dwarf Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 I know but they also mentioned WaW so shut your noob mouth and get some FPS balls.
Ganepark32 Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 ^ lol. Seems like someone thinks a dab hand at an FPS. Me thinks someone needs to knock you down a peg Bring on Killzone 2!
dwarf Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Yeah bring it on! What skills have you got to bring to the table? None? Oh right Okay.
LegoMan1031 Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 I know but they also mentioned WaW so shut your noob mouth and get some FPS balls. lol. I'm so looking forward to kicking ur arse at Killzone 2. U better have a mic! I just ordered an offical one today, yay.
Ganepark32 Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 I think a 31 kill streak on CoD4 on the 360 with no deaths qualifies me perfectly to bring a wooping to your ass! I'll more than happily take you on once Killzone 2 has been released, however when I'm ready as I haven't yet played a true FPS on the PS3 (Fallout 3 doesn't count).
dwarf Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 I think a 31 kill streak on CoD4 on the 360 with no deaths qualifies me perfectly to bring a wooping to your ass! I'll more than happily take you on once Killzone 2 has been released, however when I'm ready as I haven't yet played a true FPS on the PS3 (Fallout 3 doesn't count). Last time I checked inviting a group of 8 year olds with mental issues to join your game so you could whoop their ass doesn't qualify as skill. Your a lightweight gamer, Cod 4 is for people who can only handle weapons from this world. I have harder targets than you.
Ganepark32 Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 ^ haha. We'll see. What you've said could be reciprocated at you, however I won't stoop as low as to call your credentials into question with stating you've been playing 8 y.o. kids with mental issues. The only thing I'll say is we'll see what happens when we finally meet on Killzone 2. As for the lightweight gamer remark, you have no idea how wrong you are. :awesome:
dwarf Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Hehe you think you're good, keep thinking that. Once you stop bricking it over the thought of getting camped by me in Killzone 2 come back and be a man. You know I am chosen by God to pwn online. I own bragging rights inc.
Ganepark32 Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 ^ urgh.... a camper? That's not the proper way to play. Don't think I'll bother challenging you after all if you're a cheater camper as that's not the way to play. Although I'll probably just do it to show you how to play the game, and FPS' online, properly. But anyway, enough arguing. All I'm hearing is, to use the metaphor correctly, a dog barking and don't see much of a bite. Just some teething problems.
Nolan Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 ^ urgh.... a camper? That's not the proper way to play. Don't think I'll bother challenging you after all if you're a cheater camper as that's not the way to play. Although I'll probably just do it to show you how to play the game, and FPS' online, properly. Camping annoys the shit out of me. If I'm playing an FPS, I don't want to wait around being bored, I want to run around and play. This is why I've always loved the UT series, and TF2 is also great.
LegoMan1031 Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Good luck getting it soon. Then again you have 4 weeks. GAME and Gameplay changed there 'out of stock' message to 'instock' this afternoon. I ordered one off gameplay for £17.99 and my order status is 'preparing for dispatch' so i should hopefully have it in the next few days!
dwarf Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Hehe the camping is a big issue with many games. I like to do both, they're both different skills. Managing where to camp, how to get there, being able to escape or kill from close range with secondary weapon etc is a skill, but not one to boast about or fun for long. I find it enjoyable to know that you've pissed someone off on the other side of the world by getting a crap kill. There's obviously a flip-side. At least you can't win deathmatches with it, although Killzone 2 doesn't offer free-for-all. I'm looking forward to playing alongside you all just as much as rofling everyone by myself. The clans in other games haven't really taken off but if we could get everyone on consistantly that would be awesome. I think we should call the clan 'Emperor Dwarf and his little minions'. Has a nice ring to it.
Ganepark32 Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 lol. Don't think I'll join the clan. I'm not anti-social and I'll play online as much as I can but I just don't like to be associated with one. Usually prefer the lone-wolf idealism.
Nolan Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 I find it enjoyable to know that you've pissed someone off on the other side of the world by getting a crap kill. There's obviously a flip-side. At least you can't win deathmatches with it, although Killzone 2 doesn't offer free-for-all. That is just wonderful information that give the online +10
dwarf Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 I don't know, never tried joining a clan before. If we all find our strengths, get some good teamwork and voice-chat going it could be an amazing experience. Just saying 'Great kill there mate' could really boost your concentration even though it sounds a bit cheesy in writing. ^ Well if I don't really mind, but I have sent a lot of time in deathmatches on Res2, but teamwork makes more sense and broadens gameplay.
dwarf Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 I've decided I will do the training mode on it but won't do the first 2 levels. Seeing as I've already played the beta it probably won't spoil anything but will instead just refresh the controls and feel. The more I think about it the more I like the sound of clans and teamwork. Winning a match with the the NE lads will be quality, especially because we have some mad cod players (admittedly - I can't keep the pretending act up now) but also noobs like Flameboy. I want it to happen just depends if others do too. I don't think there is an easy way of setting it all up yet.
MATtheHAT Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Thats up to you. Clans are fun for association and valour points though. Should be good for some serious matches. You can schedule them in the game so everyone knows. Hopefully we may even make a name for ourselves? Less than 18 hours for the single player demo! So its out tomorrow?
dwarf Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Hmm may just make a US account or does that not work?
dwarf Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Yeah so when does it actually update? Is it quicker on the US store for me In the UK? I've made one.
dwarf Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 So is the update time known or does it vary? It's usually around 4 in the afternoon.
CoolFunkMan Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Okay, so what the hell was with that short demo?! I really thought it was awesome tbh, I deffinitely need this game now, but it was still waaaay too short...
Happenstance Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Yeah it was short but I wouldnt want to try out too much more of the game to be honest, I enjoyed what I played and i'll probably go back through a few times to get myself used to the cover system so I dont keep popping up and letting myself get shot.
Diageo Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 I was just getting used to the controls, went to alternate 2, had to have a button for zooming in. It was good, I enjoyed it, better than COD4 campaign as I liked the cover system. FPS's aren't really my thing though. Probably a rent and thats it.
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