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Legalising Weed In The UK


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Wikipedia has collected some information about weed habits in Holland.


In the Netherlands 9.7% of young boys consume soft drugs once a month, comparable to the level in Italy (10.9%) and Germany (9.9%) and less than in the UK (15.8%) and Spain (16.4%), but much higher than in, for example, Sweden (3%), Finland or Greece. Dutch rates of drug use are lower than U.S. rates in every category. The monthly prevalence of drugs other than cannabis among young people (15-24) was 4% in 2004, that was above the average (3%) of 15 compared countries in EU. However, seemingly few transcends to becoming problem drug users (0.3%), well below the average (0.52%) of the same compared countries.


No and there should be more harsh sentances for users and dealers.


Brilliant idea, we can do things like America where they have 1% of their population in jail.

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That sounds awesome.


It was my copy though hence the bad memories for me. Also at 7am every morning I would here this fucking double dash intro song on ultra loud http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxzzEVLQyl4


If youve listened to that imagine that on repeat every godam morning

with cries of DAN DAN DAN DAN DAN DAN (aka alan partridge) over and over until I told him to stfu or I went down and played mario kart with him.


To be fair those early morning games of mario kart were the most swear filled fun I think is possible between two or more people without the risk of an STD.


Shit I shouldn't have posted that link im having flashbacks Vietnam style.

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Wikipedia has collected some information about weed habits in Holland.


You can't go on those figures and expect it to be the same. Lots of other countries have the same drinking laws as us but not all of them have as big a binge-drinking problem. The attitude of Brits is completely different. And that's what matters.

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Maybe you could expand your reasoning danny, it may help, instead of just a flat out no. We currently have enough people in jail without placing softer drug dealers (weed only I suppose for the sake of this argument) into jail. We cannot cope with such a large number, not compared to america.


Do you not class memory loss as a danger rokhed? I'm not being flaming with this as it's not been proven fully as far as I'm aware, but it still stands. To me losing my memory because of a drug is quite something..


I do agree with Moogle I wouldn't base wikipedia for this, although it's interesting to see that spain apprently has a lagrer percentage of weed users than england.

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Do you not class memory loss as a danger rokhed? I'm not being flaming with this as it's not been proven fully as far as I'm aware, but it still stands. To me losing my memory because of a drug is quite something..



Can't say it's something I've experienced, I've smoked mountains of weed over the years and I'm still pretty sharp.

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I've never come across it in a permanent sense, and I've never forgotten anything that's not been said while we've been pretty high :heh:


loosing the finer details of fuzzy chit chat is par for the course though- especially if you're at the end of a few days worth of joints.

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Maybe you could expand your reasoning danny, it may help, instead of just a flat out no. We currently have enough people in jail without placing softer drug dealers (weed only I suppose for the sake of this argument) into jail. We cannot cope with such a large number, not compared to america.


Do you not class memory loss as a danger rokhed? I'm not being flaming with this as it's not been proven fully as far as I'm aware, but it still stands. To me losing my memory because of a drug is quite something..


I do agree with Moogle I wouldn't base wikipedia for this, although it's interesting to see that spain apprently has a lagrer percentage of weed users than england.



There are health risks attached to it mental health issues etc. Smoking anything is not good for anyones health.

I know if it was legalised the crime element would be removed but until that ever happens it funds organised crimes.

A large amount of weed (although not all) comes from places like afghan and thus funds the killing of british servicemen and women. For this reason i would increase sentances.


As rockhead says hes smoked loads of it and hes a well rounded human being :indeed: :indeed:

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A large amount of weed (although not all) comes from places like afghan and thus funds the killing of british servicemen and women. For this reason i would increase sentances.


Thats Heroin or Opium to be precise. Most weed in this country is grown in this country nowdays.

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Yeah well I think I smoked my body weight in the stuff over the last year, dabbled in class A's and got a 2:1 degree, with some of the best results I've ever got for academic work.


doesn't exactly fit in to your theory.


My theory isnt that everyone who takes its an idiot. Just stated that there were risks. FFS all i stated was my opinion

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There are risks in driving.

There are risks in drinking.

There are risks in smoking tobacco.

There are risks in swimming.

There are risks in going to war.


And all of those kill more people than weed. Infact, I can't think of anyone ever dying directly from smoking weed.

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There are risks in driving.

There are risks in drinking.

There are risks in smoking tobacco.

There are risks in swimming.

There are risks in going to war.


And all of those kill less people than weed. Infact, I can't think of anyone ever dying directly from smoking weed.


There was a story not long ago of a women smoking it, being sick and choking to death on her own vomit. While I know it's not directly weed but meh.

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Maybe you could expand your reasoning danny, it may help, instead of just a flat out no. We currently have enough people in jail without placing softer drug dealers (weed only I suppose for the sake of this argument) into jail. We cannot cope with such a large number, not compared to america.


I think most softer drug dealers also deal in harder drugs. This is only an assumption as I never have, and never will, touch the stuff.


As for the crowded prisons, that would be helped if we re-introduced the death penalty for murder.

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