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Dragon Quest VIII - Why is it So Good?


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My first and final update. :nono:


The game is truely awful and hasn't aged well at all. The characters are stiff with little to no personality. The music is appauling with no real beat to it, you end up falling asleep most of the time. The gameplay is so basic its laughable. I really wish I hadn't opened it and just stuck it on ebay. I would have netted myself a fair bit of cash what with it being sealed and the original.


All of the hype you guys gave it was just a flat out lie, much like the rant I have just posted! :D:):laughing:


Yup, I love it!


Firstly, I loved the little intro, well I say intro but it plays about 10 minutes into the game, after the tutorial. It was so peaceful just watching the characters I would get to know, walking into town, as the sun sets in the background. The music was very fitting to keep the mood tranquil.


Speaking of the music I love the overworld theme that plays outside of Farebury. I'm not sure if it will play throughout the game but I wouldn't mind at all if it did.



Once I got into town and got the story moving I decided to level up my characters up before heading to the waterfall so I spent alot of time just running around the overworld and generally getting lost due to the lack of a map. I was still fun though. Do I get a map at some point?


During my time in the overworld I have came across a few monsters that appear on the map, like in DQIX. I managed to defeat one of them ( Shortshooter ) but i'm not sure I should be tackling any others in the area. What makes these monsters so special? Do I get cool stuff for defeating them?


I ran into a Dancing Devil while levelling up. He managed to cast his dancing magic on Adam ( Hero ) which made me LOL. I've seen the dancing animation when playing DQIX but it looked even better on these character models, and on a big screen.


I had levelled up quite a bit and in true DQ fashion I refused to move on until I had obtained the best equipment I could buy from Farebury. After I kitted my guys with armour and weapons, I slept and set back out for the waterfalls.


Quick question. When I rest, what is Trode doing? I got a little cutscene that looks like he is making something. Don't bother telling me if it's a spoiler. :)


Anyway, I entered the cave with my guys at level 8 and proceeded to where I was supposed to go. Some little guy with a hammer was blocking my way so I decided to give him a beating. I thought the Slime later on in the cave was gonna give me the same kind of grief but he must have seen what happened to his friend. :D


I finally came across my first boss, Geyzer. This guy is hilarious! The lines he has are fantastic, my favourite being " At last we feet, mace to mace! " Awesome stuff. I gave him a beating with my now level 9 guys. I just powered up Adam, while Yangus did all the healing and the odd attack.


After that I decided I wouldn't evac and zoom back to town but walk, this gave me some more easy exp, especially as the boomerang kicks everythings butt. I got back to town and rested.


End of part one. :D


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During my time in the overworld I have came across a few monsters that appear on the map, like in DQIX. I managed to defeat one of them ( Shortshooter ) but i'm not sure I should be tackling any others in the area. What makes these monsters so special? Do I get cool stuff for defeating them?


They are for later on:


They are used for monster arena battles later on. You get a monster coin as well for beating them.




Quick question. When I rest, what is Trode doing? I got a little cutscene that looks like he is making something. Don't bother telling me if it's a spoiler.


You'll see ;)

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Thanks. Can I just sell them because I already sold the one I got off Shortshooter?


Yep, that's all they're for. Don't sell other things like Gold Bars though.


You had me going earlier! I was worried this wouldn't be as impressive if you're used to Generation 7 games and hardware, and I also have no idea if it looks good on an HDTV.

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Yep, that's all they're for. Don't sell other things like Gold Bars though.


You had me going earlier! I was worried this wouldn't be as impressive if you're used to Generation 7 games and hardware, and I also have no idea if it looks good on an HDTV.




The game looks great on a HDTV. My nephew came across earlier and made a comment on how good it looks looks for a PS2 game. I think it has to do with the cartoony graphics and vibrant colours, it helps games to age well I think. Not that i'm a graphics whore or anything, as long as it looks half decent it doesn't bother me. I'm all about the gameplay.

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Yesterday I made it to the Alexandria region and beyond. I loved the characters Bangerz & Mash, they were great, shame they weren't in it a little more.

:( I also enjoyed the short stint controlling Munchie.


I ran into a couple of more monsters that appear on the map and managed to defeat them. Sure, I don't need them til later but the coins they dish out are sure coming in handy.


I loved the scene at the top of the tower with Jessica. It was great seeing her throw around fireballs, even if I wasn't the one she was after. Also, the scene just after that, when Troda shows up is fantastic. Yangus' face is priceless! :D


After that it was a journey across the sea. Again the little cutscene you get as the ship sets off is great, especially when the DQ theme kicks in. The boss at this point was again hilarious. I was wodnering what was going on with the different voices then realized that he was using his tentacles as if they were puppets! :) He didn't cause me too much bother as I had been levelling up and gaining coins to buy the best stuff.


Jessica is now on my team and she seems to be a bit of a whore. She is some kind of royalty or something and dressed as such when I first met her, but as soon as she cuts the ties with her mother she dresses like a hooker! Gotta love the pervy Japanese developers and the jiggiling physics. :D


I made it to Simpleton last night and then called it a day. The bar fight scene was outstanding. Again it made me LOL. Angelo looks awesome, even if he does seem a little cocky. Hopefully he will be on my team before the day is out.


In terms of my levelling, my characters are at level 15 with the best gear they can get in the game so far. I have concentrated on learning the boomerang skill with Adam, Axes with Yagnus and whips and staves with Jessica.




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Hehe, panic over, seems like you're enjoying the vibe!


I say this to everyone, but just be aware that if you want to fight the post-game bosses before you're level 65, you will be glad if you put 59 points (ideally 77) into spears and 66 (ideally 82) into axes. That's all I'm saying. :heh:

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DQVIII is pure sex of modern day RPG's seriously, it does everything right, the graphics, the music, the overworld...my god it's all about the overworld for me with this game. fuck straight lines, an RPG where the overworld is like Hyrule field in all 3D Zelda games but...covers the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD!!!


Did I mention how much I love the overworld in this game?


Christmas can't come soon enough, I want to see DQX dammit

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All of the hype you guys gave it was just a flat out lie, much like the rant I have just posted! :D:):laughing:


Haha, you had me going there.


It's great to see someone else get into the game for the first time! I enjoyed it a lot. My only regret is that I didn't have the time to play it to completion faster as I spent many, many months playing it. There's still plenty more for me to do too.


Trode's night-time project also got my interest piqued.


Seeing your characters catch the dance bug is hilarious - the whole game has so many charming moments like these. Big smile as I'm typing this.


A beautiful game, in so many ways.







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Did I mention how much I love the overworld in this game?


Yeah, I LOVE the overworld aswell. It's great to just run around the whole world and take in the sights.


What I adore about this game is it's simplicity. It doesn't try to do anything fancy, instead it concentrates on being a traditional RPG and does everything it sets out to do and then raises it to another level.


I didn't get to play it yesterday as I decided to go for a walk with it being a nice day. It's best to get what sun you can here in the UK. :D I have played a little more today though. Angelo is now on my team so i'm all set for the next area now.

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I did my first bit of grinding today. I found a great little spot for farming Metal Slimes and just stayed there using whistle. I managed to get my team up to level 21+ before moving on and nabbing the Venus tears.


Ya don't really need to grind in this game, I never did. Tis all about using the right items/weapons. I remember when one friend of mine was asking me how to kill a certain boss, too which I asked him if he used a certain weapon as an item to which he said 'You can use them as an item in battle?'.I have never believed that Dragon Quest as a series is a grind fest series, there have only been 2 Dragon Quest games I have grinned through the main story and those were DQII and DQVI(SNES)

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Ya don't really need to grind in this game, I never did. Tis all about using the right items/weapons. I remember when one friend of mine was asking me how to kill a certain boss, too which I asked him if he used a certain weapon as an item to which he said 'You can use them as an item in battle?'.I have never believed that Dragon Quest as a series is a grind fest series, there have only been 2 Dragon Quest games I have grinned through the main story and those were DQII and DQVI(SNES)


The grinding for DQ usually comes out of necessity for cash rather than levelling up. In all the DQ games i've played I always hang around killing beasties to get cash before buying everything I can and then moving on. To be fair though the Metal Slime grinding was for the levels and for some strange and sick reason I love grinding levels in JRPGs. :D


I made it to Trodain Castle last night, loved the flash back sequence you get when you arrive.

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Time to continue my blogging of my quest. :D


I forgot to mention the other day that when I was helping King Pavan out all I could think of was this scene from Scrubs.




I loved it when I returned to him later and the moles had nicked his gear. :laughing: As I was travelling through the tunnels I was expecting to see this at some point.




The boss in that area was great. Very easy, but his personality was fantastic.


I loved the cutscene when you finally get your hands on a ship, very magical. During this scene I noticed a mistake. I have gave Jessica the dancers costume and it has been on her in every cutscene up until that point, then for some reason they put her normal clothes back on her. I checked again during the next cutscene and she had her dancers costume on again. Weird.


Despite being a stupidly high level for where i'm at the monsters on my boat trips gave me a bit of a beating, especialy the yellow squid things that take 60-70 HP off me and they get 2 turns! Clearly I went into waters that I shouldn't have yet.


Another battle which took me about 10-15 minutes was against 3 devils and 2 scorpions. The devils kept making people sleep/dance/knocked over, hile the scorpions kept buffing their defense. I finally managed to get it to 1 devil but then he sacrificed himself to revive everyone I just defeated! I wasn't happy.I will be a little more carfeul next time I visit Minnie.


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Hero-Of-Time, I love you. Don't stop...


...writing your "blog".


Every passage brings back memories of this game, even though I only played it once.


I'm looking forward to reading about what you felt at one particular moment in the game.

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I've been riding around on my pet sabertooth, which has made getting from place to place that much easier. I have noticed that the random battles are starting to feel more drawn out as the game goes on.


The enemies are larger in number and clearly have more HP. This wouldn't be a problem if the game actually based your turn in battle on your speed/agility. Instead it seems to be random as hell as to whether my heroes will go first, second, third or fourth. It makes it very annoying, especially when you are fighting those frog enemies that turn around if you hit them.


A minor niggle but i'm still enjoying it.


At the moment i'm after a mirror to get into the Dark Ruins but I have came across a town with some goodies that I want but i'm very short on cash, despite grinding at certain points. Methinks I will go on the look for some moolah! :D



Hero-Of-Time, I love you. Don't stop...


...writing your "blog".


Every passage brings back memories of this game, even though I only played it once.


I'm looking forward to reading about what you felt at one particular moment in the game.


Thanks. I'm glad someone is enjoying my rants! : peace:

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Yeah, keep going, H-o-T, I'm enjoying your updates too.


I thought Agility did affect how quickly you act in this game.


I was looking in to it the other day and from what I read it does...to a certain degree. There is a random element in the game which I guess is why characters get their turn last and then first in the next round.

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Yeah, it's just how likely they are to go first. It's like in DQ IX, sometimes the bosses go before me, sometimes I go before them, even though I have the same Agility each time. However, it is consistent enough to be evident that the Agility-boosting gear is playing a part.

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I love how this thread is still going, mostly due to people recently finding this gem. I was always disappointed that DQIX was on a handheld; they missed a real chance to make something as beautiful, immersive and polished as they had done when working with a more powerful console. VIII seems to be the lucky number for RPGs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Playing the Japanese version at the moment, flying through this game really well, it's amazing how short this game really is I have come to realise


I was always disappointed that DQIX was on a handheld; they missed a real chance to make something as beautiful, immersive and polished as they had done when working with a more powerful console.


I wasn't!!! :D It made me love RPG's to a whole new level, portable RPG that is deep, if not, deeper than most RPG's out there, so awesome, I pray that after DQX is out, the mainline titles go back to portable :D

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I was against Dragon Quest IX being on handheld, but it ended up being an amazing handheld experience. Not as amazing an experience as VIII, but something new and "best-ever" for a handheld.


On the other hand, if the point of a sequel is to be better than the previous game, then frankly, they failed, and they couldn't not have done. I have to conclude that I'd like a handheld series and a console series. Maybe calling it "IX" was the only real problem?

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