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Music Warz! Match 3


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For those asking why I chose that particular Sigur Ros song, it's because it's just so different from anything I've heard from them, and it's awesome.


That being said, it's gonna have to be Foreign Beggars for me, I haven't heard a new rap/hip-hop/whatever song that I've enjoyed for a while now.

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I thought it was in "Hopelandic" or whatever it's called, Sigur Ros' made-up language.


Most of their songs are in Icelandic there are just parts of few of their songs in vonlenska.

But I know there are songs sung from beginning to end in vonlenska but I dunno how many.


I have never been able to see the point of it, they are already singing in a language that that about 0.005 of the worlds population understands.


Why take the extra step to confuse them :Þ


EDIT: Oh and the song in the competition is Icelandic from beginning to end

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My math is horrible so I´m not sure but counting that the earth population is 6 billion and we are a nation of 300 thousand people does make an interesting number.


You didn't put 0.00003%. So it sounded like it was just 0.00003 people. 'twas only a joke.


Oh and Iceland makes up for 0.005% of the world's population.

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I'm disapointed that you even liked Hold On Zé :/ (:P)Sigur Rós no contest. At all.


How come? It's probably the best british hip hop song I've ever heard! It's bold, has character and delivers quite the hook. While it might be true that the guys singing it seem like complete retards (who strongly remind of a certain group of someones we're familiar with, and I bet you got that same vibe), musically, I think they're quite accomplished! It's hip hop done at it's rawest form! :)

I'm not saying they're the next Company Flow or anything, but I can't exactly say they're bad. I certainly preffer them to the likes of Teriyaki Boyz (only using this example coz I know you like them), at least these guys have a humble approach to their music and are actually making a difference, instead of contributing to the bling style hip hop everyone is seemingly increasingly gravitating towards. I mean, singing about how great, mean and cool you are is too much of a cliché, and while it seems NO hip hop act can live without that stereotype, at least these guys don't wallow in it.


That said, I particularly dislike this Sigur Rós song as it's too much of an obvious attempt to create a chart topper. It's pretty much a case of selling themselves short just to cash in a bit more. And while it retains their identity, which in itself is quite an achievement for a "single" in the traditional sense, they are one of my favourite bands and I cannot stand to see them get this... obvious. Because if there's one word I'd use to describe Sigur Rós... it's "dense". There's always so much going on in each song... and this just isn't the case. Goobledigook is pretty. But completely hollow. Seriously, the one to blame here is Twozzok for nominating this particular song out of all possible SR songs. It's quite literally their worst post Von song (which pretty much means it's their worst song in 10 years).

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Seriously, the one to blame here is Twozzok for nominating this particular song out of all possible SR songs.


Haha what? We were meant to nominate songs we like right? Not what song represents the artist the most.


You could have nominated a different Sigur Ros song if you wished.

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They sound retarded and that's the point they're trying to sound good in a style they don't and that's all I car. Hell in hip-hop/rap even if the lyrics are about bitches and hoes, as long as it sounds good I'm in. This doesn't.


Hip Hop has always been about the message it delivers! Above all else it's always been an intervention method...

Anywho, irrelevant, as I can't even understand half of what they're saying. LOL. But as for sounding good, I compltely disagree, I think it sounds pretty great! And it has personality, to boot! They're not trying to sound good, they're doing their own thing, the way they like it. I quite like the song because of that very reason, it's very authentic, it's not attempting to please anyone, it's got a lot of spirit... and to boot, it sounds quite awesome! Mainly because they're joking around and appear to be very down-to-earth and humble (except for the guest MC, he seems like the prototype badass hip hop asshole). Personally, I believe it's quite a triumph! And judging by the fact of the status they've acquired in the proccess and the reputation they've created for themselves within the genre, I think it's pretty safe to assume they must sound good to some other people too.

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