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E3 has died down, and though we think we handled it pretty well, there's no denying that we could do with some extra newsies to help out during non-E3/convention periods. We're not setting any limits on the amount of people we want to hire, so there will be no need for any cataclysmic battles to the death with other applicants if you really would like to work here.


There's a few requirements that I want all potential applicants to bear in mind, however.


  • Your English and writing skills must be immaculate. No 1337 speak, txt talk or bad grammar, lest ye awaken the wrath of the Kraken.
  • You must have an excellent knowledge of the games industry and gaming in general, so you can add a good amount of detail into your news posts (and make it look like you really know your stuff).
  • You must be committed to your work. If you want to join up because it sounds like fun or you get to know inside information, don't bother. We only want people who are devoted to providing frequent high quality news to our readers.


And that's about it. This will probably stay on the forums so that we know who's signing up and can run background checks on you if we're suspicious (only joking, we love you guys).


Applications can be of any length, just remember: quality over quantity! It might be an idea to time yourself, as it's always best to get news up as it breaks.


Send all applications to me at [email protected], and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Try to write a story that hasn't been reported by us - we won't put a limit on the amount of applications either.


Have fun, and if you have any queries make sure to post in the thread or PM/email me.


All the best,


Nathan Whincup

Head of News


I'm alright at the writing thing but I'm sure there are better people out there but if you need any help graphics wise I'll gladly help.

Guest Maase
Your English and writing skills must be immaculate. No 1337 speak, txt talk or bad grammar, lest ye awaken the wrath of the Kraken.




I would love to do something like this. It would give me something creative to do but, unfortunately I don't think I have any of the needed requirements.


Guess I should just stick to posting.


I'd apply if I had more access to my PC, or if I could commit to something for more than a week. If you were looking for someone to write features, now that'd be a different story.


I only meet two of the factors, first and last. Unfortunately, my gaming knowledge is not so cavernous as someone like pedrocasilva. I know a lot, but I feel it's not enough.


I would apply for this but a combination of, sometimes, limited time and Hellfire watching applications means I don't think I will this time around. :p

I only meet two of the factors, first and last. Unfortunately, my gaming knowledge is not so cavernous as someone like pedrocasilva. I know a lot, but I feel it's not enough.


We'll be the judge(s) of that! Give it a go. : peace:


So basically, we have to write up a news story for our applications?




I would apply for this but a combination of, sometimes, limited time and Hellfire watching applications means I don't think I will this time around. :p


Has he been threatening people with horse heads again? :nono:

Him and Cube had a massive "argument" thus, now NotAshley is banned, and Cube had his newsie status removed.


He nailed it. It actually wasn't for other reasons, they just plain didn't get on :shakehead

Well I hope new intake don't go the way of young Ashley C (aka NotAshley). Whatever happened to him?


Well he did make the graphic for me in the first post. :heh: I'll ask him if he wants to post why he left in here.


Him and Cube had a massive "argument" thus, now NotAshley is banned, and Cube had his newsie status removed.


We've been trying to get rid of Cube for over a year, this was the perfect opportunity.


anyone else confused about a US recruitment tool being used for a Euro site :confused:


Shush you.

Cube had his newsie status removed.


Yea, erasing the entire staff forum didn't go down very well with some of them.

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