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Mumbai shootings


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Fuck, man, this is insane. I had no idea India had such a recent run of trouble like this;

  • 30 October: Explosions kill at least 64 in north-eastern Assam
  • 30 September: Blasts in western India kill at least seven
  • 27 September: Bomb blasts kills one in Delhi
  • 13 September: Five bomb blasts kill 18 in Delhi
  • 26 July: At least 22 small bombs kill 49 in Ahmedabad
  • 25 July: Seven bombs go off in Bangalore killing two people
  • 13 May: Seven bomb hit markets and crowded streets in Jaipur killing 63


... Brit/US passports are clearly part of the reason why this has made the news properly, but actually at the Taj Mahal too?! Sheeeet...

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