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Guitar Hero : World Tour


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OK where's my new DLC?


Was this news story just relevent to the US or something? (If so did the Wii get the new DLC?)


Or was the Smashing Pumpkins songs only added to the 360 and PS3 stores and not the Wii's Store? I Checked and waited all day and still they are not there :mad:



Also, about the vocals part...what exactly changes when you change the difficulty when using vocals? Having only 2 wiimotes not used the mic much (why didn't they just put buttons on the bloody mic) when mates are round we just play guitar and drums co-op

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The problem with the DLC for the Wii version lies with Activision. When they said that it is the artists' fault, they were passing the buck. If Rock Band/EA can sell the songs individually then so to can Activision. It's just them being idiots and making people pay more for stuff that they may not want.


It's a shame that they haven't put more effort into the DLC on the Wii version because it was good to see someone show the true potential of the Wii and they're not using it. But then again, the DLC for all versions has been pretty awful compared to what Rock Band has been getting.

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Nobody noticed the Wii versions shop has been updated? I've been away a week just back today and checked and saw the new songs, horay, gonna get wii points tomorrow and get some new stuff


I'm still confused as to why I need a spare 850(ish) blocks of memory per song. How does this work again? Do I need that free all of the time THEN I transfer them to the SD card!? :(

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I'm still confused as to why I need a spare 850(ish) blocks of memory per song. How does this work again? Do I need that free all of the time THEN I transfer them to the SD card!? :(


I've only got 398 blocks left on my Wii and can download songs fine.


I think you need at least 200 free blocks on the Wii to play songs on the SD card. I think what happens is when you load a song from the SD card it is actually copied to the Wii's memory for the amount of time required to play the song, after you finish the song the copy on the Wii memory is deleted (or replaced by the next SD card song you are playing)


Something like that.

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Yeah it's 200 songs you need free.


You have 200 blocks on your wii, the song gets downloaded to that and then transferred instantly to your SD card' so it doesn't take space up on your wii, but you need it for the transfer over.


I'm playing this now, if anyone fancies joining me

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Well i beat "Do It Again" on expert today on my 3rd attempt... but not stuck on the Zak Wylde Duel, closest I got was 91%, ggggrrrrr


Is there some special technique to using the touch pad buttons? Those parts screw me up, I tend to use the fret buttons instead of the touch pad, but i'd prolly do better on the pad if i could use it right :heh:

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I really don't like the tracklist for this game, GH3 was much better, And the songs are way too easy, went back to GH3 and couldnt even get past some of the middle songs on expert but in GHWT I can do nearly every song....


That's the thing, each Guitar Hero game has been easier than the previous one.


By that, I don't mean that it's easier because we're getting better. The game system has been getting easier.

I don't know if you have played every GH game, but I know I have. If you haven't, then I'll tell you. And not just you, anybody else who hasn't played all GH games. (1, 2, 3 & WT, I mean. The other ones don't matter.)



The first Guitar Hero game required you to strum on EVERY SINGLE NOTE. There was no tapping in this game, and it made the solos freakishly hard and it tired you out earlier from it. It was almost impossible to do some of the final songs.



GHII brought in the tapping system, and the game instantly became so much easier because of it. But the game still had the same sort of difficult solos that you could only really do if you had the hand speed. Yet, the slower, easier riffs were a piece of cake than before. And it was more fun.



GHIII had an easier way to tap without strumming than GHII, although it's been removed from WT. In GHII, you needed to press the fret button at the precise moment the note came up. In GHIII, you could press the fret button down before the note came up and it would still register.



Now, World Tour has the slide feature; a way to play parts of songs without needing to strum at all. This is used in some complex solos on Expert, and stops you from failing quicker from mindlessly hitting the strum bar in case you keep missing notes and you need to keep strumming, oblivious to that you're sort of out of rhythm with the strumming and causing the fail to come earlier.

And there's also the beginner mode, which is a proper laughable "difficulty".

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God damnit, I had to admit defeat, I was forced to skip the Zak Wylde Duel on Expert, just can't finish it, I can get near the end, 92% but no further tried using the free quickplay download of the song to practice the end of the song and you wanna know something weird.


In career the section before the outro (think it's called "Keep Going 3" or something like that) is a section of slider notes... in practice mode it's a mix of normal and HO/PO notes... WTF?


How am I meant to practice it when it's not the same as in career mode?


Oh by the way, new DLC is on the Store too.... songs from the Eagles, maybe more, Eagles were just what I noticed which were not there yesterday.

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They're in World Tour, yes, but they weren't in the first game. I believe that's what I had said earlier. I said nothing about them not being in WT.


(Well, they were in the first game, but you needed to strum on all three notes. Thus, it wasn't really a hammer-on or a pull-off, it was just...playing a guitar.)

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They're in World Tour, yes, but they weren't in the first game. I believe that's what I had said earlier. I said nothing about them not being in WT.


(Well, they were in the first game, but you needed to strum on all three notes. Thus, it wasn't really a hammer-on or a pull-off, it was just...playing a guitar.)


Looks back up VILLAIN: "GHIII had an easier way to tap without strumming than GHII, although it's been removed from WT."


Hmmmm ;)

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Look back up dazzy, after that I said: In GHII, you needed to press the fret button at the precise moment the note came up. In GHIII, you could press the fret button down before the note came up and it would still register.


THAT was what they removed from WT. Not tapping altogether, just the easier way of tapping, aka THAT WHICH IS IN BOLD. Do you see now?

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And for people like me who started on GH3, this new tapping in WT is pissing me off :heh:


Getting used to it though...slowly.


Here's a question...any tried the vocals yet? Still haven't fully tried it... what differences are there between the diffculties in it?

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