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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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I had a dream with Triforce in last night, it was really odd.


We were in a car, with what I think (I don't actually rememeber) was my dad driving us. We were driving in this desert like landscape, and there were large pools of water running off from a river on either side of the road. I remember saying something along the lines of "Look, that's deep enough, you can swim in that" and then Aaron nodding and staring out the window again.


Then, he got out the car and we began driving off. I realised (no clue how) that I'd dropped my iPod in the road, and I could see Aaron chasing after the car to give it back to me.



..Then I woke up. Literally no idea why he was in it, considering it seemingly had nothing to do with him.

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Well a part of last nights dream was N-E related...


You know how sometimes we have threads where N-E members put a pointer on a map to show us where they live or such like,


Well for some reason a thread appeared for the gay members of N-E to show us where they lived! :confused:


And I was dissapointed to learn that Molly was infact a lesbian and lived on a small island between the UK and Ireland! :blank:



That's two dreams I've had about 'Molly' now! without even knowing her!

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Guest Captain Falcon
Well a part of last nights dream was N-E related...


You know how sometimes we have threads where N-E members put a pointer on a map to show us where they live or such like,


Well for some reason a thread appeared for the gay members of N-E to show us where they lived! :confused:


And I was dissapointed to learn that Molly was infact a lesbian and lived on a small island between the UK and Ireland! :blank:



That's two dreams I've had about Molly now, without even knowing her!


Maybe you are right and it wasn't a dream so much as it was premonition? If you were upset, then I guess it wasn't wishful thinking anyway.



Funnily enough, an N-E member was in one of my dreams last night - this actually marks the first time it was about a member because the only other N-E related dream involved there being no members in existence.


It was weird in that I was in a club with my mates. We we're all lined up against this wall facing toward the bar and for some reason I had an ice cream in my hand.


Anyhoo, when I moved to a different area, i saw one of the forumites and after giving them a hug and chatting a bit, they took my ice cream and started to lick it before handing it back, giving me another hug and being on their way.


They I look at my ice cream and the bottom of the cone looks to have been bitten off. Now I'm not sure f there's any significance in that, but it seemed really important in the dream because when I turned to one of my mates, he commented on how the top and bottom of the ice cream had devoured and gave me a dodgy look before going to the toilet.


The rest of dream felt entirely unrelated as for some reason, after that point, I recall finding myself wandering through some fields for quite sometime until I passed by a lake. Near to this lake was a town whereby I was trying to find my friend whilst trying to not to destroy anything in my hurry and not be sick whilst I was at it.


At the end, I found them in bar and we had a drink which we tried to remember the night before whilst the sun was rising.



Any clues as to what it means? Normally my dreams are fairly obvious to the point that you don't need a psychology degree to work them out and I can work out why I've had them relatively quickly, but this one has me stumped.

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Well for some reason a thread appeared for the gay members of N-E to show us where they lived! :confused:


And I was dissapointed to learn that Molly was infact a lesbian and lived on a small island between the UK and Ireland! :blank:



That's two dreams I've had about 'Molly' now! without even knowing her!

Wow, I don't know whether to be flattered or really freaked out :heh:

Maybe you are right and it wasn't a dream so much as it was premonition?

A premonition that I'm going to move to an island and realise I'm a lesbian? I'd say that's unlikely.

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Yeah, but instead of having some deep meaning, it could just be your brain tidying up all the crazy stuff in your subconsciousness, no?


A premonition that I'm going to move to an island and realise I'm a lesbian? I'd say that's unlikely.

Damn ... I'd have liked that, y'know ... ;)


Islands are so effing awesome!

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Guest Captain Falcon

A premonition that I'm going to move to an island and realise I'm a lesbian? I'd say that's unlikely.


But you aren't ruling it out :heh:

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Wow, I don't know whether to be flattered or really freaked out :heh:
haha, it does seem strange!... be flattered!
A premonition that I'm going to move to an island and realise I'm a lesbian? I'd say that's unlikely
Yeah don't knock it 'til you've tried it!
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Guest Captain Falcon
Do dreams always have to mean something? I mean, sometimes my dreams are just random things going on.


Maybe they don't always have a meaning as such, but there must be some reason why said thoughts fill your head during that time. I'd imagine that the dream is merely a reflection on your current state of mind - whether you recognize it or not. So whilst the dream could have meaning, it won't be telling you anything you shouldn't already know or have thought about.


Given the infrequency with which I remember my dreams, I believe there has to be some reason why I am able to recall those that I do. Maybe there isn't quite the profound meaning to them I seem to want to attach, but normally I can find some link to my current situation in them and it all seems rather obvious at that point as to why I had the dream in the first place.

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Maybe they don't always have a meaning as such, but there must be some reason why said thoughts fill your head during that time. I'd imagine that the dream is merely a reflection on your current state of mind - whether you recognize it or not. So whilst the dream could have meaning, it won't be telling you anything you shouldn't already know or have thought about.


Given the infrequency with which I remember my dreams, I believe there has to be some reason why I am able to recall those that I do. Maybe there isn't quite the profound meaning to them I seem to want to attach, but normally I can find some link to my current situation in them and it all seems rather obvious at that point as to why I had the dream in the first place.

I believe you're right. Dreams have a tendency to take what's on your mind and twist it into the strangest situations. :heh:

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Guest Captain Falcon
I believe you're right. Dreams have a tendency to take what's on your mind and twist it into the strangest situations. :heh:


Most of my dreams tend to be relatively mundane in the sense that the locations and scenarios are grounded in reality and are far less abstract that the dreams I hear most often from others when they start the "I had the weirdest dream last night...." conversation.


As for my own dream from the other night, it has suddenly dawned on me what it means and the ice cream was of relevance after all. Again, now it seems obvious, but I couldn't connect the pieces of it at the time.

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During my dream last night I was watching a new show in which Alec Baldwin was a corrupt priest, Tina Fey and Tricia Helfer were nuns and got in a fight during which Tina Fey's character said "frak". Also at another point me and Felicia Day were firting with each other like mad and Dan was there and was rather bored of it.


And we were in some large tall building at another point and discussing the legend of this giant lizard (like crocodile-size) that can only be seen by one man in the whole of the world and he was sat there. Proper English getleman; sipping tea politely while wearing a suit and a bowler. Anyway the mythical lizard broke some stuff so some girls were clearing it up but confused as to how it happened.


In a dream I've had fairly recently I found a way to open up a vending machine and took a load of cherry cakes (they were the ones me and my housemate made actually, but ended up in this vending machine). Then last night I dreamt the A-Team were questioning me about it (Mr T was not there) and asking why I had so many, why did I clear it out etc? I said it was pay day and me and my friends really like them and I wanted to treat them, "is that a crime?" Then there was some annoying kid there asking stupid questions. Like why is my neck all red if I was telling the truth? I said I had recently stratched it and have sensitive skin (which is true, my neck does go red).


So that's more like four dreams but whatever.

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In my dream this morning (didn't get up till 12, ha) I was at a guy's house, I think we were together. There was a giant rabbit in the garden, I asked to hold it but he said it would probably be a bit overwhelming. Then I laid down on my side, he laid down behind me and snuggled, it was extremely real. I felt happy.

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Guest Captain Falcon
In my dream this morning (didn't get up till 12, ha) I was at a guy's house, I think we were together. There was a giant rabbit in the garden, I asked to hold it but he said it would probably be a bit overwhelming. Then I laid down on my side, he laid down behind me and snuggled, it was extremely real. I felt happy.


Now why don't i get nice dreams like that...


And if I do get them, why don't I remember them.





Did it look like this one?


How awesome is that rabbit.

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