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Resistance 2


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This is actually quite a bit better than I was expecting. It's not going to set the world alight, but it's certainly a much better designed FPS than Fall of Man and the combat is far more enjoyable; things actually flinch when you shoot them now, and the weapons feel a lot more... purposeful.


The plot appears to be absolute rubbish, and it completely undermines the actually-quite-interesting groundwork laid down in the periphery of the first game: the Cloven are explained away in a sentence, and there's absolutely no sense of mystery. Visually things seem to cartwheel between looking rather good and being a horrible splatter of weirdly lit colours; some parts are technically impressive, but other areas could be from an original Xbox game if you squinted a bit.


So, it's alright. Definitely a better game than the original, and if you're after a fairly dumb shooter than you could do a lot worse. In fact I'm actually enjoying it more than Gears of War 2, although I'm not sure why exactly.

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That Edge review is awful. I have played and completed the single player and i loved every second of it. He makes a point about enemies spotting you when you fire a bullet, big fuckin' deal! I never really noticed it, but that's because i wasn't planning on playing an action FPS in a stealthy manor. Jesus, what was the guy expecting? Its not MGS for fucks sake.


Anyway, R2 is awesome. Seriously. It gets a 9 from me. Great story, great gameplay, great enemies. It does everything better than the first one, and has co-op and 60 player online.


Edge are jerks.

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Well this game certainly doesn't deserve the low score Edge gave it...


In terms of scale and sheer variety I think the single player levels are streets a head of the first game (I am up to the third level so far!) Also looks beautiful when you step out in the city line on the san francisco level just wow! For me tops any visual spectacle that the Halo series has offered this far... I'm glad the levels so far have not resorted to the opposite of this the drab boring cellars, tunnels and corridors pf the original.


I have created a clan called N-Europe Elites...if anyone wants an invite I'll send one your way, so far me and Cookyman are fully enrolled members...

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He makes a point about enemies spotting you when you fire a bullet, big fuckin' deal! I never really noticed it, but that's because i wasn't planning on playing an action FPS in a stealthy manor. Jesus, what was the guy expecting? Its not MGS for fucks sake.

I believe they were referring to the enemies' tendency to focus on you, and you alone. Which is a valid enough complaint, as it is pretty ridiculous that I've had several occasions where I've been behind the three other Sentinels so I can take the enemies from a distance, and yet when the Chimera approach they all run straight past my guys and clobber me to death whilst I'm behind a box reloading. It isn't game breaking — although it makes taking out the Stalkers very annoying as their weakpoint is on their rear; they automatically turn to face you as soon as you peek out from cover — but it's certainly something that could be improved upon. Than again, the Halo games are the only first-person shooters I can think of that make the opposition suitably 'dumb', so this isn't a problem with R2 alone.


I agree with several of the points made in the EDGE review, but overall I disagree with its tone and score. I see a lot of areas that could be improved upon in Resistance 2, but as is the game is certainly better than the likes of BlackSite or TimeShift. It's also greatly improved upon the original, which gives me hope that the third game will make strides or comparable breadth and be a title really worth getting excited about.

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Just completed it tonight. Wow.....it certainly does get better. The last few levels were breathtaking.


Gonna hit the online now.....with bells on.



p.s Joined your N-Europe clan Flameboy, Co-op tomorrow? Then maybe a bit of competitive?


yep defo...a bit later on? likely be watching footie at some point today but either before or after defo play some, hopefully get a few other N-Europers on as well...

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I think we should have competitive games in San Francisco or a small map like that. Make it so you need a password.


Can do yeah..Keen to get some co-op XP as well though...Have you joined the clan? Think I sent you an invite...I am going to watch the Manchester derby and then get back to I reckon...anyone around then?


I am loving the single player up to 4th level, everything feels so epic. It's such a cliched way of describing it..

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Yeah you sent me an invite but I wasn't playing at the time, forgot how to accept.

I've been playing through the campaign and it is incredibly fun. Can't stop playing it, yet I don't want to rush it.


Does anyone know why we don't get XP for competitive?

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Yeah you sent me an invite but I wasn't playing at the time, forgot how to accept.

I've been playing through the campaign and it is incredibly fun. Can't stop playing it, yet I don't want to rush it.


what difficulty you playing it on? I was going to play on easy but didnt wanna wash it settled for normal...

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