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Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes (Wii/Wii U Online RPG)

killer kirby

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You've got to look at it from a business perspective though, each account takes up space on their servers for characters etc so it makes sense to free-up space by deleting the data of those accounts who are deemed 'inactive' as it then frees up space for regular paying customers.


However from a gamers perspective I agree it does seem rather harsh... :hmm:


This is why I love PSO on the Gamecube because your character data is your own on there and back in the day you would use the same data for both offline and online play but the big difference was that your characters are yours to keep forever - or as long as the battery on your memory card lasts - meaning that if I wanted to - and I still do sometimes - I could go and start up where I left off allbeit offline. :)


And yes I know you can still play on private servers but I'll be damned if I'd trust my level 175+ character to something unofficial. :heh:


On the subject of this game though, I'm definitely interested but only when the Wii U version comes out as by then it should be relatively popular and functioning more fully than the Wii version probably ever will due to its technical limitations.

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What has happened to this industry? :wtf::cry:::shrug:


That's what I was thinking. It seems to me that up to and including the PS2/GameCube generation, everything made sense. Everything was tailored towards the gamer. Sure, you had to pay for it, but that's business. Since this gen, everything seems way too tailored towards the business side of things. Sorry to be a broken record, but compare Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) to Dragon Quest X (Wii):


Dragon Quest VIII

* Play it offline

* No fees

* Game can be played as long as you keep the disc and PS2

* Your save file is kept on the memory card for as long as you want


Dragon Quest X

* Mandatory online

* Subscription fees

* Game only lasts as long as the server is kept going

* Your character is deleted unless you play it every 30 days


In other words, they are now trying to dictate when and how we can play. Every single thing about it goes against my way of thinking. If gamers roll over and take this, it will ruin what in my opinion is easily the best RPG series ever made.

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Dragon Quest VIII

* Play it offline

* No fees

* Game can be played as long as you keep the disc and PS2

* Your save file is kept on the memory card for as long as you want

* Slow battle system

* Slow menu system

* Re-use of older music

* Game play cut back could be compared to DQII

* Not customisable as the entries before it.


Dragon Quest X

* Mandatory online

* Subscription fees (1000 yen a month which is like $12 where I live. It's the same amount as me buying breakfast at a store in one day)

* Game only lasts as long as the server is kept going (10 years they got it planned for or longer)

* Your character is deleted unless you play it every 3 months (Not 30 days)

* Play together with friends

* Very customisable expanding on the massive content that DQIX had

* World 3-4 times bigger then that of DQVIII

* Continue story in expansions

* Quests added every week


Sorry, but I could look at every game and twist it to make one game sound good and the other one bad. I like the idea of DQX it's my first MMO and I can't wait since it looks to be the most user friendly out of all MMO out there.

Plus not to mention already having about 15 people I know who are also looking forward to playing this and I really can't wait to play with my friends. Considering the whopping 100 hours I spent on multiplayer in DQIX



In other words, they are now trying to dictate when and how we can play. Every single thing about it goes against my way of thinking. If gamers roll over and take this, it will ruin what in my opinion is easily the best RPG series ever made.

News just in it's a ONE OFF! while people continue to play this game they are already most likely underway making Dragon Quest XI for the 3DS which will most likely be single player base again.


Yuji Horii has been making games for such a long time and bringing awesome sales and games out for this world, he has always liked playing MMO, he played FFXI a lot, I think he has a damn right to make an MMO from his own series if he wants to.


Oh and here is a lets play for a much smoother look of the game playing

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That's what I was thinking. It seems to me that up to and including the PS2/GameCube generation, everything made sense. Everything was tailored towards the gamer. Sure, you had to pay for it, but that's business. Since this gen, everything seems way too tailored towards the business side of things. Sorry to be a broken record, but compare Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) to Dragon Quest X (Wii):


Dragon Quest VIII

* Play it offline

* No fees

* Game can be played as long as you keep the disc and PS2

* Your save file is kept on the memory card for as long as you want


Dragon Quest X

* Mandatory online

* Subscription fees

* Game only lasts as long as the server is kept going

* Your character is deleted unless you play it every 30 days


In other words, they are now trying to dictate when and how we can play. Every single thing about it goes against my way of thinking. If gamers roll over and take this, it will ruin what in my opinion is easily the best RPG series ever made.


Why don't you just give it a try? You might like it. Things move forward. At one time the height of multiplayer excellence was swarming round a large TV and playing 4 player Goldeneye, I loved it at the time but things moved on. Now we play COD online with a larger number of people, have the whole TV to ourselves and chat to everyone invovled.


Gamers will probably embrace this just as they have with other genres.

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I don't think I can try it, that's the problem. I've experimented with online gaming and I don't have the bandwidth for it. It would cost me an absolute fortune to change my internet enough to be able to play this.


With just two little changes - an offline mode + character saved on your own memory card - I'd be really looking forward to this. What S.C.G. was describing about Phantasy Star Online sounded perfect.

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I don't think I can try it, that's the problem. I've experimented with online gaming and I don't have the bandwidth for it. It would cost me an absolute fortune to change my internet enough to be able to play this.


With just two little changes - an offline mode + character saved on your own memory card - I'd be really looking forward to this. What S.C.G. was describing about Phantasy Star Online sounded perfect.


That game was perfect. Man, I spent many an hour playing that with my friends, both locally and online. It was such a fantastic game, which is why i'm praying for a console version of PSO2.

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That game was perfect. Man, I spent many an hour playing that with my friends, both locally and online. It was such a fantastic game, which is why i'm praying for a console version of PSO2.


We obviously need to get Mr Grazza here to play Monster Hunter 3, now that shit was a BIG reason as to why I now love online play! :D

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Double post: Game seems to be very well received with even Dragon Quest X easily outselling all other S-E MMO in Japan which is fantastic news to hear. People have really been saying the game is just like VIII but just more smoother, fun to play with friends and the game itself is just FREAKING HUGE!!!! Thinking about a launch over here, I can really see Nintendo doing something for the game over here, I think they really know that there is a dedicated fanbase that will eat this up and happily pay $10-$20 a month as long as content keeps coming, to this day I still play DQIX more than any other DQ game out there, one file already out performs every. The idea of hopefully being able to play this game on the WiiU controller in bed rather than sitting in front of the tv will make the hours fly by :D


Out of curiosity N-E members, who is interested in getting this game if it come out over here?


EDIT: Oh yeah and one more thing...






Also boss battle gameplay for you go to 12:26 to see the battle.

Edited by killer kirby
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EDIT: Oh yeah and one more thing...





As we know, there was no casino in Dragon Quest IX and I wondered if gambling was becoming a bit too "politically incorrect" (for want of a better term) for the Dragon Quest series. Personally, I'm on the fence, as I think it's very destructive in real life but I love it in Dragon Quest!


The other thing that made me doubt whether gambling would be in DQ X is that I spent hours in DQ VI's casino, trying to win Metal King Armour - not very sociable for an MMO! I wonder if it will be the place to get Metal King Armour in this game?


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I'm very interested in Dragon Quest X. I have been following GameDAQs Boards, and there's one fellow who imported the game, and is playing the game at the moment. He also shares his experiences online, which is great.


As far as I know, you create two human characters (siblings) at the beginning, and the proceed to play the offline-proloque. After that, the siblings are separated, and their storis will be followed. Your main character enters the online mode, while the other sibling starts in offline mode, where he/she will be searching the way back home.


It's been selling quite well in Japan, but I don't know how much more physical copies will be sold, as the discs are only needed to install the game. After installing, you don't need the discs anymore, as the game runs from USB-drive. Clearly this means that the profits will be made from subscribing players.


I hope we'll get more info on the Wii U version soon, so we can start anticipating it's release over here. Hopefully they can do it within a year.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Sales of this haven't been up to the same levels as traditional DQ games. But this may change with the WiiU version and also give the WiiU a massive launch boost over in Japan!


No it's not. It wasn't supposed to sell millions it's all about the subscribers. FFXI was mostly played on PS2 in japan (Even to this day they still play it) and it only sold like 200k in Japan compared to FFX which was over 2 million. Yet FFXI is the biggest money maker Square ever got. Even with 600k sold, if those people continue playing it with a monthly subscription it's a success.


If anything the only reason I see as to why the WiiU is getting it is cause Nintendo and Horii made a deal in bringing it to the west as it's 'Main online focus game' I really don't see many people going double dipping on the WiiU version, and I truly expect it to sell less in Japan then the Wii version.

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Source: Siliconera


Nintendo announced a huge bonus for the Wii U premium set in Japan – that’s the black 32GB Wii U. Buy that package and you get access to the Dragon Quest X Wii U beta test.

The Dragon Quest X beta test will begin shortly after the system launches. Players will be able to import save data from the beta test into the final version of Dragon Quest X for Wii U.


This is a pretty nice extra for JP gamers, The Premium Pack pretty much has it all now.

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Have to say I'm really disappointed by the first WiiU footage. Looks like a very lazy up-res. Same muddy textures and even pop-in =/




And there's me thinking it might look closer to the animated intro.


From GoNintendo:

- playable on the GamePad alone

- switching between the TV screen and GamePad screen can be done via the menu in “Various Options”

- TV image is HD, GamePad is not

- shadows are now formed to a character’s shape and move with them

- the number of characters that can be seen on screen has increased

- all the event scenes have been recreated in high-definition

- no difference in game content

- use the same account you’ve been using on Wii to play the game on Wii U

- beta test for the Wii U version will occur in the future

- concrete date has not been set

- Sept. 22nd stage event may have details on release date

Edited by Lens of Truth
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I thought it looked good, this is off-screen anyway and they are still finishing the game off so we can look forward to a more polished DQX come release.

Here's the same video, but this time on Youtube. I think it looks a bit better on this video.



Some more details:

- Wii and Wii U players play on the same servers.

- More characters are displayed on Wii U version.

- Wii account can be transferred to Wii U.

- Can play on Wii and Wii U without an additional monthly payment.

- Development status of Wii U version: have progressed enough to show offline parts. - - - Finishing up the online part on Wii U.

- Beta test is planned to begin around the new year.

- Character data can be transferred from the Wii U beta test to the full release.

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I thought it looked good, this is off-screen anyway and they are still finishing the game off so we can look forward to a more polished DQX come release.

Here's the same video, but this time on Youtube. I think it looks a bit better on this video.



Some more details:




i will get this game for the wii u.. but i wont buy the wii u at launch i think maybe at christmass or somewhere in januari.. and i am still waiting for nintendo to announce more games.. they there are only three games which i like, This game, zombie u, and pikmin but still not in love with those games, and maybe pikmin

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