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Someone's ripped off my website!


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It does matter! It should friggin' well be online if it isn't ready o_o


online = people seeeeee!


Far too many n00bs getting access to the internet and using the C+P function (to create websites) far too readily.


I learned HTML with notepad DAMMIT!




I would send a polite email and mention SOLICITORS. That might scare the cack out of them. :D

I learned HTML the easy* way too :p

I would personally threaten them with legal action :D


*easy - without all the graphical crap in the way

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It does matter! It shouldn't friggin' well be online if it isn't ready o_o


online = people seeeeee!


Far too many n00bs getting access to the internet and using the C+P function (to create websites) far too readily.


I learned HTML with notepad DAMMIT!




I would send a polite email and mention SOLICITORS. That might scare the cack out of them. :D


You think you had it bad? Try learning dreamweaver, notepad is like a god send compared to that damn program! :heart:

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You think you had it bad? Try learning dreamweaver, notepad is like a god send compared to that damn program! :heart:


Yep - had to learn it for national diploma too. (or maybe it was the HNC, i'm not sure if we had dreamweaver back in '03 :indeed:)


Better than that arseface software that Microshite created...frontpage was it? I refuse to use it on the principle of how much cack code it creates in the raw text.




I like notepad, I have control.

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You think you had it bad? Try learning dreamweaver, notepad is like a god send compared to that damn program! :heart:
Yea, its attrocious for simple tasks and it adds in so much unneeded code :s


Yep - had to learn it for national diploma too. (or maybe it was the HNC, i'm not sure if we had dreamweaver back in '03 :indeed:)


Better than that arseface software that Microshite created...frontpage was it? I refuse to use it on the principle of how much cack code it creates in the raw text.




I like notepad, I have control.

I think frontpage is basically word with a few extra features isnt it?

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Yea, its attrocious for simple tasks and it adds in so much unneeded code :s



I think frontpage is basically word with a few extra features isnt it?


No it codes webpages. Its interface looks like word. But its not the same.


It's an unnecessary P.O.S in my opinion.


Dreamweaver is better but not by much.


I'm very anal about code I have to have it aligned and formatted perfectly :awesome:

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It looks like he just used the same template. Its hard to tell because we don't know how much is already on the template though. You should just add a little "© (whatever year you created the site)" and if it gets too much more like your site send them a letter or something.

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This clearly isn't just the use of the same template: the offending site still has links to Dog-amoto's page. This isn't coincidence.


On the other hand I think it's advisable to stop things from getting out of it — the hand, that is. The infringing website could simply be using the design and content as a placeholder for whatever purpose, or perhaps it's someone hoping to adapt the original template to a personal site that has nothing to do with driving. Definitely worth e-mailing them about it, but you might as well leave your wrathful hat on its peg.

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I learnt HTML in notepad. Dreamweaver is easy, not complicated at all!


haha, no but we were referring to what a pain in the arse dreamweaver is, it often broke whilst I used the education version in college and nobody understood how to fix it not even the tutors.


But then they didn't teach me anything anyway.


I wouldn't if he managed to get anything sorted?

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I'm more inclined to say that it rapes the code itself. Just like frontpage does. If you ever (for some reason) need to edit it in notepad, its all fucked it all up.


But why would you. Thats like creating something in photoshop and then going to change it in paint and moaning that photoshop is bad because .psd files don't work in paint (assuming they don't, I've never used paint). Perhaps not the best comparison but I can't think of anything else at the moment. Dreamweaver is industry standard for a reason.

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But why would you. Thats like creating something in photoshop and then going to change it in paint and moaning that photoshop is bad because .psd files don't work in paint (assuming they don't, I've never used paint). Perhaps not the best comparison but I can't think of anything else at the moment. Dreamweaver is industry standard for a reason.


To me dreamweaver doesn't seem like an industry standard, it's a bad program :blank:

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Have you used the latest version? Its actually pretty good once you know a bit more about how to use it. The interface seems intimidating at first but once you've used it for a while you'll see why its so good. Yes, there are some problems, but any software as big as DW is bound to have some problems. Plus it works alot better with the other Adobe apps. Something that is very important in web design.

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Have you used the latest version? Its actually pretty good once you know a bit more about how to use it. The interface seems intimidating at first but once you've used it for a while you'll see why its so good. Yes, there are some problems, but any software as big as DW is bound to have some problems. Plus it works alot better with the other Adobe apps. Something that is very important in web design.


I'm not scared of using dreamweaver, I've been using it for two years. I have 8 currently on my computer and can honestly say it's not better. The only program I happen to dislike because I can't understand is photoshop, but hopefully I'll be getting that with the new desktop :yay:


It generally puts in alot of coding that isn't really needed, I can understand why it's used, on an industrial level, although even if you are a beginner you can use it without having to use much code at all, which I believe is why my college copted out of teaching us to consistantly use notepad when most of us knew how instead of forcing us to use dreamweaver.


It has alot of problems with layers anyways, not that layers are a good thing anyway, but by god when I was told to use them I nearly cried. Tables all the way!


Maybe I just love notepad too much?

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But why would you. Thats like creating something in photoshop and then going to change it in paint and moaning that photoshop is bad because .psd files don't work in paint (assuming they don't, I've never used paint). Perhaps not the best comparison but I can't think of anything else at the moment. Dreamweaver is industry standard for a reason.


Maybe because when I was studying, I didn't have a copy of dreamweaver on my PC at home.



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Are you actually trying to be serious here?


Uhh hello have you ever worked in an industtrrryyy?!


The NHS uses notepad, and has programmers that actually know what they are doing! What the fuck is the point of paying a programmer £40k a year to design on a w.y.s.i.w.y.g interface >_>


Have you ever seen licence fees for industry for that sort of software?!


Jesus christ almighty...

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am being serious. I am also right.


I can confirm his being right-ness.


The industry standard is indeed using Notepad. Dreamweaver is for the likes of me - people who are too lazy to learn HTML. Lazy folk don't earn £40k+...

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It does matter! It shouldn't friggin' well be online if it isn't ready o_o


online = people seeeeee!


Far too many n00bs getting access to the internet and using the C+P function (to create websites) far too readily.


I learned HTML with notepad DAMMIT!




I would send a polite email and mention SOLICITORS. That might scare the cack out of them. :D

nobody's going to find your website if you don't advertise it. that's why whenever you start a website you get about 4 hits in as many weeks and they're all you. It really doesn't matter if people can see your crappy unfinished site when there's no way of finding it in the first place, short of guessing the url.


Oh and I learnt (x)html with notepad too :) and css...

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nobody's going to find your website if you don't advertise it. that's why whenever you start a website you get about 4 hits in as many weeks and they're all you. It really doesn't matter if people can see your crappy unfinished site when there's no way of finding it in the first place, short of guessing the url.


Oh and I learnt (x)html with notepad too :) and css...


Well this is true.


Only the hardcores learn to code with notepad :awesome:

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