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Playin this at work the past few days. Its really come into its own. At first its a bit tame as there's just this world and not much to do in it, but the more it opens up, the more side missions that open, the more powers you upgrade etc etc, it really becomes very, very fun. You kind of wonder how you got by without some powers before, like grinding power cables for instance. Its awesome.


I dont like the fact that you have to play through twice to experience everything though. I'm playing good at the moment, but sometimes i just want to to do the evil things!


Oh and i didn't like the physicality of how you run at first. It's really a bit odd. Very rushed, bouncy and unrealistic. Laughable almost. Thankfully it gets easier to overlook the more you play, but its a stupid thing to mess up.


What if you are neutral? Is that a viable choice?

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Well hopefully the demo is out soon so we can play around abit.


I want to try a demo of it first before I decide whether to get it or not. Think I might see if I can sell a few games to raise some funds :p Either that or wait til August and get it for my birthday.

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Can't say Eurogamer's review has put me off. Quite a few of their complaints don't bother me — I'm not sure why most of the powers being analogous to normal weapons is a negative — and I think the demo, which is released to all tomorrow, will give everyone a much better idea of whether its their thing or not; I love it but it hasn't grabbed others at all.

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Can't say Eurogamer's review has put me off. Quite a few of their complaints don't bother me — I'm not sure why most of the powers being analogous to normal weapons is a negative — and I think the demo, which is released to all tomorrow, will give everyone a much better idea of whether its their thing or not; I love it but it hasn't grabbed others at all.


Yeah I'm hanging fire to play this before I cancel my preorder like the rather hasty;


I get the feeling that there is a bit of a lack of imagination.


I think I'll cancel my pre-order and just rent it.


I guess I'm just not feeling it.


To be fair though I'm not feeling it either, I'm suspecting I will pick up Punchout as my May purchase over this.

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im thinking of doing the same thing renting it or maybe do what i did with resident evil 5 , get it of shopto.net for 32 , storm through it get few throphies , trade it into cex and if i do it same pace i did resi 5 in might get £36 exchange

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I'm still excited, that review didn't put me off. It's not like 7/10 is bad anyway. The average score is 9.

Only thing I now feel is that it may be like Gears or Ratchet and Clank where they are overrated because of their exclusivity (exclusitivity?) which can happen because IGN are always biased because the reviewers are massive fans of the PS3.

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well what ive seen has made me think maybe its a 8 or something got to play it but ive decided im going to get it , storm through it sell it :P soo i now need to get a case of beer , tesco's £10 for 24 pack of carlsberg + imfamous = 2-3 days of fun :P

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Yeah that review has got me the most excited about it, partly because it shows you more of how the game works.


Btw, IGN in one of their podcasts said that if you are going to do multiple run-throughs then you should do good moral on Medium and bad moral on Hard. (makes it easier for trophies)

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well what ive seen has made me think maybe its a 8 or something got to play it but ive decided im going to get it , storm through it sell it :P soo i now need to get a case of beer , tesco's £10 for 24 pack of carlsberg + imfamous = 2-3 days of fun :P


This. They also do wife beater for the same price. Got myself a crate for tonight's Bionic Commando......but alas.....ShopTo have let me down for the first time.

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