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Next Gen- your speculations


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How do you think/want the Wii HD/DS2 will be like?


What I want:


Wii HD

In late 2010/early 2011 the current Wii will be relaunched with improved Flash memory, HD support (for certain games released after the HD's introduction), DVD support, built in Motion Plus, rechargable batteries and wireless nunchuck to keep the casual players interest. The format will be kept alive side by side with the Famicom 6 the same way that the PS2 is Sony's "casual" format while investing into the PS3. Nintendo keep launching casual games for the format throughout the generation.


Famicom 6

The next gen console, the Famicom 6 will be launched to compete with the PS4/XB720 circa 2012. The Famicom 6 will be the weaker of the three formats, but will offer a lower price and continued free internet. The format runs off Solid State Harddrive Cartridges (which will be cheap by then). To compensate for the more expensive storage medium, Nintendo reduce the license fee substantially. To start off with, the compensation only enables games of circa 2GB to be sold without reduced proffits, but by the generations end this increases to regions of about 100GB. To further improve these numbers, the fast loading format enables advanced means of compression. The largest game released for the format uses streaming graphics, and used up a 1TB cartridge, by far dwarfing the 250 GB max of the PS4 games. The format is sold standard with a controller and the improved Wiimote available with the Wii HD. Overall the faster loading times enable streamed graphics without absurdly large files and high development costs.


Nintendo establish a bunch of new teams to improve the variation in quality games for the format. I will be in one of them :yay:



A new portable console with two screens is launched. The screens have more high resolution, and the top screen covers the entire "lid". The graphical capabilities are on par with the Gamecube, although the PSP2 is stronger, with power lying between the Wii and the 360.



What I think will happen:


Wii HD

The console is launched after the 720. The format will have better graphics than the PS3, support HD and games will be stored on a different medium, probably bluray. The format will have revamped wiimotes for controls. That the developers from the start believe in Nintendos approach will give us plenty of "current" generation ports such as Bioshock, Fallout, Old Republic and a whole bunch more. As the generation goes on, the HD will get the same complaints from core gamers as the current Wii.



Won't happen until the middle of next gen. The format will somehow be completely different from any portable screen we've seen.

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I really dont know where the gaming industry can go from here as making games DRAMATICALLY visually better than what's on the next gen systems just now would cost billions, require massive teams and the only way they could logically afford it is if the prices were ramped up drastically.


So I expect the next consoles to be a minimal step up in terms of graphics but probably with a lot more focus on control method and other methods of immersion, especailly for Nintendo. It's really hard to see even where they can go even considering that though as I don't think they want to try VR again and they've got to the point now where they dont release new hardware unless it has some big new feature about it.


I guess the least I can hope for though is wireless nunchuk and remote, both with the abilities equal or superior to Motion Plus, an HD system that's at least able to handle whatever the other systems at the time can so developers aren't held back...and a hard drive.


I remember hearing Nintendo was investing in some ambience technology to change the mood of a room to suit the gameplay, so I guess that would be nice too.

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Wii HD:


Power: About more than the PS3, less than the 720/PS4, but closer than this generation.

Resolution: 1080p/1080i/720p/480i/480p as would be expected. And also perhaps Monitor resolutions.

Output: HDMI and Composite in the box. Component, S-Video, VGA, DVI sold separately. D-Terminal in Japan, SCART for Europe. There will also be an optical port most likely and the console will be compatible with 5.1.

Storage: 64GB flash memory. Possibly 128 depending on what year it comes out. SD card support will also still be there.

Input: Wii Remote and Nun-chuck will still be wired together, but both will have Motion Plus Built in. There will also be no IR receiver on it as the Motion Plus will make this useless. The Remote will connect via Bluetooth. The remote will have rechargeable batteries that can be recharged with a min USB cable. A new classic controller with slightly improved grip will be available. A GCN style pad will also be available.

Online: Friend Codes will most likely be no more and Nintendo will switch to a lobby system. It will still be lesser to XBL and PSN though. The console will also have an ethernet port and will be compatible with wireless N. The online service will take advantage of Miis more.

DD Service: The Wii Shop channel will be improved drastically. You will be able to get anything from the original Wii shop channel including all Wii Ware and VC stuff. Your old stuff will also be transferable. While some of the games from consoles that were already on the VC that never came out will eventually get added. There will most likely also be games from the Saturn, Dreamcast, GCN and Eventually the Wii. Wii Ware could (but probably won't) be made more like the App store for the iPhone/iPod Touch.

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Wii HD


- Release: November 2012

- Supports both Gamecube and Wii game discs through emulation.

- Gamecube and Wii games in Virtual Console.

- 512 GB internal storage (SSD)

- Fast Blu-ray drive (no movie support)

- A bit more powerful than Xbox 360/PS3.

- All games in HD (720p or 1080p), at least 60 fps

- Much improved motion controls. Truly 1:1.

- At least 5.1-channel Dolby Digital surround sound

- Onlie system similar to Xbox Live now, but still free



Game Boy Advance 2


- Release: March 2011

- Only one big screen, OLED technology.

- Same specs as Wii, but made with a 32 nm process.

- Touchscreen, gyro sensor etc.

- Will play DS games. Will show both screens on one screen.

- Gamecube games in Virtual Console.

- The way PSP is seen as a portable PS2 today, GBA2 will be seen as a portable Gamecube/Wii.

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Wii HD


- Release: November 2012

- Supports both Gamecube and Wii game discs through emulation.

- Gamecube and Wii games in Virtual Console.

- 512 GB internal storage (SSD)

- Fast Blu-ray drive (no movie support)

- A bit more powerful than Xbox 360/PS3.

- All games in HD (720p or 1080p), at least 60 fps

- Much improved motion controls. Truly 1:1.

- At least 5.1-channel Dolby Digital surround sound

- Onlie system similar to Xbox Live now, but still free


This is the most overly ambitious thing I've seen in a long time.


  • Firstly, this console generation is going to last a lot longer than the last. Both Microsoft and Sony have said not to expect new consoles for while.
  • I expect Wii and GCN games to stay backwards compatible, but an existing PowerPC architecture is necessary. As far as i'm aware the Wii simply down clocks its processor when running GameCube games (or anything in the Imagine series no doubt).
  • 2012? 512GB internal storage on an SSD? Are you kidding me? An 80GB SSD is currently £425 and that isn't to drop fast. Traditional disc based HDD's are the way things are going to stay for a few years yet.
  • Blu-Ray is unlikely, Nintendo will probably make another custom drive.
  • Your next point about PS3/360 style graphics, whilst possible... I don't see any reason why Nintendo would even bother. They realise the market doesn't want (at least in their opinion) much better graphics. So why bother? They can make extremely cheap graphics chips and processors and not even have to care about their nanometre process and still rake the money in.
  • 60fps 1080p games are few and far between even on the 360 and PS3. You need some serious hardware to pull that off.
  • Motion controls probably aren't going to stay around... Who knows what'll happen next?
  • XBOX Live style for free? I'll believe it when I see it. Sony are having a hard time catching up to XBOX Live as it is and they're starting to charge for some of their services (Qore... or whatever its called).
  • As for your GBA2 ideas of having a Wii in a handheld... Do you know how bad the PSP's battery life is at 333mhz? Nevermind 733mhz, the estimated Wii processor speed.


Sorry to sound like an asshole, but the chance of many of these happening is remote to zero.

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Woah, don't you think there will be any technological development the next 4 years?


PS3 and X360 hardware will be very outdated and cheap to produce in 2012.


SSD's will have taken over the hard drive market completely and they will be just as cheap to produce as today's traditional hard drives for capacities less than 1 TB.


GC and Wii can be supported through emulation.

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SSD's will have taken over the hard drive market completely and they will be just as cheap to produce as today's traditional hard drives.


In 4 years SSDs would have to drop below today's Hard Drive prices for you to find a 512GB SSD in any console. Prices drop, but not that quickly. Bare in mind here that a 500GB 2.5" HDD is still going to set you back the best part of £100 and a 256GB SSD will set you back £3000! To get a 512GB SSD in Nintendo's next console prices would have to be half of that by 2011.

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This is the most overly ambitious thing I've seen in a long time.


  • Firstly, this console generation is going to last a lot longer than the last. Both Microsoft and Sony have said not to expect new consoles for while.
  • I expect Wii and GCN games to stay backwards compatible, but an existing PowerPC architecture is necessary. As far as i'm aware the Wii simply down clocks its processor when running GameCube games (or anything in the Imagine series no doubt).
  • 2012? 512GB internal storage on an SSD? Are you kidding me? An 80GB SSD is currently £425 and that isn't to drop fast. Traditional disc based HDD's are the way things are going to stay for a few years yet.
  • Blu-Ray is unlikely, Nintendo will probably make another custom drive.
  • Your next point about PS3/360 style graphics, whilst possible... I don't see any reason why Nintendo would even bother. They realise the market doesn't want (at least in their opinion) much better graphics. So why bother? They can make extremely cheap graphics chips and processors and not even have to care about their nanometre process and still rake the money in.
  • 60fps 1080p games are few and far between even on the 360 and PS3. You need some serious hardware to pull that off.
  • Motion controls probably aren't going to stay around... Who knows what'll happen next?
  • XBOX Live style for free? I'll believe it when I see it. Sony are having a hard time catching up to XBOX Live as it is and they're starting to charge for some of their services (Qore... or whatever its called).
This generation might last longer, but by 2012 it'll be cheap to manufacture consoles on equal terms of the PS3. Nintendo will have to increase the power of the format to get third party support. Doing so while there still are games coming for the PS3 and 360 would be very good. To not make a console equal to the PS3 seems strange. The price difference between a Wii powered console and a PS3 powered console will be tiny by then.
SSD's are going to be big in the future. We can't predict how the prices will change. I can remember mum buying a PC in 2001. It was stationary, had a CD ROM drive and so on, and a 20GB harddrive. In 2004 a computer of my own. It had by far better specs, including a 200GB drive, and it cost about the same. 10 times the space for the same money, over a 3 year period! While we might not get a half a terrabyte of storagespace for the Wii HD, I'm sure we'll se either some gargantuan flash memory, or a bunch of gigs on a solid state drive.
A custom drive is unlikely. To be able to store modern games, the HD will need to have a bigger storage medium. Bluray would be the cheapest by then, but I'm a big fan of the idea of Solid State Cartridges.
I'm not familiar of all the XB LIVE functionality, but so far I haven't seen anything that shouldn't be possible to make available for free. Having some sort of email channel, having some sort of profile page containing your games, scores and acheivements, and being able to see if your friends are logged in, and what game they're playing would make for a kick ass online service.

As for your GBA2 ideas of having a Wii in a handheld... Do you know how bad the PSP's battery life is at 333mhz? Nevermind 733mhz, the estimated Wii processor speed.


The Gamegear has utterly crappy battery life, and it's a portable Sega Master System. Look at the DS, it's a portable N64, yet it's got a fair bit of battery life. Looking at stuff like that is just WRONG.

The DS was announced in the late GC era.

Do you not think that it's a possibility that a console that's two generations behind graphics wise will be cheap to manufacture, and low on energy?

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I find it fairly needless to speculate, but what are you on about when you says motion control probably won't stick around? It will definately exist in some form in the next generation of consoles, Microsoft and Sony may abandon it but there's no way in the current climate that Nintendo will consider getting rid.

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Wii HD


- Release: November 2012

- Supports both Gamecube and Wii game discs through emulation.

- Gamecube and Wii games in Virtual Console.

- 512 GB internal storage (SSD)

- Fast Blu-ray drive (no movie support)

- A bit more powerful than Xbox 360/PS3.

- All games in HD (720p or 1080p), at least 60 fps

- Much improved motion controls. Truly 1:1.

- At least 5.1-channel Dolby Digital surround sound

- Onlie system similar to Xbox Live now, but still free



As others have already said, Flash Memory isn't going to get that big for cheap that fast.


I don't think Nintendo is going to want to use their competitors format, when DVDs will probably work fine for them for another generation, but We'll see.


I think more than a bit. Though, it really isn't going to be noticed all that much.


Wii will be able to do that next year with the M+.


I agree with the non-bold ones.

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I fail to see how having two home consoles at once (wii HD and Famicom 6 as you put it) would help nintendo's market performance. Things didn't work out with the whole third pillar thing before, I doubt it will work out a second time either. Games on SSD sounds a bit backwards to me, looking back at the n64 days, the games took 0 seconds to load (pretty much) but then they always cost way more than the playstation counter part.


In terms of a next handheld, something like what Samsung are doing with their p4 device would be pretty interesting.

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I fail to see how having two home consoles at once (wii HD and Famicom 6 as you put it) would help nintendo's market performance. Things didn't work out with the whole third pillar thing before, I doubt it will work out a second time either. Games on SSD sounds a bit backwards to me, looking back at the n64 days, the games took 0 seconds to load (pretty much) but then they always cost way more than the playstation counter part.


In terms of a next handheld, something like what Samsung are doing with their p4 device would be pretty interesting.


Sony are currently having two pillars and it's working. Nintendo sort of did the same by supporting the NES until the N64 was launched.

Third parties are avoiding to make high quality titles for the Wii, because they can get away with releasing crap. What if Nintendo, as the market leader release a console not at all intended for casuals? Then that would force them to make an effort.

Games on SSD makes complete sense. It would make piracy difficult, it would enable a weaker format to render more advanced graphics, and since it's not reliant on how thin the laser is or how many layers tha hardware supports, game sizes can be virtually unlimited. I believe that the N64 cartridges were expensive because they were too complex. SSD will probably not be so in 2012. You can get 1GB USB memory cards for around 4 euros in retail today. And you have to remember that when you get the memorycard, the manufacturer, distributor and retailer have all gotten their proffit. I have no clue how low the manufacturing costs might be.

In 2012 that'll be 10 GB, and if my calculation of harddrives tenfolding every 3 years is correct, that should mean that by the time the Famicom 6's successor will be launched, circa 2018, you should be able to get a whoppin' terrabyte for that money. Certain developers might be risk takers, and try to develop even bigger games.


Why are DS games stored on plastic cards, when Nintendo could have stored them on GC discs or a similar disc format? Obviously the cartridges cant be that expensive.


That the next gen Nintendo format will be as powerful as the other current gen formats is a given. There just won't be a point in making anything weaker.




I'll make yet another car analogy:

In 1986 the Toyota Celica ST162 was launched. It had 140 horsepowers in the standard version. It was considered a price worthy, fully fledged sports car.

Somewhere about the year 2000 Toyota release a new generation of the Celica. Yet again it's 140 hp, and it costs the equivelant of what the ST162 did in the 80's. Now everyone thinks that it's just an overpriced looker, not faster than a Saab. It was otherwise equiped like a modern car, but by the motor enthusiasts whom usually bought Celicas, the weak horsepower made it somewhat unattractive.


Power specs change. That's why the Wii, while stronger than ANY previous generation console, still is considered weak.

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I find it fairly needless to speculate, but what are you on about when you says motion control probably won't stick around? It will definately exist in some form in the next generation of consoles, Microsoft and Sony may abandon it but there's no way in the current climate that Nintendo will consider getting rid.


Yeah I'm not really in the mood for this speculation, but I find it interesting that you think that Sony and Microsoft might hop off the motion control bandwagon. I would have thought they would be jumping on it even more, going all out to steal back some popularity from Nintendo.

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Actually, I read an article about Sony deeply considering keeping the same PS3 processor for the PS4 and focusing more on innovation. It was also confirmed by Japanese tech analysts PC Watch.

And it's the smartest thing to so financially. It's what Nintendo did with Wii,

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Ren of Heavens makes the most plausible speculation (appart from the SSD, it's not getting that cheap), and Jordan makes the most retrograde comment about it. I know that being Nintendo there's a good chance they won't do it like that, but I'm pretty sure they're going to iterate on the Wii brand and that would completely justify a new iteration, and the technology will be entirely possible (except SSD).


Edit: And I don't want to hear the term "Next Gen" until it stops being used on PS3/360.

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So many good things have came out of the current cycle of hardware.


- Mandatory HD

- Inexpensive or free online gaming

- IR pointing :heart:

- The importance of a dedicated Hard Drive

- Downloadable games and retro catalogues

- Blu-Ray disc

- Wallet and real-time prices of online content (thank you PSN for treating me like an adult)

- Achievements and Trophies (this is at the bottom of my list for good reason)



And so many stupid things


- friend codes

- rampant hardware failure

- accelerometers (PS3 and Wii)

- slow drives (im looking at you, PS3)

- multiple SKU's

- inadequate storage

- controller shells

- pricing online games in 'Points'


Basically i want a console that perfects my 'good' list and eliminates my 'bad' list and i dont have allegience to any particular company so whichever company comes closest to doing this gets my money first

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So many good things have came out of the current cycle of hardware.


- Mandatory HD

- Inexpensive or free online gaming

- IR pointing :heart:

- The importance of a dedicated Hard Drive

- Downloadable games and retro catalogues

- Blu-Ray disc

- Wallet and real-time prices of online content (thank you PSN for treating me like an adult)

- Achievements and Trophies (this is at the bottom of my list for good reason)



And so many stupid things


- friend codes

- rampant hardware failure

- accelerometers (PS3 and Wii)

- slow drives (im looking at you, PS3)

- multiple SKU's

- inadequate storage

- controller shells

- pricing online games in 'Points'


Basically i want a console that perfects my 'good' list and eliminates my 'bad' list and i dont have allegience to any particular company so whichever company comes closest to doing this gets my money first


Pricing games in points is the way to go. I'm not interrested in the price of games skyrocketing because the USD makes a recovery (which it sooner or later will), or because the Swedish Krona (SEK) looses in value. Nor am I interrested in games that have an even price in Dollars, like 10$ for a Wiiware game, then translating into a Swedish price of 62,43 SEK. Basically, nowadays we have a set price for wiipoints in every country, and every game costs equally many Wii points no matter where on the planet you are. Games don't change price overnight, nor are the prices of games so absurdly specific.

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Pricing games in points is the way to go. I'm not interrested in the price of games skyrocketing because the USD makes a recovery (which it sooner or later will), or because the Swedish Krona (SEK) looses in value. Nor am I interrested in games that have an even price in Dollars, like 10$ for a Wiiware game, then translating into a Swedish price of 62,43 SEK. Basically, nowadays we have a set price for wiipoints in every country, and every game costs equally many Wii points no matter where on the planet you are. Games don't change price overnight, nor are the prices of games so absurdly specific.


I respectfully disagree but if you like them, then great. They just seem insulting to me. As far as prices dropping overnight, its happened many times on the PSN because they have holiday specials, 1/2 off sales, etc. Ive download several PSN games on the cheap this way

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I respectfully disagree but if you like them, then great. They just seem insulting to me. As far as prices dropping overnight, its happened many times on the PSN because they have holiday specials, 1/2 off sales, etc. Ive download several PSN games on the cheap this way


I'm not talking about holliday specials, I'm talking about the worth of money changing, which can make game prices skyrocket overnight.

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I think Accelerometers will be much more useful once they're used with gyroscopes next year (Wii Motion Plus).


TBH, having everything in real currency wouldn't effect you much since you're in the US. But its actually an issue in other countries because of exchange rates.

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