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Noodles Egotistical Round The World Thread


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The CN Tower is pretty amazing. But since your close by I'd suggest you visit the Skylon tower @ Niagara Falls. They used to sell Fudge at the bottom, plus the view from top over the falls is pretty amazing.


In fact 5 things you should do in Niagara if you go:


1) Ride the Spanish Aero Cart over the Rapids

2) Take a ride on the "Maid in the Mist"-Ship thats sails next to bottom of falls

3) Visit the Scenic Caves

4) Go up the Skylon tower

5) Cross the Rainbow Bridge (VISA Required) to the American side and do the hurricane deck walk -YES you get wet!

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Haha so I completely forgot to actually add the pictures and er I don't have my camera with me at the moment :blush:


On the plus side I've spent the last few days improving Anglo-German relations :awesome: Wooed her by busting out the the high school German. Seriously, I cant even remember what I said because I was a bit drunk but she was putty in my hands from that moment. Sadly she returns to the motherland on Monday but it's been fun. I will add pictures next time I promise.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I haven't updated this in a while, so as im waiting for the next episode of 30 rock to load I might as well post an update.


So yeah after my thinly veiled I had sex post a lot has happened: Left Toronto in a blaze of glory (well rain actually) and boarded the train to Ottawa, if you've never been to Ottawa before don't its really really really boring, the hostel was crap there was nothing to do, and it rained the whole time I was there, I couldn't wait to leave. After 2 days I got the train to Montreal.


Montreal is amazing I just wish the bastards would put some things in English, it's utterly bizzare everything and I mean everything is in French.....just French even McDonalds or whatever the menu is in French. Yet everybody or at least I did not encounter anybody who couldn't, speaks fluent English. Although lots of them have the hot French accent when doing so. Spent 12 days in Montreal loved it, the amount of attractive women was crazy I've never being anywhere with so many stunning women per square foot before.


Did all the touristy things in Montreal blah blah even went to the Formula one track the day Bernie got rid of the Canadian Grand Prix, that was a cool experience because when not in use it just open to the public and you can bike or rollerblade or walk round it. Top 3 things about Montreal :


1, The Women

2, $5 Pitchers of Beer

3, The Grand Prix track


From Montreal I took a flight to New York because American immigration is so awesome I had to be at the airport 3 hours early for my 1 hour flight .... I dont know if its the same everywhere but when traveling to the US from Canada you go through immigration at the Canadian airport rather then when you land. So anyway I go up to the homeland security guy and he goes through the usual questions notes down everything I say on the computer then says i'm going to refer you to the interview room and let them decide if you can come in. At this point I was thinking oh god full body cavity search here we come, I went into the interview room the guy scanned my passport in and literally said so when are you leaving the US, I answered 9th November he didnt even ask to see a flight ticket just stamped my passport and said ok then, how random and pointless. Anyway that only took 15 minutes so I now had 2 hours and 45 minutes to kill in Montreal airport, let me tell you there is nothing there I watched the same news report about 8 times in French :(


Anyway at some point I arrived in New York got on the subway and rode it all the way to the hostel..... in Harlem yes Harlem I dont think I realised that when I booked it. Anyway, it was cool and I had no bother other then people trying to sell me their rap C.D's I have no idea why. So yeah New York I didnt really like New York that much or Manhatten at least after a week I was glad to leave, glad I had gone but I had , had enough of it. Did all the touristy things statue of liberty, empire states building. rockafeller centre, yankee stadium blah blah. The one thing I loved about New York though was the deli shops. They ruin subway I can tell you that much and every street has at least 2 or 3 deli shops so awesome.


So then I got the Greyhound bus to Philadelphia from New York. The Greyhound bus is pretty awesome and a hell of a lot cheaper then the trains in America. Philly is awesome genuinely loved it, not a great deal to see other then the rocky steps naturally but I had a fantastic time in Philly. The hostel I stayed in was great as well. Always had something organised every night even if it was just a DVD and free crate of beer. Philly was also where I learned that American girls love the English accent. Or perhaps it's just philly girls who knows. Anyway I had girls hit on me, this never happens I usually have to win them over with my charm and wit. So yeah I had a lot of luck in Philly and I went up the rocky stairs.


So then I was supposed to be going to Boston when I left Philly however I couldn't find anywhere to stay in Boston so I ended up in Washington D.C, which is where I currently am. Washingtons alright bit boring also never seems to be anybody in the city at least everything that is worth doing is free thanks to the Smithsonian I also found a decent Indian restuarant in Washington something I thought impossible in North America. I stay here until Friday when I go back to New York for the weekend (Brooklyn this time though) then flying to Chicago on Monday


I cant be bothered to physically add photos i'll just link to the facebook albums that way if anybody really wants to look at them they can. They aren't amazing and I have a habit of forgetting my camera but anyway:






New York




Washington D.C


That should work but I havent checked it.

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Wow. You've had a hectic time! Last year I had a couple of montreal chicks staying with a mate for a semester so yes, I concur, they do tend to be rather hot. I plan on trekking over there in teh next couple of years.


Shame you didn't like new york - pretty much everyone I know who has been has come back with the firm belief that it's one of the best cities in teh world.


Where are you planning to go after teh US? Down south or westwards?


And just to mention, your montreal pics aren't url'd properly.

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Wow. You've had a hectic time! Last year I had a couple of montreal chicks staying with a mate for a semester so yes, I concur, they do tend to be rather hot. I plan on trekking over there in teh next couple of years.


Shame you didn't like new york - pretty much everyone I know who has been has come back with the firm belief that it's one of the best cities in teh world.


Where are you planning to go after teh US? Down south or westwards?


And just to mention, your montreal pics aren't url'd properly.


They should work now...

And I'm going to Mexico City from Chicago

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  • 1 month later...

Wow haven't updated this in a while, thought it was more recent then Washington.


From Washington then I went back to New York for Halloween weekend, still hated New York. My hatred was further compelled by NYTransist conspiring to make me miss my flight to Chicago. Fortunately the woman at the check in counter was awesome and just put me on the next flight for free. Given how shoddy American Airlines have been I was fully expecting to have to pay for another flight.


Chicago, however, was wicked. Happened to coincide being in Chicago with the US election, and we all know how that turned out :awesome: . I was at Grant Park on election night chilling with the whole of Chicago pretty much. Saw Obama give his victory speech, still pissed I forgot my camera (this is a reoccurring theme). Had a couple of awesome nights out in Chicago and the place was genuinely buzzing because of the election. After 6 days I had pretty much done everything there is to do in Chicago, next up was Mexico City.....


Mexico City brings out such a mixtture of emotions to me. It is without a doubt the biggest shithole I have been to so far and the place I felt the most unsafe. But I saw some amazing things there and had some great times. Still not in a hurry to go back though, and some cunt gave me a fake 100 pesos note, admittedly thats worth less than a fiver but still.


Anyway, the good bits about Mexico City; Teotihuacan Pyramids, fucking incredible and at that point the best thing I have seen or done on the trip. If you get a chance you have to go, Words and pictures just don't even come close to explaining how incredible they are.

The other cool thing I did in Mexico was go to a football match. Sadly Club America where away the weekend I was in Mexico so I didn't get the chance to go to the Azteca. Me a Scouse guy and 2 Aussie girls went to see Cruz Azul vs Jaguares. The atmosphere was incredible, the quality of football was not. Jaguares in particular were awful and Cruz Azul won pretty comfortably 4-1 in the end. Was a fantastic day out and the ticket cost about £4 .


Could not wait to leave Mexico City in truth though, I'm sure other parts of Mexico are nice but I did not enjoy Mexico City. (still preferred it to New York mind) Especially because my next destination was Rio, Rio was amazing even if the weather was shit the entire time I was there so didn't get to do any of the cool shit like visit Christ The Redeemer or Sugar Loaf mountain. I had 2 days in Rio by myself before joining up with the GAP Adventures tour I had booked, surely nothing could go wrong in that time.....


The night before I joined up with the tour, me and 2 other English guys in the hostel I was staying at went out to a bar for a couple of beers. Anyway, one of the guys had been talking to this Brazilian girl for about half an hour me and the other one could tell he was getting nowhere and decided to leave him to it. The bar was literally around the corner from the hostel, anyway walking back and this guy yells out "you amigos want some weed." We didn't even answer him and just carried on walking as soon as we went round the corner a police car flys round the corner and tells us to stop. 3 armed Brazilian policemen get out of the car.


At this point they kept yelling out "you Americano?" eventually it was understood that we were English and not American. One of them asks us if we had any drugs on us, then says they are going to search us. One of the cops walks up to me one to the other guy, the third cop pulls out a gun and points it at us (I kid you not). Anyway the guy pats me down feel my wallet and pulls it out. He opens my wallet goes through all the compartments takes all the cards out checks them puts them back in. Then takes all the money out of my wallet (it was the end of the night I didn't have much) and starts checking every note. At this point it occured to me that if he wanted to slip something into my wallet he could pretty easily or take the money from my wallet. Fortunately he and the other cop are satisfied give us back our wallets and follow us in the car back to the hostel.


I can honestly say you haven't lived until you've had a Brazilian cop point his gun at you while another one goes through your wallet. In spite of this and the crap weather I loved Rio and really want to go back.


The next day I met up with the GAP trip and we set off to Paraty. The GAP trip was awesome, I cant recomend it highly enough and if you get the chance definitely take one. The group consisted of me 2 Aussie girls (recurring theme this one, one of which is going to get her own paragraph in a bit), 2 English girls, a Swedish couple, 4 med students from London, 1 American guy, and a Canadian Woman. Anyway, we chilled in Paraty for a couple of days got to know each other, did some snorkeling, got drunk. hired a boat for the day which was cool.


After a couple of Days we got a night bus to Foz, from there we would spend 3 days in order to see the Iguassu Waterfalls. I'm just going to get this out of the way right now the Iguassu destroys Niagara it's so much better its unreal. Bigger, taller, more to see, not been turned into some hideous Vegas rip-off you name it, it was better. The Iguassu is on the border of Brazil and Argentina, so to fully see it takes 2 days one on each side. The first day we went to the Brazil side where you get the panoramic views of the falls. Which was incredible, its just so big. The Argentina side is different, however they have walkways all around, under and over the falls on there half. You also get a trip through the nearby forest and a boat ride under the falls. Now this boat was a powerboat not the shit clapped out thing you get at Niagara. Oh no, this took you basically under the falls repeatedly then bought you out and they did spins and stuff. Was awesome and only cost about a fiver or something. All in all, Iguassu has been the highlight of my trip so far and it's going to take something awesome to top it.


O.k nows probably a good time to do the girl paragraph, I am currently a mess and don't know what the fuck to do. But anyway, lets start at the beginning, The day we went to the Argentinian side of the falls was one of the Aussie girls birthday's it was generally agreed the best way to celebrate this was a pool party at the hotel we where staying in then going out and getting pissed. She knocked on my door before the party started and told me that it was blatantly obvious that I liked the other Aussie girl. She then told me I should go for it because she liked me. I have a lot to thank her for because I'm pretty sure I would have done nothing had she not told me this, coward that I am.


So yeah basically had a chat with said girl told her that I really liked her, she said she felt the same. We were both aware that we would be leaving each other in 5 days and neither of us really knew what to do. Anyway, later that night we where basically all over each other at the club but it didn't go any further. Over the next 3 days we hung out a lot and really got to know each other. I'm just going to say it, she's the nicest girl I've ever met, there is nothing she wouldn't do for anybody yet at the same time she's no walk over. Part of me feels she's my ideal woman the other part thinks im crazy because ive only known her for 10 days. GAH I feel like a 15 year old :(


Anyway onto Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires is huge and I only spent 2 days there so I cant really comment on it that well. Was gutted that I missed a chance to go see Boca Juniors play by a day. The last night of the tour the whole group went to a tango show. This was no ordinary tango show though, you get an hours lesson before hand and a meal and as much wine as you can drink included. I layed down some shapes at the tango lessons and actually really enjoyed it. Not the kind of thing I would normally do.


Woke up the next day at 9:30am still drunk had to check out at 10 but my flight to Auckland wasn't until 7. Spent the day with Aussie girl as she was staying in Buenos Aires for a couple more days. We had a talk and decided that we would meet up when I get to Sydney for New Years and take it from there. So now i'm in New Zealand, but really I want to be in Sydney. This makes me angry because I should be enjoying all the New Zealand has to offer because who knows when I'll be here again. GAH again, I really don't know what to do.


Kudos to anybody who read all that, no pictures yet because I haven't put any on facebook for ages.

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