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Another Code: R, Gateway of Memory ** MARK SPOILERS!**


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Check out the book on Rex's table. Take a picture of the two black pages with arrows on them, then take a picture of the pages after that. Use superimpose to superimpose the latter on top of the former, and slowly move it to the right. The combination will be revealed.

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Finally completed this last night. The game definitely got better in the second half, but a lot of my thoughts from when I started the game still didn't change. Lovely graphics, but too many overly long conversations. I definitely preferred not having so many people to talk to in the DS game. Overall, not bad, but the Americans are hardly missing out on a Nintendo classic.

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  • 1 month later...

Just completed this game as well myself last week. It's an enjoyable and very pretty game. I do wish it had a vocal track as well to match the characters text.


Has anyone attempted the second run thru of the game, there are some slight differences and a few Easter eggs (Clocktower surprise anyone?)


I've also checked the official Nintendo Another code R website and they make some sort of comment about uncovering some secret Memories-anyone got any idea what that maybe?

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Has anyone attempted the second run thru of the game, there are some slight differences and a few Easter eggs (Clocktower surprise anyone?)


I've also checked the official Nintendo Another code R website and they make some sort of comment about uncovering some secret Memories-anyone got any idea what that maybe?


I started a second playthrough a while ago, though I'm still in the middle of chapter 3.

The only differences I noticed so far are the additional messages from Ashley's dad, the slightly different code for the bag in the lake and a strange squirrel with a big swirled tail, that's running around the background near the old cottage.

I'm pretty sure that squirrel wasn't there in the first playthrough, but I never heard something about it anywhere else.

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I finished this a couple of weeks ago too and must say i loved every single minute of it, one of the best wii games i think...I think the best thing about it was that you got connected to every character and wanted to find out what happened and i wasn't bored once.


The last chapters were brill, as you edged nearer to the finale.

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Was anyone else a little annoyed that Sofia got away? and if Matts dad was alive why was he in hiding all this time?[


Yeah, I was quite annoyed as well. Sofia is EVIL. D:


And we'll get to know both Matt and his father better in (probably) the next Another Code-game, so that should "answer" your second question.


...Maybe we'll meet Sofia again as well. o:


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  • 2 months later...

Started this last night and completed chapter one. A worthy followup to the great DS game.


The one thing that stands out for me, given the exquisite animation of the characters (and this may lead to a heated debate) is the lack of voice acting. The game is seriously crying out for it, in my opinion.


Yes, its an 'interactive novel' of sorts, but I'm finding the text too jarring; its a huge barrier to being fully immersed in the experience.

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Ooh I dunno Dave, I'll jump in first in AC:R's defence. I find that the way the characters are animated breathes a lot of life into them whilst leaving how their voices sound up to your imagination.


If there was voice acting and it was really well done, I wouldn't complain either. I'm not against it but I just believe that Another Code works perfectly well without it. :)

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find that the way the characters are animated breathes a lot of life into them whilst leaving how their voices sound up to your imagination.


If there was voice acting and it was really well done, I wouldn't complain either. I'm not against it but I just believe that Another Code works perfectly well without it. :)


This x1000000000000000


The games Cing make just breathe life out of the characters. I just loved the style that Hotel Dusk had, I just imagined what all the characters sounded right away.

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Ooh I dunno Dave, I'll jump in first in AC:R's defence. I find that the way the characters are animated breathes a lot of life into them whilst leaving how their voices sound up to your imagination.

For me it was exactly because those animations were done so wel (albeit slightloy repetitive after a while) that I really missed some voice acting. It was like watching a film or TV series with subtitles on, but muted. I could live with it, but I hope a next game will have a higher budget to include some voice actors.

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  • 3 months later...

I started this a week or two ago.. and finished it this morning :hehe:


I really enjoyed it and thought it was great to relax with :smile: I haven't read any books really since I was at primary school (over a decade ago :heh:) and I generally don't care too much for the stories in most games, but since Another Code: R is all about the story, I managed to find myself totally engrossed :yay:


However, it was because I was so engrossed that I was a little disappointed towards the end. The amount of TAS related 'puzzles' spiralled and were basically only variations of doing something that hadn't been all that interesting since the first time you used the TAS :eek: I managed to fluke one of the codes too, somehow..


The code to unlock one of the doors in the JC Valley building was an Up Arrow type thing follow by T I 8 and a 1 over 2..


I kept messing about with it and since pressing 1 worked for the first two, I was already half way there :heh: The fluke came in triggering the '8' by pressing 1, -, 1.. can anyone explain to me what that was about?



Anyway, I also felt that there were things I wanted to find out about that never really came to fruition..


- what happened with Sofia?

- what happened with Matt's Dad?

- how did Ashley get on at the contest?


On that last point, I actually hoped we might get to do some strumming at one point in the game.. but it wasn't to be :red:



Overall, though, it was great.. though I think I preferred the DS original :heh:

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The code to unlock one of the doors in the JC Valley building was an Up Arrow type thing follow by T I 8 and a 1 over 2..


I kept messing about with it and since pressing 1 worked for the first two, I was already half way there :heh: The fluke came in triggering the '8' by pressing 1, -, 1.. can anyone explain to me what that was about?



Too bad you fluked it as it was actually one of the more clever TAS puzzles. I, like you, was getting a bit bored of them, but this one had me stumped for a bit as far as I can remember.

The arrow thing is actually the home icon on your remote. Even when I figured that one out immediately, I didn't know what to do with it. But when you deliberately pause your game through the home function, take another look at that code.. Well you're already passed it, so you can't I guess, but it will read "1 1 0 2" (the home interface display will obscure the top half of the code)



Can't remember the story actually, but yeah, I loved the game, so too bad there's unlikely to be a sequel. But maybe I should try to find a copy of the DS game, since I've never played that one. Or I could play a new game in that remix mode.

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The arrow thing is actually the home icon on your remote. Even when I figured that one out immediately, I didn't know what to do with it. But when you deliberately pause your game through the home function, take another look at that code.. Well you're already passed it, so you can't I guess, but it will read "1 1 0 2" (the home interface display will obscure the top half of the code)



Damn.. that sounded really cool :hehe: I got the hint, but I never thought to use it that way.. even though I had pressed it, it never clicked with me :heh:


That's a shame as I was able to figure out the rest of the puzzles in the game with relative ease.. but thanks for pointing out what I was missing anyway, even if I managed to blunder through the puzzle anyway :hehe:

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