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Killzone 2


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Had a go on both the single and multiplayer and it's alright. The single player's a bit meh really. I'll reiterate what others have said about ally AI though not doing anything because they've been useless so far. Online was better but I was battling to even get an aim on the other team's players because whereas in the single player the controls are incredibly tight and unresponsive, the multiplayer ones are over-responsive from what I've seen so far. Still managed a few headshots though but so far I haven't exactly had the greatest of matches, though my kills:death ratio has been pretty close. I'm surprised as well that I managed to keep a very stable connection with my wireless with 32 players. Don't know if it's the servers or my internet connection actually being half decent while I was playing online but it was a nice change from some of the lag I've had playing certain games online on the 360.


But yeh, the controls are something I'm really having to grapple with, more so in the online because they're quite loose. Obviously, it'll take a little while to get used to them so I'll plow on and see where it takes me. Not a patch on CoD4 though, and even CoD5 at the moment is better.

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:o Lol I've had this game for 2 evenings and I'm already over 9 hours playtime :o

Just goes to show how addicive it is, although some of it is down to me wanting to unlock different stuff.

I've unlocked the Mechanic, which seems pretty cool, found it surprising how easy it is to set a turret up.


After all this though I have still died more than I've killed. It's basically because when I do bad, I do BAD. Takes a while to even it out. Gonna rank up to the next rank and then call it a day.

Same here lol

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Just finished the single player campaign, and it was absolutely epic. I wont bang on about the controls as you probably know my feelings towards them. But, controls aside, the single player was most enjoyable, you can see where it takes its influences from. There's a train level just like Gears of War. And the final level is straight from the last level of World at War......which is no bad thing. And the ending? Killzone 3 anyone?

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No spoilers please. I am trying to go for the 1% trophy so i am not on single player for now. Dont mind as i am addicted. Unlocked all classes. Got to do ribbons and badges.


They nailed the design. Its improved from the beta which was already amazing.


Most people still have not seen much of the multiplayer yet but there is a variety of classes and abilites out there that people are gaining access to. Also note the broken turrets on levels ;) They can be repaired.


About K/D ratio, it will get better as you unlock. Medic healing packs for example.




Not a patch on CoD4 though, and even CoD5 at the moment is better.


I think it easily destroys both COD combined(and i am a fan of the series) just based on the beta let alone the final game. :D Keep playing.


I can understand xbox fans being defensive though. My xbox loving mates certainly are. :p Casual gaming friends love it though.

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I'll definitely keep playing. Would be stupid not to after paying £40 for it and I don't have anything else on my PS3 that I want to play at the moment. I'm not overly far into the single player so that's the main reason I'm still holding both the latest CoDs higher than this but it could (although I'm not expecting the kind of epic sniper mission in this like in CoD4. Those two missions alone killed every other FPS ever in my opinion. That's really why I hold CoD4 so highly). I'm not doing anything today so I'll be switching between this and Halo Wars and I'll put in some more online later on, try and get used to the controls more.

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Why oh why do people keep banging on about the controls...Why is there this notion that every game has to control the same? Its the same with people saying about Resi 5 needing normal action controls. I personally prefer games to mix things up abit and try something different I also think the controls in multiplayer are spot on.


I do understand peoples problems with the aiming but then I think this is another example of adapting. I have managed to pick people off from a fair distance in the past...




Was the Killzone 2 meant to be play.com exclusive, just asking because I got an email off GAME giving me a code to download it.

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Heaven forbid a game has a slightly different feel. I stress the word slightly because its still the same as most current fps. Dont know why people are talking about weight etc.


As for speed try turning in Bad Company and see the difference. KZ2 isnt exactly as slow as some of you make out. :indeed:


Maybe because I play so many fps. To me its like people are acting like CS to BF on PC or Goldeneye to Turok on N64 except times 100 the amount of drama. In this case its stupid because KZ2 to COD is next to nothing. Dare i say the controls are fairly generic/universal outside of cover in campaign and motion sensing.



I'll definitely keep playing. Would be stupid not to after paying £40 for it and I don't have anything else on my PS3 that I want to play at the moment. I'm not overly far into the single player so that's the main reason I'm still holding both the latest CoDs higher than this but it could (although I'm not expecting the kind of epic sniper mission in this like in CoD4. Those two missions alone killed every other FPS ever in my opinion. That's really why I hold CoD4 so highly). I'm not doing anything today so I'll be switching between this and Halo Wars and I'll put in some more online later on, try and get used to the controls more.


I loved that too in COD4, especially. The end bit is nice too in slow mo. Nice cinematic stuff but keep playing. I will too. I am enjoying the base fps mechanics alot more in KZ2 however already. I hated the endless spawn in COD4. Plus this game is much more immersive so far. Lovely AI too.

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Online and Killzone.com down. I dont know the reason.



What are the exact controls and sensitivity you use Choze?


I use default. Invert y axis and about 75% on sensitivity for both x and y. Bear in mind i started off in the beta on default sensitivity and slowly worked my way up. I do this with all fps games even with mouse on pc fps. Thats just me though.


You didnt get much sleep did you? :awesome: Daft didnt either.


Got the good conduct ribbon for double ammo? There is another for two grenades.


also bear in mind make sure you do objectives. If you get 8 ribbons you score more points afterwards e.g 3 instead of 2.

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I'm on the last level of the singleplayer and its amazing so far.


I've had a few games of multiplayer and I'm ranging mid-top table of my own team. I can hold 1st but I wont finish there and the top of the other team usually has loads more kills. I find it takes ALOT to kill someone and I usually have to wrap my fingers around the controller to get on target, even on my preffered button mapping. They have this rank and ribbon system so that you can upgrade your gear but you start off with sooo few bullets and 1 grenade and thats it. Did I unlock the SMG? It still has 16 bullets and I find myself running out of ammo especially when I cant hit anybody. Maybe I'm crap.

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You didnt get much sleep did you? :awesome: Daft didnt either.


Got the good conduct ribbon for double ammo? There is another for two grenades.


also bear in mind make sure you do objectives. If you get 8 ribbons you score more points afterwards e.g 3 instead of 2.


Haha!! I suspect I got more than you. I bolted at about 1:30. :heh:


I've got the two grenades perk and I've almost got the double ammo.


I really suck at doing objectives.


Apart from killing, how do you get more points in body count? If there is a way.

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Haha!! I suspect I got more than you. I bolted at about 1:30. :heh:


I've got the two grenades perk and I've almost got the double ammo.


I really suck at doing objectives.


Apart from killing, how do you get more points in body count? If there is a way.


Kill more people! Got the medic yesterday, nearly got the ribbon for him. Also got double ammo and 2 grenades. Can you get three grenades eventually? Also managed to get a quadruple kill with a grenade. Was a bit sad to not here an announcement like in Unreal tournament but then that would be out of place would't it :D

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Finished this last night in 1 sitting, took me 5 hours and 58 minutes (On easy mind). Amazing game, gonna start to play on a harder setting and work my way up to Elite.


Did anyone get that electric gun on the single player? It's out of this world!


I love this game.

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