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"New Play Control" Games!


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I thought it was as Grazza mentioned, there was a temple for the last orb and another 2 later on in the game and the Tri-Force hunt was different instead of getting pieces from chest/Tingle raping your money etc.


I wanted more to do in old Hyrule right enough. Seemed a bit 'dark' and was interesting.

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I thought it was as Grazza mentioned, there was a temple for the last orb and another 2 later on in the game and the Tri-Force hunt was different instead of getting pieces from chest/Tingle raping your money etc.


I wanted more to do in old Hyrule right enough. Seemed a bit 'dark' and was interesting.


Yep...and the annoying this s that it could easily b done, as Hyrule would be basically empty... Is that really so much to ask giving how lacking the world above was?

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Guest Captain Falcon

I thought there were just two missing dungeons - 1 to get the Pearl of Wisdom and then it's respective helper dungeon after the getting the Master Sword. Never heard anything about a third one before.


I wonder who the partner would have been. Jabun is a bit too big so I guess the only other option it could have been was to be a Goron. Maybe they were stripped of a significant presence alongside the removal of the dungeons - unless an entire race got cut as well. And I doubt it would have been one of the pirates as they can't do anything that Link can't already do.


It would have been great to explore old Hyrule. They chose such a distinct visual style, then shot themselves in the foot by limiting the locales you get to see it applied to.


Getting to explore Hyrule at the end, even if it was only a few places, would have been awesome beyond comprehension. When I see the mountains in the background, all I want to do is to be able to go walk up to it... but i can't.

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Wind Waker spoilers ahead...


Perhaps there was supposed to be another dungeon in the old hyrule rather than just the last one.


I've been thinking about that, and I don't think there would be any entrances in Hyrule. The Wind and Earth Temples were technically in Hyrule, just with their entrances above sea-level (a very, very clever idea, incidentally). This may seem like nitpicking, but it's not, because there were two other entrances - the fire and ice mountains. As they both gave you very significant items (Power Bracelets and Iron Boots), I can't help but think the initial idea was to flesh them out more. These larger dungeons would have been "in" Hyrule as much as the Earth and Wind Temples.


In fact, I think this is more likely than a 3rd co-op dungeon. The co-op dungeons boosted your Master Sword, one "side" each. Obviously, there are only two sides, so I'm slightly sceptical there was meant to be a 3rd one.


I wonder who the partner would have been. Jabun is a bit too big so I guess the only other option it could have been was to be a Goron. Maybe they were stripped of a significant presence alongside the removal of the dungeons - unless an entire race got cut as well.


Possibly the Zoras, as it's Great Fish Isle, and the Zoras are associated with Jabun? I say Great Fish Isle, as it really does seem like it's meant to be important, and there's a ledge which looks like an entrance. Still, it was great to meet Jabun where he actually was.


Yeah that's what I wanted to do aswell Cap. So much that I tried to look around with the moon jump code :(


I thought that place was fantastic and I wanted to look and look around, alas, it was never meant to be...


Ah, we all did! Such a great idea, such a sense of longing.


I'm actually replaying Wind Waker at the moment, and I've been thinking about it greatly. The grid is 7x7, which is 49 squares. I wonder if it was actually meant to be 6x6 (36), which would be 13 less squares? I say this because approximately six islands (squares) are there just to give you a Tri-Force Chart, and a few of the others seem a bit inconsequential. Therefore, if the Tri-Force hunt was added just to pad out the game, then perhaps 13 extra squares were too. I say this because all those dungeons plus the Tri-Force hunt would make the game too long, in my opinion.


Of course, it's all speculation. I find it an interesting mystery, as I love the game so much.


If the game had a smaller, 6x6 grid, the 3rd "pearl" dungeon and fleshed-out fire and ice dungeons, there would be less sailing, far more consistent "Zelda" action throughout and it would be a far, far more balanced game.


However, as much as I'd love to see that, I can't help but feel Nintendo did the right thing by rushing it. I tend to think there's a "right time and place" for games. Wind Waker arrived just when it was needed, and what a beautiful game it was too.


Getting back to a possible "Wiimake", I'd love it. I don't think the current controller could do it, but I think it might be possible with MotionPlus. That gives you full rotational movement, so you could control the Mirror Shield.

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It couldn't be the Zoras. They evolved into the bird people.


I doubt it was the gorons either, since they mostly moved to that island in Phantom Hourglass.


Its possible that the game was more different than we think before it was cut.


Perhaps the other dungeon could have been hyrule castle.

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I'm actually replaying Wind Waker at the moment, and I've been thinking about it greatly. The grid is 7x7, which is 49 squares. I wonder if it was actually meant to be 6x6 (36), which would be 13 less squares? I say this because approximately six islands (squares) are there just to give you a Tri-Force Chart, and a few of the others seem a bit inconsequential. Therefore, if the Tri-Force hunt was added just to pad out the game, then perhaps 13 extra squares were too. I say this because all those dungeons plus the Tri-Force hunt would make the game too long, in my opinion.


Funnily enough, I started to replay the Wind Waker just a few short months ago. Also, my housemate is playing through Twilight Princess on the Wii (she's not too far in, just entered the second dungeon) so I'm getting to see the first early stages again of these great games.


Wind Waker is a great game, and included so many great ideas. I hope at some point Nintendo give us the opportunity to go back to the world they created with this and allow us to explore a bit more. I don't think they need extra dungeons to improve the game, or the series for that matter, but I do think they need more "set pieces" that take place between dungeons. More specifically, Twilight Princess include some great moments for this until about halfway in the game, and then it sorta seemed like they just wanted us to reach the end. In a sense, I think this could have made Wind Waker a much better game, too.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I doubt it was the gorons either, since they mostly moved to that island in Phantom Hourglass.



Just thinking about it now you've said that, that dungeon in PH was just like the helper dungeons in WW - can't believe I've only just noticed.


I wouldn't be surprised if that dungeon, was pretty much a cut down version of the dungeon that got canned. Which now makes me think more than ever that it would have been a Goron helper.


Like I said, I have the suspicion that they were pretty much removed from the game bar their oh so brief appearances. If you have a game populated by 3 distinct races (other than the humans), and they have dungeons that focus round two and not the other, it's bound to seem strange.


Plus, you need to acquire bombs to get into Jabun and we all know they are the Goron Special Crop - they probably would have been the dungeon item.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Just thinking about it now you've said that, that dungeon in PH was just like the helper dungeons in WW - can't believe I've only just noticed.


I wouldn't be surprised if that dungeon, was pretty much a cut down version of the dungeon that got canned. Which now makes me think more than ever that it would have been a Goron helper.


Like I said, I have the suspicion that they were pretty much removed from the game bar their oh so brief appearances. If you have a game populated by 3 distinct races (other than the humans), and they have dungeons that focus round two and not the other, it's bound to seem strange.


Plus, you need to acquire bombs to get into Jabun and we all know their are the Goron Special Crop - they probably would have been the dungeon item.


Reading all that, it does seem to make an awful lot of sense. Thinking back to Ocarina of Time, you had the three stones at the beginning of the game (pre-Master Sword) and they focused on Kokiri, Zora and Goron. So, it's not really like Nintendo to have a race their and not exploit it.

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That would make perfect sense. Especially since you get to take control of the goron in the PH dungeon. This would explain both dungeons. Though, I wonder where the entrances would have been located. I wonder if the Gorons would have been on Dragon Roost (which is obviously Death Mountain), and the Zoras (Bird People, whatever they were called) would have been somewhere else in the game, probably great fish isle, and so, I wonder then if the first lost dungeon isn't actually the goron one, but still a water dungeon.

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Just thinking about it now you've said that, that dungeon in PH was just like the helper dungeons in WW - can't believe I've only just noticed.


I wouldn't be surprised if that dungeon, was pretty much a cut down version of the dungeon that got canned. Which now makes me think more than ever that it would have been a Goron helper.


Plus, you need to acquire bombs to get into Jabun and we all know they are the Goron Special Crop - they probably would have been the dungeon item.


Excellent thinking!


That would make perfect sense. Especially since you get to take control of the goron in the PH dungeon. This would explain both dungeons. Though, I wonder where the entrances would have been located. I wonder if the Gorons would have been on Dragon Roost (which is obviously Death Mountain), and the Zoras (Bird People, whatever they were called) would have been somewhere else in the game, probably great fish isle, and so, I wonder then if the first lost dungeon isn't actually the goron one, but still a water dungeon.


Yes, I think you are right too, Emasher. (Wind Waker spoilers ahead.)


How about this? Great Fish Isle housed a Water Temple of some kind. Dragon Roost Island was like Goron City, and that's where the Goron Special Crop grew (as it did in the finished game, even though the Gorons weren't there). However, this would still be one of the pre-Master Sword Dungeons.


The later, co-op dungeon with the Goron helper would have been Fire Mountain (that you need the ice arrow to get into). Remember, in Ocarina of Time, there are at least two peaks to the mountain range - Dodongo's Cavern and the Fire Temple- plus there's Goron City. Therefore, there are two peaks in Wind Waker.


So basically, my theory is the original game was meant to go:


1. Forest Haven/Forbidden Forest

2. Dragon Roost Cavern

3. Great Fish Isle/Water Temple


4. Temple of the Gods

5. Forsaken Fortress


6. Fire Mountain (Goron co-op)

7. Ice Mountain

8. Earth Temple (Rito co-op)

9. Wind Temple (Korok co-op)


I still think it's possible the Zoras were intended to be in it. I know it's explicit that the Rito are descended from them, but maybe they are a hybrid race? It's possible the Zoras split in two.


It's great fun anyway. Maybe we should do a thread about the mysteries in Twilight Princess!

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  • 2 weeks later...
No it would suck. It wouldn't take advantage of the Wii controls which is the point of these games.


QFT. Just play the GC versions. There's nothing the Wii could offer to either of these games, nor any other pokemon game on the GC.


On that subject though. Surely Genius Sonority's current project is almost ready to show. This summer they'll have had 2 years to work on it.

Edited by Emasher
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Looks like I may have lost the plot a little.


Finally picked up the New Play Control 'Pikmin' yesterday as I always regretted selling it initially.


Forgot how awesome it was , although I was a little shocked to discover that I managed to play the thing for 14 hours (yikes) yesterday. Went straight through from start to finish and started a speed run. Man , I think I may need help.

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Oh, how I want Luigi's Mansion to be Wii-fied! I really, really love that game!


Still, the controls are the hardest part. It's not easy to emulate a dual-analogue setup in a game like this. Still, here's my penny:


1. The easy-setting from the GC-version (Luigi faces the direction he's walking), but he's locked in a direction the moment he starts vacuuming. So the direction is determined by the control stick. The hight (or angle, if you like) is determined by the angle in which you point your Wii-remote, so that it's like holding the Poltergust itself (even more fun when struggling to catch a ghost!)


2. A click-and-point-system: you put your pointer on an object/ghost, and you the poltergust is automatically pointed towards that object. This would make the game very easy, though.


I would like the first setup personally, but I feel the original controls are hard te emulate. Still, The Wii can play the original, so I can always get my Luigi's Mansion-fix if I feel like it!


By the way, I bought Mario Power Tennis last weekend. Not as bad as reviews made me believe, truth be told. I even think it controls rather well! I can do a topspin, downspin, lob, etc. when I want to (well, most of the time), and it's even the first tennisgame I even think about different shots. Usually, I just use one button, simpleton that I am. :heh:

Edited by Strange Cookie
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^ I'm hoping Luigi's Mansion is one of the titles they don't touch up and place on this. As much as it'd be great to see it hit the market again, the game really can't be improved with Wii controls in it's condition. They'd have to remake the entire game basically to get it working and I'd rather see them make a new game then screw up a classic (if you could call it that).

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better yet a sequal made for wii


Argh! Don't get my hopes up! ;)


I'm hoping Luigi's Mansion is one of the titles they don't touch up and place on this. As much as it'd be great to see it hit the market again, the game really can't be improved with Wii controls in it's condition.


True enough, though I do think there is something to be said for the New Control Play-treatment. I think it can work with Luigi's Mansion, but there is a lot of difference between my imagination and what's workable. It would still be mighty fun to use the Wii-remote as you vacuum, tilting and struggling to capture a ghost. They said it was a bit like fishing anyway. =p

Maybe (and I'm just thinking outloud here) the control stick to control Luigi's (who's facing the way you're walking) and direction of the flashlight/Poltergust, tilting the Wii-remote up or down to tilt the flashlight/Poltergust, press Z to strafe, A for blowing, B for vacuuming, down for action, etc.

Just though of something. The Poltergust was analogue: you could press it slightly or all the way down. Not possible on Wii, unless you do something fancy, like tilting the nunchuck as a power meter... and blow brains of gamers everywhere because of excessive complexness.


Oh, well.


And on a sidenote, I consider Luigi's Mansion as a classic. It's one of my fave GC-games, but it's a game that has diveded opinions immensly. I, for one, don't like Mario Sunshine. At. All.

Edited by Strange Cookie
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