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When You Were Young


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I wanted to be a pilot, the airspace over my village is military airspace so we get alot of low flying fighter jets so i decided then that i wanted to become a pilot. I almost achieved that but then i went shortsighted in my left eye, they threw me out like last nights rubish.

I also became fairly interested in child psycology back when i had schizophrenia which i may look into one day.

Thinking about trying out for the police force since the entrance exam is piss easy also. I always wanted to know what it was like to be a cop, probably not very good going by what my mother has been saying.

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I wanted to be a footballer, and become centre-forward for Aston Villa.


What I didn't realise, however, was that I was shit at football. :blank:


You just don't know at that age. You think you're good because you can kick the ball into the goal. But it's only when you're a bit older, and you can't even play for 10 minutes without getting knackered, do you actually realise what your footballing skills are like. Especially when you compare it to...every other lad in your class.

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^^^ It's the guitar riff from The Killers "When You Were Young" from Guitar Hero III / Rock Band... *one soul please mwahahaha!* :heh:



Yeeeees, you win my soul (sorry, Allah).




Nice replies, guys. Blackfox, you are uber cool for wanting to be Thomas the tank engine. He was a God to me...as a child.

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Isn't the endurance exam (beep test) something like 5.4? I got that in year 7 when i was the fattest, most unfit person ever.


Correct it used to be 9.something but it was lowered.


It will be the other tests, role playing, interview, application form questions etc that is the hard part of getting into the police. The fitness test is seen as the easy bit now.


EDIT: And to answer the thread, i have always wanted to be a police officer since i was a very little boy...

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I wanted to work at disneyland, specifically on the runaway minetrain! They looked so cool and had so much fun high-fiving all the passengers as each train left the loading dock. Plus i'd get to ride it as much as i wanted surely?! But hey, i was young and soon realised what a bum job it would actually be in reality.


All i've ever wanted to be since my early teens was a videogames journalist, and i have to pinch myself pretty often when i realise that i am one.

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