flameboy Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 Ok so I noted that the Live Summer of Fun has taken off and thought why doesn't N-Europe's growing PS3 fanbase get in with some fun made all the easier by the inclusion of in game XMB.... Had some good games with thelillster on MGO last night, first decent games I had on it. So people chuck your PSN ID on here and what games you play often and we can come up with some times etc... to meet up and play. Here's mine; flameboyNE and the games I play online; Team Fortress 2 Burnout Paradise GTA 4 MGO Mortal Kombat 2 LIST OF IDS AND THE GAMES YOU PLAY! flameboy - flameboyNE Team Fortress 2 Burnout Paradise GTA 4 MGO Mortal Kombat 2 l1qu1dm3t4l GTAIV Warhawk MGO Jimjebus Metal gear online GTA IV Burnout Paradise (July 10th update woop cmon) Mike1988uk CoD4 GTA4 MGO Burnout Paradise Strider - Mithic WarHawk COD4 Burnout Paradise GTA 4 MotorStorm Metal Gear Online chrizkerr2 Warhawk Resistance ShavenWolf Burnout Paradise Call of Duty 4 Colin McRae: DiRT Everybody's Golf Formula 1: CE GT5 Prologue GTA4 Haze Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Metal Gear Online Motorstorm Resistance: FoM Team Fortress 2 Sega Rally Skate Unreal Tournament III Warhawk Right thats as much as I am going to update for now...
Pit-Jr Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 mines l1qu1dm3t4l apologies for the elaborate ID but my first choices were already taken I can be found playing these at any given time GTAIV Warhawk MGO
Jimjebus Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 Mine is The orignal PSN Name: Jimjebus MGO Name Tag : Jimjebus Games i play online Metal gear online GTA IV Burnout Paradise (July 10th update woop cmon) Also bought kane and lynch for 7quid so thats there aswell lol
LegoMan1031 Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 Mike1988uk Games i can play online (PS3) CoD4 GTA4 MGO Burnout Paradise
Strider Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 PSN: Mithic I am able to play: WarHawk COD4 Burnout Paradise GTA 4 MotorStorm Metal Gear Online
ShavenWolf Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 PSN: ShavenWolf Games I have that are online: Burnout Paradise Call of Duty 4 Colin McRae: DiRT Everybody's Golf Formula 1: CE GT5 Prologue GTA4 Haze Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Metal Gear Online Motorstorm Resistance: FoM Team Fortress 2 Sega Rally Skate Unreal Tournament III Warhawk
Daft Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 PSN: Daft I've got: WarHawk Resistance Burnout Paradise GTA 4 Metal Gear Online Unreal Tournament III MGO ID: Vice Viper
Domo Kun Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 PSNID: laith1 I play: Metal Gear Online Call of Duty 4 GTA 4 Orange Box Singstar I haven't actually tried the Orange Box online yet though.
MATtheHAT Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 I will add all you guys tonight to my friends list. The games I play online: CoD4 (Everynight, mainly S&D) GTA4 Warhawk DiRT Grid I have others that i can play online but these are the the ones I regularly play. I would be up for a game of anything. PSN ID: Matt_RN
The Lillster Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 PSN: ID = TheLillster MGO ID = lillster Games I play online: 1. COD4 2. MGO (see ID above) 3. GTAIV (Not very often, but will have a game with you if you request). Let the bloodshed begin!
EchoDesiato Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 PSN ID: Echo_Desiato MGO ID: EchoDesiato I only have MGS4/MGO... Add me! Added everyone so far.
flameboy Posted July 4, 2008 Author Posted July 4, 2008 I've noticed quite a few people I havn't added will have to do so later on.
flameboy Posted July 6, 2008 Author Posted July 6, 2008 Cheers for all the adds guys... So do people wanna get some kinda ball rolling with some multiplayer fun this week. I say some MGO and GTA 4...
Pit-Jr Posted July 6, 2008 Posted July 6, 2008 MGO ID: Pitterson Is there an NE clan yet? If not there needs to be! I wish i had an extra week off work so i can get in on this
Strider Posted July 6, 2008 Posted July 6, 2008 How'd you even add friends on MGO? My Konami ID is: squier64 (I'd have picked a better ID name if i knew i was giving it out)
Pit-Jr Posted July 6, 2008 Posted July 6, 2008 How'd you even add friends on MGO? My Konami ID is: squier64 (I'd have picked a better ID name if i knew i was giving it out) Theres a user search bar somewhere in the main menu after you load up your soldier.
flameboy Posted July 6, 2008 Author Posted July 6, 2008 MGO ID: Pitterson Is there an NE clan yet? If not there needs to be! I wish i had an extra week off work so i can get in on this I'm not sure Daft did set one up on the beta does it still exist? How'd you even add friends on MGO? My Konami ID is: squier64 (I'd have picked a better ID name if i knew i was giving it out) I'll add you Theres a user search bar somewhere in the main menu after you load up your soldier. yeah they have to be online at the same time though for it to actually register as friends it can't be done like a PSN add...
Jimbob Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 I'm not sure Daft did set one up on the beta does it still exist? I think there is, i got a NE clan as such as a buddy on my friends account on Live
Daft Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 I really should check, I just haven't had time to play MGO. I will aim to go on it this week.
LegoMan1031 Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 I'm setting myself up on MGO at the mo, i will give it a go and see what i think!
flameboy Posted July 8, 2008 Author Posted July 8, 2008 MGO was frustrating last night...me and Choze were playing and kicking ass and then everyone got disconnected from the game, then in the next game I got disconnected again. But was good to get playing.
LegoMan1031 Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 I had a try of MGO last night, seems pretty good although i found it abit confusing. All the different options n stuff just blew my mind and i found it didn't make things very straight forward. (The beginning with the game id and konomi id prob didn't help). Anyone else find this?
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