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What Are You Really Thinking?


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Over the past few months, I've become really interested in the idea of being able to get clues about what a person is thinking by looking at their Body Language whilst talking to them.


I've read a couple of books that really interested me and think I've started to learn a little but I'm hardly an expert. I just find it so interesting when you're sat there talking to someone and suddenly you see them do something and you realise "Oh hang on, they're lying".


Anyone else have an interest in the whole Body Language thing, or is it just me?

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Body language is bull. They say crossed arms are a sign of clossed off-ness. I just find it more comfortable. Likewise they'd say that having one arm (for the sake of clarity say left) down and the other across your chest holding the other (ie left hand holding right) upper arm would be a sign of nervousness or whatever. Again, I just find it comfy.

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Body language is bull. They say crossed arms are a sign of clossed off-ness. I just find it more comfortable. Likewise they'd say that having one arm (for the sake of clarity say left) down and the other across your chest holding the other (ie left hand holding right) upper arm would be a sign of nervousness or whatever. Again, I just find it comfy.



maybe you're just a nervous, closed-off person in general :wtf:


or yea it could be bull. I'm sure there is something in but it really annoys me when people start drawing conclusions about other people just cus they read some article in a magazie. The same thing happens with psychology. Some people read some pop-trivia psychology article and then think they're experts etc.

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Obviously some people just find those positions comfortable, and that would be more obvious body language anyway. I mean things like when someone talking to you, and suddenly their whole body language changes, say they then start touching their face - thats apparently a sign of lying. When I think about it, when I lie I do seem to tend to itch my neck, or rub unde rmy mouth. I have no idea why.

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Well if you highlight lying then I think you'll be talking about conscious movement just as much. I like body language as a means to try and see how the person is feeling in a situation - not necessarily what they're thinking. Sure the subconscious is where you'll find the feeling, but the conscious movements are the thinking brain's way of trying to cover-up/protect/exaggerate their feelings.


Unless this is what you're saying anyway. Semantics really isn't my strong point.

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Well if you highlight lying then I think you'll be talking about conscious movement just as much. I like body language as a means to try and see how the person is feeling in a situation - not necessarily what they're thinking. Sure the subconscious is where you'll find the feeling, but the conscious movements are the thinking brain's way of trying to cover-up/protect/exaggerate their feelings.


Unless this is what you're saying anyway. Semantics really isn't my strong point.


Hm, I think we're talking about the same, but not completely. Movements as reaction to lying can be holding your hand over your mouth or something like that. But I think there's a fluid line between if those moves are conscious or subconscious. It's not your intention to move you hand in front of your mouth, you just do it. When people are nervous, they often do more body gestures, often the same small things like running their hand through their hair.

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