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Red Steel 2 (£4.95 @Zavvi)


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It's still a certain buy for me, but yeah, the fact that it seems to have taken so long has dampened the anticipation somewhat.


Probably won't be a day one purchase, on account that Infinite Space is also out on the 26th. When I'm done with that, Red Steel 2 will be the first thing I buy.

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Too many games, too little time. I've got BioShock 2 on rent and just have no time to play it. I'll be getting God of War III (angriest man ever, I cannot resist) this Friday though and I'll probably pick this up post-exams.

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I've been watching some videos on youtube and I think it looks great. There was one video in particular that impressed me and it was a boss fight. Everything just looks so fluid. I really didnt enjoy the first game but this looks really promising and I'll most definitley be getting it next week with Batman: AA GOTY unless it gets some pretty terrible reviews.

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more details from the review of red steel 2 in Ngamer NL:

The Pro and Cons:


First of the pro's:

"The many sword fights are well developed and have flawless controls. The über-cool cyber western atmosphere impresses.''


And the con's:

The clumsy mission structure and sometimes to large environments slows the tempo of the game.


Presentation: 4.5 / 5

Sound: 4 / 5

Gameplay: 4 / 5

Long term: 3 / 5


Overall: 8,5


Edit, now with detailed info:

- MotionPlus's first test, and it passes with flying colours


- You can swing like a maniac, (and so, performing slow but heavy blows) but that won't help against powerfull opponents. There is a lot of room for more subtle movements during sword duels. You'll learn a lot of moves, which is awesome. These moves are demonstrated with real footage, by some chick with a white tshirt. Bit weird.


- The weapons are there, but aren't that important plus they don't add anything but can be used for fighting enemies of from a distance. Katana is way more effecient. In the end, it comes down to a well balanced use of guns, hitting hard and subtle/tactical attacks.


- Mission structure is meh. You go to a Casion, dojo or office and you accept a mission. But after traveling towards the mission location and completing it, you have to bacjtrack, which takes to long. About halfway in it's possible to accept more mission (due to more people dishing out missions) but it takes way to long to get back.


- Graphics are great. The vibe coming from the surroundings don't feel forced at all. Except for the opening sequence, feels like Max Payne.


- Leveldesign isn't that great, levels are to big and don't provide that much. Real map isn't there. except for little HUB indicator, but that doesn't help. Variaty of objects is lame to, there are garbage bags though with lots of money to use for upgrades. Shit is everywhere, even in things like a royal palace. The safe craking bits are fun though, becaus eyou use your Wiimote in a fun way.


- Overall RS2 has it's flaws, but it's an intense game that's worth your time. It has a lot of moments you won't forget and because of that you'll take the sore wrists for granted. Ubisoft delivers on it's promiss.

Edited by marcel
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It kind of makes sense but I still don't get why just an 8.5.


I know it's just a score but...hmmm....


Cyber-western ace-ness.


why is an 8.5 nowadays conciddered low. If i got that score for a test i would be more than happy.

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Because I can't really remember the last time I bought a game that didn't hit 90% fairly easily and this is my most looked forward to Wii game along with Metroid. (Bar L4D2, that was a pretty lame game.)


It's not low, it's just not spectacular and with so many pretty stunning games out I don't have time for them all. I'm like 3 hours into BioShock 2 and haven't found the time to play it in 2 weeks, the lower scored ones, no matter how high they still score aren't going to be my priority.


And I wouldn't be happy with that in a test. :heh:

Edited by Daft
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Because I can't really remember the last time I bought a game that didn't hit 90% fairly easily and this is my most looked forward to Wii game along with Metroid. (Bar L4D2, that was a pretty lame game.)


It's not low, it's just not spectacular and with so many pretty stunning games out I don't have time for them all. I'm like 3 hours into BioShock 2 and haven't found the time to play it in 2 weeks, the lower scored ones, no matter how high they still score aren't going to be my priority.


And I wouldn't be happy with that in a test. :heh:


Very surprised you think like this. The best games I've played (with few exceptions) generally don't score the highest! You did see the review scores got GTA4 yeah?!

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Just because I tend to only get 90%+ games, and certainly expect most the games I get to be scored that highly, doesn't mean I buy every game that scores that highly.


GTAIV was trash just like Mass Effect 2 was painfully inane.


Having said that there are exceptions, I thought Wolverine Origins was amazing, but then I thought it was going to be average.


I'm just disappointed because I obviously don't use my Wii much because when it comes to it, there just seem to be way too many games that are just that little bit better on the other two.


Having said all that, I didn't say I wasn't going to get this, I just remember when I looked forward to a game on a Nintendo system and it was usually a hard hitting 90%+, a NOM 'Awesome'.

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It begins!!!




"In the same month that Red Steel 2 reaches Wii owners, Sony has loudly proclaimed that its Wii-style Move controller is the device that will enable the best motion-controlled gaming experiences that appeal to fans of so-called hardcore games. But you don't need a Move to feel just how impressive and involved an action game can be when controlled by your motions. Red Steel 2, a game any PS3 owner ought to hope comes to the Move, shows that Sony's console wasn't essential to make this happen. Ubisoft is on a streak of sequels-as-atonement that began with Assassin's Creed II. It has now built not just one of the Wii's best games and not just one of the most radically improved sequels in many years but a motion-controlled game with previously unfelt depth of control and excitement of action. To understand how well motion-gaming can feel, Red Steel 2 is a must play. This is a 2006 Wii promise delivered."


Many other reviews out.

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A view review summaries:


Gametrailers (Score 8.6):

Red Steel 2 has it where it counts, with a deep combat system that continuously improves as the game progresses. It could do with more interesting tasks outside of battle, but it nails the swordplay like no game before it.


IGN (Score 8.6):

There are still some issues, both in game balance as well as wishy-washy motion sensing control, but the awesome style and energetic gameplay are enough to make this one of the top titles on Wii.


IGN UK (Score 8.5):

As a template for how to combine shooting and swordplay within one intuitive, fluid control system, Red Steel 2 is an incredible achievement. But the bottom line is that the game takes a little too long to get going, and when it does it's all over way too soon.


IGN AU (score 8.4):

Red Steel 2 really isn’t a complex game. It doesn’t need to be, of course, but it would be nice if it had better storytelling and more interesting characters. I don’t mind kicking ass simply for the fun of kicking ass, but it would be nice to feel a little more connected to what’s happening. To care about your character’s past and the fact that he’s now the last of the Kusagari clan.



For the full reviews click on the name of the site. What this means is that its a good games, and if you want more core games on your wii you should buy this game. I can assure you that if this game flops than its bye bye to core wii games.

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For the full reviews click on the name of the site. What this means is that its a good games, and if you want more core games on your wii you should buy this game. I can assure you that if this game flops than its bye bye to core wii games.

Stop being so down about this. Guess what? Lots of core games sell well on Wii. One game isn't going to change that.


Anyhow, Metacritic has this game sitting on 81%. :)

Edited by LostOverThere
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Stop being so down about this. Guess what? Lots of core games sell well on Wii. One game isn't going to change that.


Anyhow, Metacritic has this game sitting on 81%. :)


give us a some well selling "CORE" 3th party games that isnt named resident evil or call of duty.

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