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Find Your Gaming Style! (CNN)


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I came across this on CNN and obviously I took the test. I didn't find any questions that had an ideal answer so I was mainly picking the next closest thing. Here's my summary:




You are a power gamer who likes to think your way through complex, realistic problems on the battlefield. You also tend to be a control freak who dreams of taking over the world and like to pit your wit against the best- as long as your character is bigger, tougher and richer than the rest.


Take the test here.

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I got the following...




Life is a real battleground with you! You love the feeling of success that comes with whuppin someone's butt. You're no pushover and you will fight to the finish. You never let anything get in your way if you want something and you always shoot straight from the hip.

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Admit it, you're sports-mad. The term 'Wii elbow' was probably coined for you. You realize you'll never be a sports super star, but that's what gaming's for right? You love playing in the NFL, picking your own premier league football team or racing down the track in your F1 sports car.


Wasn't all that impressed with the test or the available options :heh:

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Role Play... there just aren't enough varied categories though, RPG's yes I enjoy them but I also enjoy a varied mix of genres and refuse to be pigeon-holed. :heh:


I mean just take a look at my last played games list...


Megaman 9, Duke Nukem, Rock Band, Too Human and Soul Calibur IV so thats two arcade games one of which is platforming mostly, the other shooting, RB which is Rythm Action, Too Human which is RPG flavoured hack n' slash and Soul Calibur IV which is fighting.


Five completely different genres... pigeon-hole that!

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My game style is:




You are a power gamer who likes to think your way through complex, realistic problems on the battlefield. You also tend to be a control freak who dreams of taking over the world and like to pit your wit against the best- as long as your character is bigger, tougher and richer than the rest.

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Looks like im the only bloody thirsty, action junkie then :)


I picked Rambo and still didn't end up being in the shooter category! I picked the sporty options too here and there but missed that group too, lol. Like SCG said though its pretty impossible to pidgeon hole gamers because its highly unlikely that someone sticks exclusively to one genre. I like a bitta strategy, yeah, but I like a bit of everything else too.

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I got... 'You are a power gamer who likes to think your way though complex, realistic problems on the battlefield. You also tend to be a control freak who dreams of taking over the world and to pit yourself against the best - as long as your character is bigger, tougher and richer than the rest.'

not entirely true but hey.

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I got



Life is a real battleground with you. You love the feeling of success that comes with whuppin' somebody's butt. You're no pushover and will fight to the finish. You never let anything get in the way if you want something and you always shoot straight from the hip.


Yup, sorta true. LOL. Loving the pic, haha.



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