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Pushing Daisies Cancelled


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think Dollhouse will be cancelled after the first series is shown?


I'm extremely confident that it will be cancelled.


Although I hope it at least gets a season. I really don't get why they would cancel something before the season is finished (unless they show the pilot episode in advance to make sure there in an audience, like they're doing with Caprica).

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UPN, which was a merger between The WB and UPN. A lot comes down to who is on your side at the network, can often be almost as effective as having the fan support.


While not obvious what I meant is "where did you brining up VM come from?" Im well aware of the show's history. I was like obsessed remember :p


Oh and Bryan Fuller is in talks to do comics and a movie (comics I'd imagine is more likely).

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Darn. Though the cirtain "tim burton" art style got a little less novel as the first series went on the dialogue was unparalleled. Though the first season lagged a little towards the end I was looking forward to another. All I can say is that though the show is being cancelled, I hope the creative team get picked up for something else and still try to bring something as different as this to the world rather than being knocked back and conforming to make standard TV.

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While not obvious what I meant is "where did you brining up VM come from?" Im well aware of the show's history. I was like obsessed remember :p


Oh and Bryan Fuller is in talks to do comics and a movie (comics I'd imagine is more likely).


I was trying to make the point that shows that have Fans at the network tend to last longer.

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Don't shows have to be young sexy and cool, to keep getting ratings now?


Full of sexy adults playing bored and rich (or superpowered) teenagers?


Lol. Even that doesn't keep the ratings anymore. Look at Gossip Girl. They hype it gets is incredible, yet it only gets about 3.5 million viewers. (Thats great for the network it's on, though).


Greys Anatomy, Desperate housewives and Reality shows seem to be the most popular. Dancing with the stars is the biggest show on earth now, with Idol being second.


It seems shows nowadays have to be ones where you can call in to change the results. Perhaps they should have an option for us to call in and decide which way a storyline goes? :p

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  • 5 months later...

Just seen the final episode. I enjoyed it, what with the heavy focus on Vivian and Lily, but it was a shame how it was clearly just a normal episode with a very hastily re-written final five minutes. I'd love to know what happens next.

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Just seen the final episode. I enjoyed it, what with the heavy focus on Vivian and Lily, but it was a shame how it was clearly just a normal episode with a very hastily re-written final five minutes. I'd love to know what happens next.


DC are producing a 12 issue comic.

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Just seen the final episode. I enjoyed it, what with the heavy focus on Vivian and Lily, but it was a shame how it was clearly just a normal episode with a very hastily re-written final five minutes. I'd love to know what happens next.


It was meant to be the first part of a two-parter, with the break obviously being when they turn up at the house.



DC are producing a 12 issue comic.


Which has nothing to do with the plot of this episode really;


“We got a 12-issue order for a comic book for DC Comics,” Fuller tells E! Online. “I think the comic book is great, because it has all the characters in it, and it starts a new story. It’s basically Chuck, Ned, Emerson and Olive versus 1,000 corpses, so it becomes a zombie movie, but the zombies are articulate and smart and can do things that no other zombies can do. The Pie-Maker versus 1,000 corpses.”


I don't want that (well, I shall read that). I want more of this. I'd happily let them retcon the rushed ending (although, they could easily claim it happened later on, doesn't all need to happen that day).



As far as the episode itself; yes I can see it is expensive to make but god damn it there's good reason. I still maintain its worth more than Heroes which is becoming increasingly tired. But moaning aside, a wonderful sendoff with granted, a rushed ending. Plus at the end it showed a different side of Ellen Greene, and who doesn't love her?


It bugged me during the episode who Coral was played by, the actor who played Martin's girlfriend/wife at the end of Frasier. Knew the voice sounded familiar.


I shall miss it dearly :(

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