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I blame the devs for the shite graphics on the Wii. When you look at Resi 4, Metroid, Mario, and others, it's hard not to get pissed off at lazy devs.


All 3 are self published :P

I'm not saying the devs aren't to blame, but I think (and read some devs saying this) that in most cases the publishers are the main culprit.

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are they still active with Nintendo as they were?
Well they're currently working on a game for the Wii, where their priority is the graphics. Like they achieved on the GC, they want to show what the Wii is capable of and blow other games out the water!
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I somehow doubt Wii 'good graphics' statements. Not until 2010 will I believe anyone will really push it.

You can't really call any current graphics outstanding, good yes, but that's largely due to poor competition.

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I somehow doubt Wii 'good graphics' statements. Not until 2010 will I believe anyone will really push it.

You can't really call any current graphics outstanding, good yes, but that's largely due to poor competition.

Yeah but you can't really doubt Factor 5.


They know what everyone is expecting from them [to deliver the Wii's Rouge Squadron; a game far superior to anything out there] and they will be ready to deliver. They wouldn't be hyping up the graphics issue if they weren't going to deliver something special; they've gone all out and said the graphics are their primary focus.


If they can produce the graphics of RS as a GC launch title, then they are fully capable of producing a defining Wii title!

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Not until 2010 will I believe anyone will really push it. You can't really call any current graphics outstanding, good yes, but that's largely due to poor competition.
Don't you consider Galaxy pushing it? If so, how do you know about the Wii's real power?


Galaxy runs high-res textures, really complex geometry, with lots of bloom, some anti-aliasing and a whopping 60 FPS. A GameCube attempting to run it would've turned into a mushroom cloud. Factor 5 will really need to do some of their most outstanding magic to top it.

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Sounds technical stuff, does look great, but I want to see good graphics in something that's a bit more realistic, because nothing on Wii can challenge in that department atm. Be it racing/fighting/shooting Id like it to be more realistic in appearance.

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It won't but it would be good if it encouraged other developers. I'd like to know what the game is if they are so confident.


What is their claim to fame?

How many times, Rouge Squadron 2 & 3 on GC!

Check the screens I posted on the previous page, and this video...




Despite being a poor youtube video of an 8 year old game, it still showcases it [star Wars: Rouge Squadron II] as being better than most games on Wii!


Oh and... It Will!

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Don't you consider Galaxy pushing it? If so, how do you know about the Wii's real power?


Galaxy runs high-res textures, really complex geometry, with lots of bloom, some anti-aliasing and a whopping 60 FPS. A GameCube attempting to run it would've turned into a mushroom cloud. Factor 5 will really need to do some of their most outstanding magic to top it.

Nintendo sure left space for improvement on Galaxy though; for example, they clearly had no real limit in the polycounts they were pushing (in a sense that... they could use a little more to detail x thing), yet... they wasted a hexagon (6 polygons) on each rotating coin's shadow when they could be wasting 2 polygons, as well as they could be detailing pretty much every enemy with techniques similar to the texture aplication on the ground (as in Zelda TP and others) or the polygon extrude (Valkyrie Profile 2, Shadow of the colossus, etc) yet... they opted instead for simple hexagons on enemies such as spiders. My point being... they didn't do better because they didn't want to and in doing so they've shown something like "see this? we're doing it at 60 frames and aren't even going all out" or something.


Nintendo never runs a system into the ground, they prefer stability and framerate, and well... being balanced between the stuff they're doing. Stuff like Zelda OoT and Zelda TP on N64 and Wii are the prime example of just that, they aren't the games with best textures on the systems they're in, not the biggest polypushers, etc, etc.... but they manage to be the most balanced games on the system, being that they end up pushing a little in every possible direction; Mario Galaxy is a little like that.


Factor 5 is more the kind of putting all the resources in one goal as if it was a tech demo or something, on GC legend has it they were already using the assembly run through the CPU to manipulate the ISA of the TEV pipelines in order to surpass Pixel Shader 1.x class of shaders. All this to say that... they think nothing of wasting a CPU in order to push a little more juice.

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How many times, Rouge Squadron 2 & 3 on GC!

Check the screens I posted on the previous page, and this video...




Despite being a poor youtube video of an 8 year old game, it still showcases it [star Wars: Rouge Squadron II] as being better than most games on Wii!


Oh and... It Will!


Oh right that's their claim to fame? I thought they had worked on bigger titles. Oh well, Rogue Squadron does look good I guess.

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Nintendo sure left space for improvement on Galaxy though; for example, they clearly had no real limit in the polycounts they were pushing (in a sense that... they could use a little more to detail x thing), yet... they wasted a hexagon (6 polygons) on each rotating coin's shadow when they could be wasting 2 polygons, as well as they could be detailing pretty much every enemy with techniques similar to the texture aplication on the ground (as in Zelda TP and others) or the polygon extrude (Valkyrie Profile 2, Shadow of the colossus, etc) yet... they opted instead for simple hexagons on enemies such as spiders. My point being... they didn't do better because they didn't want to and in doing so they've shown something like "see this? we're doing it at 60 frames and aren't even going all out" or something.


Nintendo never runs a system into the ground, they prefer stability and framerate, and well... being balanced between the stuff they're doing. Stuff like Zelda OoT and Zelda TP on N64 and Wii are the prime example of just that, they aren't the games with best textures on the systems they're in, not the biggest polypushers, etc, etc.... but they manage to be the most balanced games on the system, being that they end up pushing a little in every possible direction; Mario Galaxy is a little like that.


Factor 5 is more the kind of putting all the resources in one goal as if it was a tech demo or something, on GC legend has it they were already using the assembly run through the CPU to manipulate the ISA of the TEV pipelines in order to surpass Pixel Shader 1.x class of shaders. All this to say that... they think nothing of wasting a CPU in order to push a little more juice.


I don't really understand what you're saying. An extra 4 tris on each coin will make relatively very little difference especially as there are frequently only about 10 being rendered. And I also don't understand how you have such a depthly understanding of the Wii's capacity.


And to everyone who keeps on using Rogue Squandron as an example, can we please remember that there is practically NO animation in it. Sure things move but apart from R2 spinning around occassionally and changing flight mode in the X-wing or B-wing. RS is nice models with nice textures and nice particle effects. You are looking at a major resource drain being missing.

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I don't really understand what you're saying. An extra 4 tris on each coin will make relatively very little difference especially as there are frequently only about 10 being rendered. And I also don't understand how you have such a depthly understanding of the Wii's capacity.
Sorry for the tech talk; but you got the bottom line of what I was saying a shadow using less polygons for a coin would actually be more accurate and "detailed" than a hexagon; and seeing they're wasting a handful of polygons that way... they could detail spiders and such, as they're not really polygon or geometry constrained in this game; hence... better than Super Mario Galaxy, in that area is possible on the hardware. Not only that too, but I jut mentioned it in particular because it's more visible/apparent.


They didn't do it... because they didn't want to, probably felt they wanted simple and detailed edge shadows instead to ease the judgement of 3D space; but any third party could do otherwise, with that engine they actually have that kind of margin at least.

And to everyone who keeps on using Rogue Squandron as an example, can we please remember that there is practically NO animation in it. Sure things move but apart from R2 spinning around occassionally and changing flight mode in the X-wing or B-wing. RS is nice models with nice textures and nice particle effects. You are looking at a major resource drain being missing.
Although that's true... Factor 5 had no motion capture back then (and I don't know if they have now) hence why RS3 foot missions look so weird from that perspective.


I'm sure they could put good animation in there though, it was just not their priority/didn't have that much experience (possibly), legend says RS2 was made in 6 months; and well... RS3 only goal was push the gamecube boundaries. And I imagine that didn't leave much time for the other stuff but I don't think they were lacking the resources for it though... they'd have to be killing the CPU elsewhere to have that kind of animation handycap.

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I'm sure they could put good animation in there though, it was just not their priority/didn't have that much experience (possibly)


Well the little there animation was shite (and mocap would use up more memory in the animation because of more keyframes and stuff) I still think that it's a bit far to assume that there was lots of room left in the resources to budget lots of animation.

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