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He's been on here before. But the guys is awesome! Infinitely better than AVGN



He's a genius, but his videos are different enough that you can't really compare them to AVGN videos.

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Well he's funnier AND more intelligent...


I like AVGN don;t get me wrong, but this games on another level

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He said neutral and put a picture of Sweden.


I noticed that, what a fail.


I am sad enough to have seen all 26 episodes and I think he's excellent though. There was one about nintendo and why it's so great (episode 6 or 7) that was 10 minutes of some of the best stuff I've ever seen online. Well worth checking out.

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Funnily enough there was an issue of Fantastic Four that was partly set in "Stockholm, Switzerland". Must be a common mistake!

Edited by Grazza

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Hey guys, if any of you have Fifa 2008 and fancy a game, there's a thread in the online board. I have biiig cravings at the moment.


I think I'm going to need to get the new Pro Evo when that comes out. Just to kick some of your behinds. ;)

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EA Wii Sales Double


EA Sports Active is officially the best-selling EA Wii game ever. You won't believe these numbers.


US, August 4, 2009 - Publishing giant Electronic Arts posted the financial results for its fiscal quarter ended June 30 and revealed net revenue of $644 million, as opposed to $804 million for the same period the prior year. The company said that whopper sales of The Sims 3 (3.7 million copies) and major Wii sellers like Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 and EA Sports Active contributed to its success.


EA Sports Active sold "over 1.8 million copies in the quarter," according to EA. That makes the exercise program EA's best-selling Wii title ever.


Meanwhile, EA revealed that its Wii market share hit a record 21 percent in North America and was 13 percent in Europe -- again, fueled by strong sales of Tiger and EA Sports Active, but also Grand Slam Tennis and Rock Band 2.


"Good execution delivered better-than-expected financial results in the first quarter," said John Riccitiello, chief executive officer. "We are very pleased with the success of both The Sims 3 and EA Sports Active."


"Our Q1 performance was driven by our previously announced cost-cutting initiatives and a strong frontline slate," said Eric Brown, chief financial officer. "We had a solid Q1 both top and bottom line and we are focused on delivering the balance of the year."

It's really great that EA are seeing a return for their efforts!

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It's really great that EA are seeing a return for their efforts!


Good to see that GST wasn't missed out on too. :hehe:

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Does this mean that they won't be giving Henry Hatsworth anymore attention:o:sad:


I hope not, that would be utter POPPY COCK!

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it's great to see EA doing well because they have improved so much over the last 3 years it's incredible whereas activision has gone down the shitter.

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It's really great that EA are seeing a return for their efforts!


It's just a shame that they aren't putting the same amount of effort into Madden (or at least, review the direction it's taking) and still no attempts to resurrect the NHL series on Nintendo consoles.

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It's just a shame that they aren't putting the same amount of effort into Madden (or at least, review the direction it's taking) and still no attempts to resurrect the NHL series on Nintendo consoles.


Not a fan of the more cartoony look they are going for this year? Gotta say I think it looks refreshing and something that can do no harm to a long running series like Madden, imo.

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It's just a shame that they aren't putting the same amount of effort into Madden (or at least, review the direction it's taking) and still no attempts to resurrect the NHL series on Nintendo consoles.


I would love an NHL game on the Wii. I used to play one of the older games on my megadrive, when IIIIII WAS A YOUNG WARTHOOOOOG. Might have been 96? Excellent game.


As with Snowman of Dark, I think the new look for Madden looks quite nice. But, then again, I'm not a diehard of the series. American Football confuses the Keanu Reeves out of me. :(


It's good that EA are doing well, because I do think they have somewhat turned a corner in the past few years. I want Grand Slam Tennis. I've been playing a lot of Fifa 2008 lately for the Wii, including online, and they did a great job with that. It just goes to show that if you put the effort in, then the games can do well on this system.

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Not a fan of the more cartoony look they are going for this year? Gotta say I think it looks refreshing and something that can do no harm to a long running series like Madden, imo.


Not a fan of the new look at all, last years was bad enough and I didn't think it could get any worse than that. But, maybe EA may have got it right when you consider the perceived 'market' for Wii, and they have admitted that is the market they are going after with the visuals.


But that's the least of the problem, when comparing the feature list of the Wii version to those of the 360/PS3 it really is an insult to anyone who wants to enjoy an indepth game of Girdiron. The gap in features seems to be growing each year and I don't see EA doing anything to reverse this, even though I am sure it sold pretty badly on Wii last year.


It may not harm the series but I can't see it doing it any favours either, and the amount of posts on EAs own forums about players switching from the Wii to 360/PS3 versions is alarming (if not unexpected). Whether some of those make the jump like I have, is another story.


Better warp this up, before it turns into a long winded rant, about an admittedly niche title in this part of the world.

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Iwata Ask: Punch Out interview.


Some interesting things:


Wada: This is a great opportunity, so I have something I'd like to say. In Punch-Out!!, the game gives you a lot of hints about effective timing of punches. There is a big boxer called Bald Bull in the NES version as well and a light flashes to the right in the audience when he charges. If you punch when it flashes you will land a body blow.


Tanabe: What? Really?


Wada: No one has known about that for about 22 years…


Everyone: (laughter)


Wada: I was wondering when I would have a chance to tell people that.


Iwata: You've been holding that information for 22 years since the release. (laughs)


Wada: Now that I had the chance. (laughs) There are a lot of hidden elements in the NES version.



Sorry for making you wait so long, Tanabe-san.


That's fine.


You were responsible for the mission of resurrecting games made by Genyo Takeda, Nintendo's first game designer. Why did you do this project?


It all started from Next Level Games wanting to do this game.



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That video made me so happy to just own a Wii and ALL of them are exclusives :D


Yep, reminded me why I haven't given up completely on the Wii just yet.

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whats Monado?


Nintendo/Monolith Soft first party game.

Nintendo like to keep details to themselves before the game release date. :blank:

The game will likely be an adventure RPG like Monster Hunter, as the trailer shows both third-person exploration gameplay and a turn-based battle.

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whats Monado?


The future, sir. The future Wii RPG game from Monolith Soft, quietly revealed at E3...

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That video made me so happy to just own a Wii and ALL of them are exclusives :D


I think it was the J-Pop-ish music that made me happy too!


But I do agree about the feel-good factor of actually owning a Nintendo home console with great exclusives. Yet I still feel that I need a few more mature-themed adventure games in the vein of Zelda. They are coming though. Monster Hunter 3 in particular looks sublime, yet without titles in that genre I can safely say that Wii has brought me the closest to the diversity of the SNES era and as close as possible to the 'uniqueness' of the N64 era. This is why Wii is great to me.


Having the opportunity to play typical "never thought of that before!" Nintendo ideas like Wii Sports (& Resort), Wii Music/Fit alongside such bonafide classics like Super Mario Galaxy/Brawl/Twilight Princess alongside innovative titles from a multitude of 3rd parties has been great!


I've enjoyed loads of 3rd party games and have instantly gained pleasure from titles such as Let's Tap, Kororinpa, Boom Blox, HoTD: Overkill alongside brilliant re-births like Punch Out!!, Samba De Amigo, Bully, Klonoa, Tiger Woods, Mario Kart, Excite'trucks' and that's whilst missing out on a plethora of titles like De Blob, No More Heroes, Deadly Creatures and more!


In this generation where online, 'competitive' gaming takes the fore I really enjoy the social, relaxed (almost laid-back) landscape of gaming that Wii has carved out for itself.

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I think it was the J-Pop-ish music that made me happy too!


But I do agree about the feel-good factor of actually owning a Nintendo home console with great exclusives. Yet I still feel that I need a few more mature-themed adventure games in the vein of Zelda. They are coming though. Monster Hunter 3 in particular looks sublime, yet without titles in that genre I can safely say that Wii has brought me the closest to the diversity of the SNES era and as close as possible to the 'uniqueness' of the N64 era. This is why Wii is great to me.


Having the opportunity to play typical "never thought of that before!" Nintendo ideas like Wii Sports (& Resort), Wii Music/Fit alongside such bonafide classics like Super Mario Galaxy/Brawl/Twilight Princess alongside innovative titles from a multitude of 3rd parties has been great!


I've enjoyed loads of 3rd party games and have instantly gained pleasure from titles such as Let's Tap, Kororinpa, Boom Blox, HoTD: Overkill alongside brilliant re-births like Punch Out!!, Samba De Amigo, Bully, Klonoa, Tiger Woods, Mario Kart, Excite'trucks' and that's whilst missing out on a plethora of titles like De Blob, No More Heroes, Deadly Creatures and more!


In this generation where online, 'competitive' gaming takes the fore I really enjoy the social, relaxed (almost laid-back) landscape of gaming that Wii has carved out for itself.


Couldn't have put it better myself. I personally, really don't like the direction the Xbox and PS3 are taking with online gaming. It's always been a solitary experience for me, similar to reading. I also find multiplayer is so much more of a blast when everyone's in the same room.


Can't believe you missed out on de Blob and NMH though, Tapedeck! Those games are classics! You can get them for about £8 if you look in the right places.


But yeah the line up looks awesome for the end of the Year / 2010 and that video doesn't even include Pikmin 3 or the new Zelda.


Plus Genki Rockets are amazing! :D

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Plus Genki Rockets are amazing! :D


It's probably shameless that I only know about them through No More Heroes, but yes, they are amazing.

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It's probably shameless that I only know about them through No More Heroes, but yes, they are amazing.


Isn't that how everyone knows them? ;)

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