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not for the ps3 i dont think.


any way, if i did, it'd make things to easy.

Ahh right sorry, forgot that I'm apparently the only PC player.... It wouldn't make things to easy, it'd make leveling scary though. If you max your skills your unable to progress past the skill page with points left over.


Ah cheers, when can you get training for the power armor btw?


I believe in the Citadel, where ever that is... Or if you have the PC version you can use a console command.

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Probably becomes too easy or something. Is kind of gay because I'd like to try and get a few more perks if I reach that level. There's a new perk that I aquired called the animal friend, next time I level up I will upgrade and then animals such as molerats and vicious dogs will aid me in battle. Lush!

Hopefully I get XP for killing them once they have finished helping me though (if they survive)


I'm really into this now, just incredible game. I've played so much and yet there is still more than half the map that I haven't explored, insane!


Haha just encountered 2 full health death-claws at the top-right corner of the map. 3/4 hits from them and I'm dead lol.

Ah cheers, when can you get training for the power armor btw?


hum, its in the main quest, cant say were exactly without a huge spoiler, but lets just say it's fairly obvious when you arive at the area your gonna get it.


Just encountered the fire ants and did the quest that was associated with it, and I must say, the reward for helping the Doc. Lesko was very much worth it.


Also stumbled upon a fight between the brotherhood of steel and the Super Mutants. Awesome getting involved and reaping the rewards of some much needed hunting rifle bullets AND some tasty power armour for when I can wear it.


And I must say, I love the more varied and unique voices. really got on my nerves the way that so many people in oblivion had the same voice. Some didnt even fit really.

Just encountered the fire ants and did the quest that was associated with it, and I must say, the reward for helping the Doc. Lesko was very much worth it.


Also stumbled upon a fight between the brotherhood of steel and the Super Mutants. Awesome getting involved and reaping the rewards of some much needed hunting rifle bullets AND some tasty power armour for when I can wear it.


And I must say, I love the more varied and unique voices. really got on my nerves the way that so many people in oblivion had the same voice. Some didnt even fit really.


fire ants was good and the reward was worth it, though i did still want to put a bullet in dr lesko, cold hearted bastard.


fights between different groups are great to stumble upon, saw a raider get mauled to shreds by a bear. made me happy. its kinda scary when you come across the aftermath of a fight though.


the voices are better but could still use improvment. at least the faces look better then oblivion. id like a more customisable character though, height and weight would be good to change, as well as eye colour. id also like to see myself change based of events in the game (scars maybe?) and lifestyle, getting fat etc.

fire ants was good and the reward was worth it, though i did still want to put a bullet in dr lesko, cold hearted bastard.


fights between different groups are great to stumble upon, saw a raider get mauled to shreds by a bear. made me happy. its kinda scary when you come across the aftermath of a fight though.


the voices are better but could still use improvment. at least the faces look better then oblivion. id like a more customisable character though, height and weight would be good to change, as well as eye colour. id also like to see myself change based of events in the game (scars maybe?) and lifestyle, getting fat etc.


A bit of fable crossover with Fallout/oblivion eh?


and I know what you mean about Lesko. Was tempted but I am a peacekeeper. Just got killed by some raiders who surprised me and managed to blow the car that was right next to me ¬_¬


really need to discover how to wear that power armour so now I am doing the main quest


I can tell PC users how to use powerarmor pre-main quest....


Anywho, I'm just posting in to announce that me and a couple buddies did a podcast talking about Fallout 3 (and Fallout in general) today. It's done, but hasn't been posted yet. When it is I think I'll post it in here for anyone interested.

I can tell PC users how to use powerarmor pre-main quest....


Anywho, I'm just posting in to announce that me and a couple buddies did a podcast talking about Fallout 3 (and Fallout in general) today. It's done, but hasn't been posted yet. When it is I think I'll post it in here for anyone interested.


will it be spoilerific? I'm still relatively early in the game...10 hours in and level 6 due to LBP.




I was getting used to killing/sparing whoever i wanted in the game..... and then THAT scene pops up and i have to just stand there with a huge arsenal of weapons and do nothing but watch. Not pleased!

will it be spoilerific? I'm still relatively early in the game...10 hours in and level 6 due to LBP.


A teensy bit, but the major ones we warn before hand.



I was getting used to killing/sparing whoever i wanted in the game..... and then THAT scene pops up and i have to just stand there with a huge arsenal of weapons and do nothing but watch. Not pleased!


agreed, thats frustrating. totaly could have changed the outcome.

Anyone know where the key is for the safe that holds the key for the gun cabinet in the museum of technology. Been searching for ages.


Seriously, does anyone know the answer to this cos its doing my head in. Cant find the key anywhere.


By the way, is there anywhere to put items temporarily for safekeeping? Like I have this power armour I can't wear yet, and I don't wanna get rid of it, but it's taking up alot of my inventory.


I was really annoyed when I was trying to find a key for something in a certain place but gave up in the end.


^ You can dump it on the floor in most places and it'll stay there. Or you could sell it. The GNR station place has the guy that died and his power armour is still there.

By the way, is there anywhere to put items temporarily for safekeeping? Like I have this power armour I can't wear yet, and I don't wanna get rid of it, but it's taking up alot of my inventory.


if you did the megaton quest you get a house, no matter how it went.


lockers and boxes may get robbed. dont worry bout power armour, you'l find pleanty when the time is right.


There's tonnes of stuff in Evergreen mills! The amount of stimpacks and ammo and stuff is incredible. Oh and should I try and take down that mega mutant thing on my own? I was thinking maybe setting a couple of bottle cap mines and then Fat-Manning him...

There's tonnes of stuff in Evergreen mills! The amount of stimpacks and ammo and stuff is incredible. Oh and should I try and take down that mega mutant thing on my own? I was thinking maybe setting a couple of bottle cap mines and then Fat-Manning him...


Interesting. Im on my way to that place now...

if you did the megaton quest you get a house, no matter how it went.


lockers and boxes may get robbed. dont worry bout power armour, you'l find pleanty when the time is right.


If the "megaton quest" is the one I'm thinking of, I haven't had the heart to do it yet. I have no where else to sell my crap and get healed by the doctor! Should I really have done it a bit sooner?


this simulator thing is creeping me out, I've done a few bad things in it so far. I want to get out but I don't know how. At the start I saw a computer terminal but now that the woman has told me about the fail-safe thing when I go in the abandoned house it's dark and the terminal isnt there...? help?


Edit: the thing above was slightly wrong, the terminal wasn't there anyway.

If the "megaton quest" is the one I'm thinking of, I haven't had the heart to do it yet. I have no where else to sell my crap and get healed by the doctor! Should I really have done it a bit sooner?


dissarm the bomb and get a house too.


ok, ive finnished and i'm going to give my opinion, before i do i have some advice, im spoilering it cos it might give a little away, and i mean very litte, but i STRONGLY advise you read

have a back up save, before you accept the final story mission. it sets off from the citadel, and you'l be able to tell which one it is, cos its epic.




dwarf, for your predicament

the console is hidden, touch the crap around the room, theres a specific order to it, press the right item, it goes "BING!" wrong won beeps. the option at the bottom, it might seem evil but its the good choice




ok so general thoughts. lots of fun to be the lone wanderer, really felt like i was playing me, rather then playing some one else. the freedom was intense, and almost always let me do things my way. weapons were well rounded, each with advantages and dissadvantages.


the visuals were also very good. obviously such a huge world isnt going to look as good as a smaller one, and a few character moddles looked a little odd. but all in all, this was stunning. the amount going on was amazine.


the number of side quests seems a little lower then i expected, certainly less the in oblivion, but then maybe i havent encovered many yet.


the karma system has been great. ive played as a true hero, selfless and unafraid to stand up for justice. the results were the masses loved me, giving me gifts and respect. i'm interested to see how playing it evil will go.


side kicks were a little disserpointing for me, combat wasnt really deep enough to use them tacticaly, instead they just seemed to wade in, and ocashionaly need helping out. they were also aocashionaly stupid, stuck between doors etc. still, a nice extra.


now i'm going to disscuss the story, particularly the ending so if you dont wanna know, dont click.

ok, woah. the whole search for dad was pretty cool, felt a little hopeless at times, and due to my own error of stumbeling into vault 112 early, i had a few objectives with no idea were to go till the story caught up.


dads return was good, though the death was a real blow. i wanted more time to work with him. the quest for the G.E.C.K. was good, especialy as it got me fawkes! the presidents true identity felt a little cliche, i saw it coming aswell, but a rather cool dialouge could be had. the ultimate ending had things go very action orientated, felt a little weird for a game that dosent usualy make combat mandatory.


as for dying at the end, that was a real punch in the crotch. kinda wanted to see the results of my efforts, have people tell me how awsome i was etc. still, a very good storyline for such an open ended game.



definately a 10/10.


might just start again as an evil bugger :p.

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