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Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes (Wii/Wii U Online RPG)

killer kirby

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It's understandable they want to make their money back from this experiment, but I long for the day when Dragon Quest gets back on track and (from a development perspective) leaves this MMO behind.


Why? It's a good game.


DQXI is in development though and has been confirmed to not be a MMO.

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Why? It's a good game.


DQXI is in development though and has been confirmed to not be a MMO.

I can understand, though. Not everyone has the time for an MMORPG and the audience is more limited (such that they haven't even brought it here). MMORPGs never produce the same sort of feeling as well when you see hundreds of other 'chosen ones' running around the field and performing quests. :/

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Square Enix would “love to” bring Dragon Quest X overseas, why the game was made internally


Dragon Quest X hasn’t been released overseas yet. That’s not because of a lack of interest from Square Enix, though.


Dragon Quest executive producer Yuu Miyake and mobile producer Noriyoshi Fujimoto, speaking with Siliconera, said the following when asked if Square Enix would like to bring the game over: “We’d love to do it! Love to.”


Miyake then elaborated:


“In terms of this being an MMO, again, we have to consider the operation and logistics of how to make that feasible. We also have to think about it from a business standpoint. With Final Fantasy XI and XIV, it’s a global-scale endeavor. In terms of Dragon Quest, the way it’s perceived in the different countries is very, very different. How it’s perceived in Japan is different than how it’s perceived in the United States.”


“In addition, we’d have to build a new data center for pretty much every location, and we need to make sure that makes sense as a business. We want to be able to operate in the different regions. Again, we would love to do it, but we’re still trying to work out the details and figure out what would work best [were we to bring it abroad].”


Miyake also explained why Square Enix chose to create Dragon Quest X internally. This is different from previous entries, in which development was handled by companies like Level-5 and ArtePiazza.


“In Japan, you have your outside developers who understand Dragon Quest and know what’s appropriate for a certain platform, so we worked with partners that knew what they were doing as well as what Dragon Quest was, and in that way it was a great partnership. With Dragon Quest X, because it’s an MMO, the team thought, ‘Okay, what company in Japan knows MMOs the best? Wait, that’s us! We’re running Final Fantasy XI, so, why not do it with an internal team?’ So, the concept isn’t about working with an outside company versus an inside company, it’s more like who works on a specific title and platform the best. We’re all kind of the same if you look at it from that perspective.”




What on Earth ever happened to this game? From the hullabaloo that was made about getting it on Wii as an exclusive, to delay after delay, to eventually coming out on Wii at the end when it was dead, transferring it to Wii U. Then not releasing it outside of Japan. I've never played a DQ game(I hear they're great) but isn't this different from the norm and isn't there a subscription with this game? In Japan don't they pay to play MH online but in the West it's free? I can't imagine an obscure title with a subscription service would go down well here and they'd have to do something similar.

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What on Earth ever happened to this game? From the hullabaloo that was made about getting it on Wii as an exclusive, to delay after delay, to eventually coming out on Wii at the end when it was dead, transferring it to Wii U. Then not releasing it outside of Japan. I've never played a DQ game(I hear they're great) but isn't this different from the norm and isn't there a subscription with this game? In Japan don't they pay to play MH online but in the West it's free? I can't imagine an obscure title with a subscription service would go down well here and they'd have to do something similar.


True, but the hullabaloo was before anyone knew it was going to be an MMO. It was just 'Dragon Quest X will be a Wii game'. At that point you'd be forgiven for thinking it would just be an awesome offline, single-player RPG like the others, with a reasonable chance of equalling VIII (ie. Wii, PS2 similarities).


In my opinion Square-Enix massively complicated the situation by making it an MMO, lessening the potential audience for it even in Japan, let alone elsewhere. Even that's not the whole story, though, as it could be argued that Square-Enix is just not a good publisher anymore. Putting Dragon Quest IX on DS was highly questionable (excellent game, but still a backwards step after VIII). I could (and do) argue that putting Dragon Quest back on Nintendo was not a good idea at all, as (although this is subjective) the tone of the games has just not been 100% right since.


Finally, Square-Enix has an offline remake of a main entry in the DQ series ready to go (Dragon Quest VII) but won't translate it. This is crazy! In an age when Atlus will bring over niche RPGs like Etrian Odyssey and Conception II, Europe has gone back to a stage where we can't have the mainline entries in a massive series like Dragon Quest!


I'm only so passionate about it because I genuinely love this series.

Edited by Grazza
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What on Earth ever happened to this game? From the hullabaloo that was made about getting it on Wii as an exclusive, to delay after delay, to eventually coming out on Wii at the end when it was dead, transferring it to Wii U. Then not releasing it outside of Japan. I've never played a DQ game(I hear they're great) but isn't this different from the norm and isn't there a subscription with this game? In Japan don't they pay to play MH online but in the West it's free? I can't imagine an obscure title with a subscription service would go down well here and they'd have to do something similar.


In my opinion, having it on the Wii U really hurt it. Nobody is buying the thing so they can't really expect too many people to play it. They're also competing against other console MMORPGs now like FFXIV, which is doing really well. I can't see it taking off hugely over here.

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Personally I'm sick of all of their talk.


They keep going on about how they would love to bring these games over. Actions speak louder than words. I mean the amount of DQ titles that have been released over in Japan but no where else is getting annoying and shows where their intentions truely are.


I fell in love with the series thanks to the DS games, only for S-E to pull the rug from under my feet and not localise any more of them. After becoming invested in the series I see this as a slap in the face.


The bottom line is that they would rather continue to focus on the free to play model on mobiles and churning out shoddy ports on smartphones. The S-E I knew and loved is long gone, much like all the other 3rd party Japanese developers.

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Personally I'm sick of all of their talk.


They keep going on about how they would love to bring these games over. Actions speak louder than words. I mean the amount of DQ titles that have been released over in Japan but no where else is getting annoying and shows where their intentions truely are.


I fell in love with the series thanks to the DS games, only for S-E to pull the rug from under my feet and not localise any more of them. After becoming invested in the series I see this as a slap in the face.


The bottom line is that they would rather continue to focus on the free to play model on mobiles and churning out shoddy ports on smartphones. The S-E I knew and loved is long gone, much like all the other 3rd party Japanese developers.


Damn straight! Still waiting for my goddamn DWM DS remake to come over here!! If they won't port to such a successful handheld, why bother with WiiU?? (not that I really care about this game much, just wanted a DWM rant :p)

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Dragon Quest X Version 3 Trailer




When are we ever going to to get this? The hullabaloo that was made when this was announced all the way back near the start of the Wii. Only finally came out near the end when the Wii was dead and I think launched alongside the Wii U version or near enough. It's a frustrating situation, it's something I try to banish from my memory because it only p1sses me off whenever I think about it. We may never see it, it's probably safe to say we won't. And then there's talk of a new DQ. What the hell's going to happen with that?

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Most likely never, can't see any point at all to bringing this here. Doubt it'd be profitable enough on the Wii U here for them to set it up.


There is a PC version though so it's not (only) due to the Wii U not doing well. They've previously stated they want to bring it over but I think they are scared it just won't do well at all. I know there was quite a backlash about being a monthly subscription which also possibly put them off.


We'd be 3 versions behind now so even if we do get it, we'll be massively behind on content unless they've localised everything.


Dragon Quest Heroes is getting localised and Theatrhythm should considering there's not much text. DQ11 will get localised as well no doubt (saying that, still waiting for DQVII, SE :().


SE even started a hashtag #DragonQuestForTheWest which seems to hint more are maybe coming?

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