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Ferrari challenge


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That's my point. Forza has things like higher resolution textures, and more polygons, yet....GT4 looks easily more realistic.
GT4 even resorts to photo backgrounds at places...


That doesn't make it a technical wonder next to forza though, on terms of what it's "really" doing. Forza is really doing a lot of stuff that GT4 could only dream, and it looks better in the end; as in... clearly running in superior hardware, for the things it's doing alone.


That and the fact that both are moving fast (they're racing games after all), so you have no time to stop and see such things as the low barely-readable textures for ads in GT4 by comparison with Forza, the mountain at distance that is a cardboard photo, buildings within 10 polygons with added textures, etc... that's all GT4 too.


I'd rather have a game closer to Forza technically on the Wii, than something on the level of GT4

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As far as I'm concerned, it's what the devs manage to do with the hardware, than any sort of technicalities. I don't think graphics are as clean cut as in how many polys are being pushed, or which game has bloom and such, I think it goes by which game just looks better. On a technical level, Forza is better than GT4, I never denied this, but through dev talent, and "smoke and mirrors", GT4 just looks better, even if it technically isn't.


If you compare an N64 game like V Rally to a game like Gran Turismo, well just because of the fact it was on the N64, V Rally had texture filtering, yet Gran Turismo didn't. Does that make V Rally a better looking game over all?

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Indeed, I agree with that, there has to be a line drawn between taste and fact though. In Forza's/ GT case I really can't decide, Forza's lighting is better, so are the track design and it has damage, which is (I assume) a huge factor in modeling the cars. Graphic wise you can see the love put into making each car in GT, in Forza it's not always the case (they even outsourced the making of some cars) despite the fact that it has much more polygons. Handling-wise

But yes, what really matters is how it looks, the end result and taste. To me, the best looking game is Super Mario Galaxy, even if there are games that are technically better, I much prefer Galaxy's aesthetics.

There's also another factor, while "criticizing" graphics that needs to be taken into acount, that is what the devs did with the hardware. Like reviews saying "these DS/Wii game looks really good but it doesn't look as good as a PSP/360 game". That's moronic. It was really apparent in early DS reviews.


Yeah, I think we're running out of material to talk about...

How about those Yankees huh?

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As far as I'm concerned, it's what the devs manage to do with the hardware, than any sort of technicalities. I don't think graphics are as clean cut as in how many polys are being pushed, or which game has bloom and such, I think it goes by which game just looks better. On a technical level, Forza is better than GT4, I never denied this, but through dev talent, and "smoke and mirrors", GT4 just looks better, even if it technically isn't.
On the cars? perhaps they were able to mask that (and I'll agree they did put more time into cars than in Forza) but regarding tracks and what's being done on the hardware? I'm sorry but Forza is miles better, it's just doing a lot of stuff that GT4 doesn't.


Therefore, it doesn't look better for me. I'm not trying to bash GT4 mind you, GT4 pushes the PS2 further than Forza pushes the Xbox; but forza is technically a lot better. regardless of I preferring one to another. (I actually prefer forza though)

If you compare an N64 game like V Rally to a game like Gran Turismo, well just because of the fact it was on the N64, V Rally had texture filtering, yet Gran Turismo didn't. Does that make V Rally a better looking game over all?
V-Rally is not a good example at all (it's unfair really), but how about World Driver Championship? it even had a hi-def (for the time) 640x480 mode, not to mention all the effects they were pulling on the hardware (again, for the time)


Still, texture filtering on N64 was not something they "were pulling", more like a bonus of the system architecture; we're talking about different stuff here. (although you could turn that off on N64 if you rewrote the microcode, but that was the "forbidden mode")

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On the cars? perhaps they were able to mask that (and I'll agree they did put more time into cars than in Forza) but regarding tracks and what's being done on the hardware? I'm sorry but Forza is miles better, it's just doing a lot of stuff that GT4 doesn't.


That Forza was pulling a lot more stuff doesent matter. It's what you see that matters, which is why I thought that Shenmue was the best looking game untill Half Life 2 was released about 4-5 years later.

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That Forza was pulling a lot more stuff doesent matter. It's what you see that matters, which is why I thought that Shenmue was the best looking game untill Half Life 2 was released about 4-5 years later.
I think forza looked better, and I certainly think Shenmue aged pretty quick on a bunch of things. ;)
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Forza had a weird graphical look to it, kind of like a blur/smuge layer, kind of hard to describe it, making it less sharper than GT. Although Forza had better physics, no doubt there


Although apart from physics wise now, It's the same with Forza 2 and GT5. GT5 looks amazingly more clear and less plastic than Forza 2.



I got this Ferrari game on PS3, pretty good racer. Rain in it looks fantastic.

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