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Heavy Rain


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Taking my sweet, sweet time with this. It's up there with Uncharted 2 for me. Utterly sublime and actually quite the shock as to how powerful it all is.


I'd happily play more games like this. It's like a new genre of game, interactive story taken to the extreme but great for it.

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I hate when there's multiple things you can do, but there's no way of telling which prompt refers to which action.


The bit where you're in the car underwater. I wanted to untie the woman, but I ended up breaking out by mistake. Luckily, I managed to quit to the main menu before it autosaved, so I got a second chance and freed her.



I'm not a fan of the game picking an option for you if you're not quick enough either.


The bit where you go to your office and have the choice whether or not to take the drugs. Surely if you don't pick anything, the default option should be to not take them (ie: do nothing)?


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Finished! The first hour of the game had me hating it but after the


scene i was hooked.


I played the game with the intention of Ethan being a good dad and keeping everyone alive so I wound up with what i assume to be the best possible ending.


I had the killer pegged to be Ethan's psychiatrist just because of his creepy office, so i was effectively shocked that it turned out to be Shelby


Also i felt a tad guilty about boning Madison while poor little Shaun's tank was steadily filling with rain. But hey shit happens ;)



I still hate violently shaking the controller to accomplish what a button press would have done but thats my biggest complaint to an otherwise spectacular game

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Finding out it was Scott Shelby was a bit confusing. I understand why he is the killer, but not why he accuses others. He was trying to destroy all evidence by posing in an investigation, but why accuse the millionaires son? It is very sneaky the way they played other bits, for example the murder in the clock shop. Not finished yet, thanks to PSN fuckups, but there are some decisions I want to redo. I want to kill the guy on the forth task, I thought it was a 'good' path choice, but I can't get the best ending now.

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I've just finished the game.


Shelby died. Everyone else is happy and alive (except for the drug dealer from trial 4...he tried to shoot me down with a fucking shotgun. He had it coming.)


Yeah, Lauren's dead, too, but who cares. She doesn't kiss, so why should she live?



I'm gonna play this again in the course of next week. Should help me wasting my time until Bad Company 2 arrives.


I'll be an ass and let everyone die.


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I sitll havn't completed this...I've been playing it almost episodically as a kind of experiment. I play about half an hour each day (give or take depends on the length of a particular characters section). Let myself mull over whats happened...and then come back home and play it. The game kind of lends itself to this style of gameplay with many "chapters" ending in cliffhangers...


For example:


The last section I played was with Shelby in the graveyard and the revelation that Kramer's friend perhaps died as a kid in a similar way to that which the Origami killer uses as his method.



it's led to a very different playing experience. I literally rush home excited about what the next episode has in store, then havint to wait a whole day to find out what happens next.

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Has anyone played the Co-op podcast this week, about Heavy Rain? If you have is it spoilerific? I'm not normally bothered too much about stuff like that a great deal (obviously not major spoilers) but little things are what makes this game exciting and enjoyable, so I don't want anything ruined.

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Has anyone played the Co-op podcast this week, about Heavy Rain? If you have is it spoilerific? I'm not normally bothered too much about stuff like that a great deal (obviously not major spoilers) but little things are what makes this game exciting and enjoyable, so I don't want anything ruined.


haha I was wondering the same! I'm just gonna avoid it till I have finished my first playthrough.

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haha I was wondering the same! I'm just gonna avoid it till I have finished my first playthrough.


:D Yeah probably for the best really, unless anyone comes back saying you're safe. I'll probably be done for the weekend so I'll just watch it then.

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Who did everyone suspect while playing the game then? I mean I know there are a lot of red herrings which make you think its certain people but who did you always seem to come back to?


I did actually suspect Shelby for some of it but I gave that up when we saw the killer in the club and he looked too thin (I personally thought this was a bit of a cheat). For most of the game though you know who I thought it was.....the clown at the very beginning who sold you the balloon, that guy looked dodgy and suspicous to me.


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I was expecting some bizarre twist, so i guessed Ethan's wife, then i thought maybe it was his therapist, both of which were close enough to Ethan to manipulate him into thinking he was the killer.


I can honestly say i was dumbfounded that it turned out to be Shelby, so good on Quantic Dream for suprising me....plotholes be damned.



Dont click unless youve finished the game

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and im not defending some of the iffy plot details, but taking everything into consideration, the story was a blast to 'interact with' and i literally said ''Holy shit'' when the big reveal happened, regardless of its integrity. I got my cheap thrill so mission accomplished. Totally agree about the clown too...

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At one point...


At one point I thought it might be Madison. I can't remember why. I think it was just after she left the club and Paco gets killed and that would be a twist (I mean she pretty much kicked his ass anyway).


...but then you ended up fighting the dude so my suspicion pretty much ended there.


Otherwise I thought it was that twat police detective.


On another note, how come Ethan had an origami dog after the blackout?

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Ive read a lot of people complaining about that as one of the worst red herring plot holes. Best explanation ive read was that because he thought he could be the origami killer, even subconsciously then he kept making those dogs during his blackouts, this is also the explanation for his dreams of kids drowning.

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Just finished the first chronicle, the Taxidermist.


It annoys me to no end that they yanked this out of the final game

i can see where it would have ruined the initial illusion of Madison and Ethan meeting by chance, which i liked, only to find out shes a reporter, which i didnt like.

Its a rather brief chapter, around 30 minutes in length but my heart was thumping out of my chest for most of it

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Finally finished it!


The Killer:


that it turned out to be Shelby as soon as the watch reveal with Jayden happened I was like what cops have we have met during the story and it did dawn on me that he was an ex-cop as Jayden walked out of the office. I didn't believe it was him to be honest at all. But then pretty much straight away we got Shelby burning evidence so it was confirmed. I did start to wonder about his motives as he did go psycho in Kramer's house killing his henchmen willy nilly, although despite this I still chose to save Kramer.


Also Kramer's son did kill Lauren's son right? As he wanted to copycat the Origami Killer? So perhaps they may resolves her spitting on his grave and hating him by revealing this part of the story, or perhaps DLC to flashback to that.



MY Ending:


So I didn't kill the father to get a clue but did take the poison and managed to guess at the right location out of a choice of three. I picked by the river as thought might be an industrial docks area and was more likely to have a big grate and pit to put a kid in. Also got all the clues as Madison from Ann to get to Shelby's and work out where it was as well as getting Jayden to suss stuff out by watching back the video and noticing the gold watch and then geoanalysis of the map showed only one cop living in that area. So if I'm to hypothesis you didn't complete any of the trials as Ethan as you can rely on other characters to potentially find and save Shaun? Worth trying although may mean Ethan dieing as a consequence.


So Jayden fought Shelby who died...and then his ending was to go on a chat show and randomly start hallucinating about tanks! Would an FBI agent really go on a chat show?!!


Madison and Ethan ended up happily ever after and the poison proved to be a dud.



Now gonna read through tons of reviews which I've avoided due to spoilers...plus the other articles that have been published! Then likely start a second playthrough.

Edited by flameboy
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