies, which, telling by your PSN comment you are, then I wouldn't want to go through it all again.


Glad you enjoyed it though (Y)


Ok so I've been contemplating getting this. Haven't had anything to play on my PS3 in a really long time so can someone sum it up in a nut shell. I've seen the GT video review but want to know how people view it. Kinda looks like a more action packed GTA style game but with electrical super powers instead of guns. But I'm hoping someone here who has played it can sum it up more eloquently than that.

Posted (edited)

I've just about got to the end now. I'm absolutely loving it. The side missions are a bit repetitive, but other than that, its great. I was playing as good, and I think I'll play it again as evil to get the trophies, ect.




I just beat the game last night. The ending was epic, I can't wait for the next game, assuming they make one. Although, I did sort of see that major twist coming.


I started a new game, but now I don't have the option of creating a new save file, so I had to over right a really old one I had. Is there a way around this?


Also, to get the trophy for beating the game on hard, do you just have to switch it to hard as soon as possible, or is there some way of doing it before entering the game?

Edited by Emasher
  • 3 months later...



I just completed this game last night and I really enjoyed it :) My only real gripe with it was the story, about halfway through it just became completely convoluted and seemed to lose anything it had going for it. The power ups are fairly creative, the missions are nearly all fun and interesting, getting around the city is incredibly fun and easy. It just does so much right. The karma system is quite nice, but you are very rarely inclined to choose anything other than what you are already doing - you're either entirely nice or entirely evil. I really like the addition of the 'dead drops' that you can find, it adds to the atmosphere nicely - even if it does copy Bioshock a bit.


On a side note, I felt a bit silly because I had changed the difficulty to hard without realizing and had to do the final boss on that difficulty as a result. Oh well.


I chose to do the game as a Hero first, mainly to spite the title/marketing of the game. Good thing I did that one on medium, have started playing through on hard but evil and it doesn't seem to have changed much in difficulty really.



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I'm more thinking in terms of gameplay though. There aren't as many points in:


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