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Damn! Was really hyped for this after playing swordplay in Resort :(


Only Rock Band -The Beatles and New Super Mario Brothers for me to look forward to on my Wii this year. Even more tempted to buy a 360 to go with my Wii now.

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Sad news indeed, but I'm still pumped for Silent Hill, Tales of Symphonia 2, Crystal Chronicles and maaaaaybe Dead Space Extraction. Something tells me the 2010 big-hitters we already knew about (Galaxy 2, Other M, S&P2) won't make it out for Q1 anyway.


I am quite calm.


How anyone would prefer a 360 over a PS3 dumbfounds me :)


There's probably still lots of games I'll get this year, but this was one of the big ones for me :( And now I need to get that 4th wii motion plus somewhere else....

Damn! Was really hyped for this after playing swordplay in Resort :(


This is the reason why my hype for Red Steel 2 sky-rocketed after I received Wii Sports Resort, and why I'm bitterly disappointed with the delay.


Woah, Q4 Wii line-up is looking really bad right now. New Super Mario Bros. Wii is the only thing that interests me.


2010 should be legendary though: SMG2, Metroid: Other M, Red Steel 2, No More Heroes 2, Monster Hunter 3, Sin & Punishment 2...


Glad to hear about the delay tbf, means they will add more stuff / it'll be more polished, well it had better be the case anyway...


'cos if it isn't... *shakes fist* [/Homer Simpson]

Posted (edited)

So many AAA games in 2010:

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

Alan Wake


BioShock 2

Crackdown 2

Dead Rising 2

Final Fantasy XIII

God of War III

Gran Turismo 5

Halo Reach

Heavy Rain

Just Cause 2

The Last Guardian

Lost Planet 2

Mafia 2


Mass Effect 2

Max Payne 3

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Metroid Other M

No More Heroes 2

Pokemon Soul Silver/Heart Gold

Red Steel 2

Rock Band 3

Sin and Punishment 2

Splinter Cell Conviction

Split Second

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Edited by Dante

It's kind of a shame this has been delayed but then again I've got to the stage where game delays just don't bother me that much any more. There's always something pretty damn good coming out. Take this summer for instance, usually a slow point but last week Wipeout Fury came out with Fat Princess out this week. Next month Batman: Arkham Asylum is out and last month Red Faction came out.


It's all good!


How anyone would prefer a 360 over a PS3 dumbfounds me :)


*High Five!*

How anyone would prefer a 360 over a PS3 dumbfounds me :)


How anyone would prefer the PS3 controller over the 360 pad dumbfounds me. :smile:




Back on topic, if done right, this should be one of those defining games that really shows what can be done with the Wii, though I have to wonder if Ubi will keep this exclusive once the PS3 motion controller comes out...


Nvm... what matters though is that we are getting it first for the console it was intended for but it does make you wonder how many people would be willing to wait if it was announced for the PS3 also as a Red Steel 1 / 2 pack with redone controls for the first and polished up graphics for both, not that there's anything wrong with the visuals for RS2 of course, it's looking excellent for the hardware it's produced for. :)


For me this is good, as it cleans out my Christmas a little more. Still going to have to pick and choose which titles to buy, seeing soon we'll be getting Dead Space: Extraction, New Super Mario Bros, Silent Hill, Resident Evil: DC, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Monster Hunter 3, and A Boy and His Blob. God damn it.

Back on topic, if done right, this should be one of those defining games that really shows what can be done with the Wii, though I have to wonder if Ubi will keep this exclusive once the PS3 motion controller comes out...


Nvm... what matters though is that we are getting it first for the console it was intended for but it does make you wonder how many people would be willing to wait if it was announced for the PS3 also as a Red Steel 1 / 2 pack with redone controls for the first and polished up graphics for both, not that there's anything wrong with the visuals for RS2 of course, it's looking excellent for the hardware it's produced for. :)


I'd absolutely love to have this come out with the PS3 wand dong things. Just up the resolution, maybe update the textures, and I'd be happy. I wonder if developers took that multiplatform approach the Wii might benefit a lot.


I'd be more than happy to get this on the Wii if not though.


If it's a delay to deliver a better product, I'm all for it! Rather wait a little longer than have a rush-job like the original Red Steel.


However, if the quality is still questionable when it's released, there will be hell to pay. :wink:


Still, I'm looking forward to this very much! Looks great and original, and truth be told, I quite enjoyed the original despite its shortcomings. At first I was even gutted RS2 wasn't a continuation of the first. How foolish I was. If there is one thing better than a gunslinger it's a gunslinger with a sword.


Why didn't King think of that? Roland with a Katana. I could have died a happy reader.

How anyone would prefer the PS3 controller over the 360 pad dumbfounds me. :smile:


*High Fives!*


So many AAA games in 2010:

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

Alan Wake


BioShock 2

Crackdown 2

Dead Rising 2

Final Fantasy XIII

God of War III

Gran Turismo 5

Halo Reach

Heavy Rain

Just Cause 2

The Last Guardian

Lost Planet 2

Mafia 2


Mass Effect 2

Max Payne 3

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Metroid Other M

No More Heroes 2

Pokemon Soul Silver/Heart Gold

Red Steel 2

Rock Band 3

Sin and Punishment 2

Splinter Cell Conviction

Split Second

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

Super Mario Galaxy 2


Bayonetta? AAA? Don't be silly. Rock Band 3 hasn't even appeared as a rumor, let alone a confirmation - and if Lost Planet 2 or Just Cause 2 get AAA reviews I'll be extremely surprised

*High Fives!*




Bayonetta? AAA? Don't be silly. Rock Band 3 hasn't even appeared as a rumor, let alone a confirmation - and if Lost Planet 2 or Just Cause 2 get AAA reviews I'll be extremely surprised


I am not joking with Bayonetta being a AAA game. :)

Last autumn/xmas was very underhwleming for the Wii....this year is looking similarly so... What have Nintendo been working on again?


2 New Mario Games

A New Zelda

A New Pikmin

Part of a new Metroid




Anyway, I don't really care to much about the delay. I'm really not wanting this that badly right now anyway.


So that's 4 teams - two of which are re-using an old engine (in fact Pikmin 3 is probably using the same cube engine too). I don't know; but I think Nintendo's output has been a little slim; maybe it's just perception, because they have been releasing (relatively) big titles in the first 6 months...


Obviously they've got other projects though. They have a lot more teams than most people think. They just don't seem to be talking about much else at this point.


I guess there's also Sin and Punishment 2, Dynamic Slash, Cosmic Walker, That one RPG game I can't seem to remember the name of, Retro's new project. EAD 2 is also working on Wii Fit Plus, but I doubt thats what you're talking about here.


And on the DS, Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver, Zelda Spirit Tracks.


What Wii MotionPlus Really Does For Red Steel 2




I recently asked the creative director of Red Steel 2 what the required MotionPlus attachment adds to his Wii game. He asked me if I wanted the marketing answer or the technological answer.


I wanted the technical answer, of course.


But first Jason VandenBerghe, a man who was soon to impress me with the fact that he lead the team that developed my favorite post-GoldenEye James Bond game, Everything or Nothing, gave me the marketing answer.


He adopted his marketing voice, which was higher than his normal tone, and accompanied by waving of arms and the wobbly body language of a dishonest man. The marketing answer was that it would make the game more amazing, more terrific, more awesome.


He straightened himself out and took the Wii Remote from my hand. I was about to get the technological answer.


This was all happening in the basement floor of a downtown hotel in New York, last week during a rainstorm that stabbed the sky with lightning and flipped my umbrella inside out. In from the storm and amid the Ubisoft holiday line-up, I was playing the early portion of Red Steel 2. It's a cartoon-shaded first-person-shooter/sword-fighter. The opening bit had my character being dragged on his belly by a guy on a motorcycle. I shot free and was in a gunfight, pointing the MotionPlus at the TV running the game, feeling my hand movements match the arm and gun movements of the character in the first-person game.


"Without MotionPlus, I couldn't do this," he said with the Remote now in his hand and me stepped off to the side to observe. He pointed the Remote at the screen as if to shoot. Then he moved his arm, pointing the Remote toward the left side of the screen... then he turned it more until it wasn't pointing at the TV any more.


Wii first-person-shooter owners know what VandenBerghe's gesture would normally cause. The Wii sensor bar would lose track of the Wii Remote's pointer, causing the game's first-person camera to either keep turning uncontrollably, or the camera would stop. This would be a frustration for players who were just trying to turn and had turned a tad too much. Either way, the gamer would then have to point back at the screen to get the Remote noticed again.


When VandenBerghe moved his Remote away from the TV something different happened. The camera in the game did keep turning. But as VandenBerghe turned his hand and the Remote back to the TV, the camera swiveled back with him. MotionPlus had taken over for the Remote's pointer. The Wii never lost track of its player.


MotionPlus had made these controls smarter. The swings to the side could even allow the developers to map a quick-turn.


This wasn't marketing. Technically, that's what MotionPlus added to the shooting of Red Steel 2. Otherwise, VandenBerghe said, no, MotionPlus was not essential for Red Steel's shooting gameplay.




But remember, Red Steel 2 fans, the essence of the franchise is guns and swords.


MotionPlus is essential to the sword-fighting in the game, I was told. VandenBerghe has been on the project for a year and a half. He remembers riskily informing his bosses that the game had to use it. He remembers expecting MotionPlus to birth a lightsaber game at this E3 that would steal his game's thunder. He remembers being shocked that no such game shows up. And he maintains that it would be pointless to make a game with sword-fighting without MotionPlus — unless, as with a No More Heroes, the intention wasn't to emulate the feel of actually swinging a sword.


To sword-fight is to swing your arm. Vigorously. In real life or the game.


Red Steel 2's sword combat involves big swings, short swings, blocks, combos. And without MotionPlus, Vandenberghe told me, it would have involved a six-to-10-frame lag between player motion and the action on the screen. That would be too slow to make the game worth making, he told me.


In Red Steel 2, the switch from gunplay to sword combat isn't activated by a button. There's no weapons toggle. The change is activated by the rapidity of arm movement. The gun is the game's default, but swing your arm sharply and the sword comes out — and stays out until the Remote is leveled and shots are again ready to be fired.


I swung the virtual sword in the game. I almost had to wallop Vandenberghe and other people standing by to get some of the best strikes on the game's enemies.


Vandenberghe told me that he keeps getting quoted as proclaiming himself to be the man who killed waggle. Kill waggle with this? These controls felt right.


The game was recently delayed to 2010, a move Vandenberghe said is designed to balance the quality of the adventure. When released, Red Steel 2 will be bundled with a MotionPlus.




Sounds ace. Really can't wait for this.

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