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Ferrari challenge


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Well the little there animation was shite (and mocap would use up more memory in the animation because of more keyframes and stuff) I still think that it's a bit far to assume that there was lots of room left in the resources to budget lots of animation.
I agree; I think they could have fitted it in though.


GC tech info regarding that:


If we assume that you’re writing a

game at 60Hz that uses (at most) 50% of the CPU for

skinning, we realistically expect that:


· You should achieve 4.25 million skinned VN pairs per


· That means 8+ million skinned faces per second.

· Your next fighting game could feature two models, each

with 60K faces, with another 50K faces for the

background and effects.


This is conservatively assuming you do not find some neat

tricks specific for your game engine. We expect great things

from you now!


They should have resources for that, or at least some CPU available since I don't think they were wasting it on good AI and other stuff. It's not a excuse but it was clearly not a point of focus when their focus was all going elsewhere.

...Forget all this technical BS. My view is simply f-this, I'm getting a PS3 and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue...16-player online!? Leaderboards!? And just a demo!!!? Screw the Wii IMHO now. Tollerated these worthless games long enough now.
It's still a demo, and I'd never pay up for one. You're basically covering their development costs for the final game before it's ready, and then you'll have to pay it again. the increase in features for Europe and US too, feels like they're releasing nightly builds.


I agree Wii needs worthy racing games, but still I am no GT fan, and I'm seeing in GT5 a lot of stuff that I don't like or has failed to evolve since GT4.

From the advert GT5 looks both duller and graphically inferior to PGR4 IMO!
funniest thing about GT5 is that the 1080p mode runs at 960x1080p resolution and not 1920x1080, they've cut the horizontal lines in half.


seeing that they are keeping the racing at 60 frames and the replays with more effects applied at 30 frames... a 30 frames @ REAL 1080p without effects would be very welcome for those who own those TV's IMO.

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...Forget all this technical BS. My view is simply f-this, I'm getting a PS3 and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue...16-player online!? Leaderboards!? And just a demo!!!? Screw the Wii IMHO now. Tollerated these worthless games long enough now.


Funny as usual. Never change :heart:

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But yet why do i get the feeling this demo of GT5 will be superior to this game in every single department? You'd still pay up for this?
He doesn't claim that anywhere. I don't see how you can slag off the Wii for crap you don't need to buy. There's a lot of good stuff making it worthwhile.


For realistic racers, Wii is the wrong console. Still, a 360 has a greater diversity of racers, and a pretty damn good alternatives to GT5 with Project Gotham 4 and Forza 2.

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But yet why do i get the feeling this demo of GT5 will be superior to this game in every single department? You'd still pay up for this?
I'm not buying Ferrari Challenge either; or defending it, for that matter.


But I wouldn't buy GT5 prologue if it came on the Wii either; and neither would I if I had a PS3; I refuse to pay for a demo just as I wouldn't pay for GT4 prologue even if I admit GT4 to had quite the value when it launched, but so did other games that I bought, yet... I never gave 40 euros for a demo, and I won't.


And quite frankly, what was wrong in GT games for me was never the graphics or anything like that, more to do with how the car behaved and stuff like that. Stuff that made Forza the superior game back then and that I don't see GT5 resolving, it's essentially GT4 HD with a load of options but gameplay core heavily unchanged. When I've seen a developer interview where GT director was driving a car using a sixaxys D-Pad I totally threw the towel, totally, if he's playing like that, it's because when they're playing between them there's no handycap in doing so... and there should compared to a analog stick. Seriously... GT4 felt so 1997 gameplay-wise for me; and I don't believe GT5 to be different.


PGR4 who was already mentioned here though, that I'd buy. I wish Bizzare did some worthy racing game for my platform. Although I'll say that I don't even see them as competitors (for that I see Forza and GT). I liked MSR on DC what can I say.

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For realistic racers, Wii is the wrong console. Still, a 360 has a greater diversity of racers, and a pretty damn good alternatives to GT5 with Project Gotham 4 and Forza 2.




But isn't this always the case? For <insert game genre here>, Wii is the wrong console. Want RPGs? go for Playstation, want FPS? go for 360. What is the Wii actually good for? In my eyes, just 1st party games but thats not enough anymore.


I'm not buying Ferrari Challenge either; or defending it, for that matter.


But I wouldn't buy GT5 prologue if it came on the Wii either; and neither would I if I had a PS3; I refuse to pay for a demo just as I wouldn't pay for GT4 prologue even if I admit GT4 to had quite the value when it launched, but so did other games that I bought, yet... I never gave 40 euros for a demo, and I won't.


And quite frankly, what was wrong in GT games for me was never the graphics or anything like that, more to do with how the car behaved and stuff like that. Stuff that made Forza the superior game back then and that I don't see GT5 resolving, it's essentially GT4 HD with a load of options but gameplay core heavily unchanged. When I've seen a developer interview where GT director was driving a car using a sixaxys D-Pad I totally threw the towel, totally, if he's playing like that, it's because when they're playing between them there's no handycap in doing so... and there should compared to a analog stick. Seriously... GT4 felt so 1997 gameplay-wise for me; and I don't believe GT5 to be different.


PGR4 who was already mentioned here though, that I'd buy. I wish Bizzare did some worthy racing game for my platform. Although I'll say that I don't even see them as competitors (for that I see Forza and GT). I liked MSR on DC what can I say.


To be fair, GT5 Prologue is much more than a mere demo, sure it is not the full game but its still a title with modes (namely online) worthy of the budget price. Prologue can hold up to many full racing games out there.

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But isn't this always the case? For <insert game genre here>, Wii is the wrong console. Want RPGs? go for Playstation, want FPS? go for 360. What is the Wii actually good for? In my eyes, just 1st party games but thats not enough anymore.

Want RPG's? go for DS.


Couldn't resist.


And FPS I'd rather play them on a PC too.

To be fair, GT5 Prologue is much more than a mere demo, sure it is not the full game but its still a title with modes (namely online) worthy of the budget price. Prologue can hold up to many full racing games out there.
It's a mere demo for me, a overpriced nightly build.


And most FPS demos on the PC had access to the online multiplayer modes since... 2000/2002? it's a relatively big demo for a big game regarding content, yes. but paying for that? no, I refuse.

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But isn't this always the case? For <insert game genre here>, Wii is the wrong console. Want RPGs? go for Playstation, want FPS? go for 360. What is the Wii actually good for? In my eyes, just 1st party games but thats not enough anymore.
Well, if it's not enough for you, buy a second console. Don't go slagging off Nintendo because your gaming needs have grown.


The Wii has a pretty diverse library of games, with a top-notch FPA (Metroid), one of the best platformers of all time (Galaxy), an incredible fighter (Brawl) and a fantastic action adventure (Twilight Princess). And that's just the finest out there. Nintendo consoles have never been about realistic racers, but with Mario Kart and F-Zero coming, there's a great deal of arcade racer fun coming our way.

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Well Im much happier I have a Wii than 360, every game I own I really like, as well as it having First Party, which is almost enough.

Ideally I'd have both, but I much prefer the games I own to the ones that my 360 friends have.


I see no reason to complain about Wii, it could be better, but the games are still the most fun, and I dont really give 2 cents about online.

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Although that's true... Factor 5 had no motion capture back then (and I don't know if they have now) hence why RS3 foot missions look so weird from that perspective.


Factor 5 used loads of motion capturing for the on-foot missions in RS3. Even the very simple stuff (like walking) was done via motion capture. They then altered the motion captured animations because it looked odd.

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Factor 5 used loads of motion capturing for the on-foot missions in RS3. Even the very simple stuff (like walking) was done via motion capture. They then altered the motion captured animations because it looked odd.
Couldn't be odder than the final version movements I think, they really made a strange game in that area, I mean, Luke jumped like 1.5 meters in a stiff position and wielding his gun straight :heh:
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If Nintendo do F Zero, expect it to look worse than GX.


What are you basing that on?


Super Mario Galaxy looks graphically stunning, and a great deal better than Sunshine. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is also a step-up from the previous games. Super Smash Bros. Brawl also looks very smart.


Plus, you make it sound like GX was bad to begin with, at least that's the impression I got from your quote. "Looks worse than GX" to me doesn't entirely mean the same as "Won't look as great as GX." GX looked pleasing on the eye, to me.

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What are you basing that on?



I would say he's basing it on the fact that it's cool to say stupid things.

Or something like that.

Let's ignore that TP is fantastic looking for a GC game, Galaxy is one of the most gorgeous games out there and F-Zero X was awesome looking when it came out. Not to mention Brawl and Prime, which aren't 100% internal, but it's basically the same thing. Also, GX is awesome graphically. Orgasmically awesome.

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What are you basing that on?


Super Mario Galaxy looks graphically stunning, and a great deal better than Sunshine. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is also a step-up from the previous games. Super Smash Bros. Brawl also looks very smart.


Plus, you make it sound like GX was bad to begin with, at least that's the impression I got from your quote. "Looks worse than GX" to me doesn't entirely mean the same as "Won't look as great as GX." GX looked pleasing on the eye, to me.


You obviously purposely forgot Mario Kart Wii...

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I would say he's basing it on the fact that it's cool to say stupid things.

Or something like that.

Let's ignore that TP is fantastic looking for a GC game, Galaxy is one of the most gorgeous games out there and F-Zero X was awesome looking when it came out. Not to mention Brawl and Prime, which aren't 100% internal, but it's basically the same thing. Also, GX is awesome graphically. Orgasmically awesome.


Oh shut up you whiney little bitch.


What are you basing that on?


Super Mario Galaxy looks graphically stunning, and a great deal better than Sunshine. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is also a step-up from the previous games. Super Smash Bros. Brawl also looks very smart.


Plus, you make it sound like GX was bad to begin with, at least that's the impression I got from your quote. "Looks worse than GX" to me doesn't entirely mean the same as "Won't look as great as GX." GX looked pleasing on the eye, to me.


I'm basing it on that F Zero GX was amazing looking, and Nintendo probably wouldn't be able to get results as good out of the Wii as Sega did out of the GC.

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I'm basing it on that F Zero GX was amazing looking, and Nintendo probably wouldn't be able to get results as good out of the Wii as Sega did out of the GC.


Fairplay, in one sense you are right. Capcom managed to tap into the Cube's power, and alas we have Resident Evil 4, one of the best looking game's last generation. Funny enough, so was Killer7, also by Capcom, but for artistic value.


Still, saying that, it's not like Nintendo can't produce good looking visuals for their games. It's just that the majority of the time, it's more to do with art style. Mario Kart was never meant to look as graphically stunning as, say, Metroid Prime. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are both different games, but visually both are brilliant in their own rights.

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