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Ok, so about midnight last night, I found myself all alone on the internets.


I was playing No Mercy a few days ago, and one of the matches that I played through was an Iron Man Match between HHH and The Rock. So, I thought "hmm, I never actually saw the end of that match anyway...maybe I'll watch it!"


So I did. And it was great. I found myself hooked again, so I watched a few other matches. The Hell in the Cell between Kane and Mankind. The 10-man tag-team match between DX + The Radicals versus The Rock, Cactus Jack and Too Cool. The 4 way tag-team TLC that took place on Smackdown (Hardy Boyz vs the dudleys vs Edge and Christian vs Benoit and Jericho.)


Loved it. :) Watched all the matches on youtube, and I felt young again, haha.


Imo, these were the best days for the WWF. After that, it just seemed to go downhill. I think I'll always remember these sorts of matches.


Also watched the Buried Alive match between The Rock and Mankind versus The Big Show and The Undertaker.


I loved it back in the day. The Rock, Stone Cold, HHH and Kurt Angle were my favourites, especially when they were involved in one way or another as the jokes and backstage scenes were incredible.


It's nowhere near as good these days, although i do watch it occasionally and find i am midly entertained. I just wish The Rock had never left. He was so good at everything he did, even when he was heel, and to see him in crappy movies just breaks my heart. Come back Rocky!


I also miss the tag-teams. I'm a big Jeff Hardy fan and loved the Hardy Boyz. TLC II is by far the best match ever. I was happy to see he had a match at th elast PPV which was pretty awesome; he did a swanton bomb off a truck in the parking lot onto the ground. It was sweet (although you could see the matt they used for him to land on :p ).


Classic WWE doesn't exist. The golden days of WWF were when Hulk Hogan and Bret 'The Hitman' Heart took to the ring.


There was a second lesser golden era with The Rock and Stone Cold, but it was never as good as the awesomeness previously stated.


I enjoyed WWF alot when Shawn Michaels took on The Hitman at Wrestlemania which sparked off the whole rivalry. Also Rock and Austin era was awesome.


WWE now is just crap, crappy story lines, crappy wrestlers, wasting talent...argh!!


There were some really awesome matches back then; The TLC matches were always awesome. Jeff Hardy never ceased to amaze you in those types of matches.


I miss The Rock, of course. He could cut some brilliant promos and was just a great entertainer in the ring. He also played his part in memorable matches, like the Iron Man match against Triple H, or the match a month before where Stone Cold made a return to help The Rock win the WWF Title. The crowd's reaction when they heard Stone Cold's entrance theme just doesn't seem to be equalled nowadays.


WWE nowadays isn't THAT shit, tbh. There are still some good wrestlers there; Triple H, Chris Jericho, Kane and The Hardys for instance, as well as Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton and Batista. Plus there some new up-and-coming stars who are good, like CM Punk and Kofi Kingston, as well as this other lad who I saw perform the perfect Shooting Star Press a couple weeks ago.


But it's nowhere near as good as before with The Attitude Era and in the 80's with Hulkamania and all that. It's because they no longer have real serious competition, like when they had the Monday Night Wars with WCW, and so the real effort to try and be the better wrestling show isn't there anymore.

  The Villan said:
There were some really awesome matches back then; The TLC matches were always awesome. Jeff Hardy never ceased to amaze you in those types of matches.


I miss The Rock, of course. He could cut some brilliant promos and was just a great entertainer in the ring. He also played his part in memorable matches, like the Iron Man match against Triple H, or the match a month before where Stone Cold made a return to help The Rock win the WWF Title. The crowd's reaction when they heard Stone Cold's entrance theme just doesn't seem to be equalled nowadays.


WWE nowadays isn't THAT shit, tbh. There are still some good wrestlers there; Triple H, Chris Jericho, Kane and The Hardys for instance, as well as Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton and Batista. Plus there some new up-and-coming stars who are good, like CM Punk and Kofi Kingston, as well as this other lad who I saw perform the perfect Shooting Star Press a couple weeks ago.


But it's nowhere near as good as before with The Attitude Era and in the 80's with Hulkamania and all that. It's because they no longer have real serious competition, like when they had the Monday Night Wars with WCW, and so the real effort to try and be the better wrestling show isn't there anymore.


Kane might still be there, but he is nowhere near as awesome as he was back then. By taking away his mask, they've taken away all the character and personality that he possessed. One of the worst decisions they have ever made, and I still don't understand why they did it.


I agree with what you said about the audience/crowd. When The Rock or Stone Cold, or even the Undertaker and Kane's music was played, the crowd would go beserk. The wrestlers were there to entertain the crowd, and they did so successfully. Hulk Hogan was one of the best entertainers purely because he could get the crowd going.


There's nothing even on the same scale as that, before.


Completely agree with Flink about Kane, back in the day he was awesome. Then I heard he'd taken off his mask and shaved his head. Where were these scars he got from the fire bullshit they fed us. I know it's all a story like a soap opera (part the reason I can't watch the shit any more) but at least keep continuity with what you've told fans/viewers.


Anyone remember Doink the clown? I remember a Wrestlemania from the 90s my brother had recorded on vhs where Doink had a band of midget clowns under the stage and they helped him during the fight. Midget clowns = extra funny.


Edit- Just found out about the match, was Survivor Series.


WWF Survivor Series '94 (November 23) = Doinks 'R' Us (Wink, Dink, Doink, & Pink) fought in an "Elimination" Match with the Royal Family (Jerry Lawler, Cheesy, Queasy, & Sleazy). Wink was eliminated by Cheesy. The entire Royal Family 'survived'.


That is classic.


Back before the "Invasion" storyline, the WWF/E was good. Brilliant story lines, great wrestlers like The Rock, Stone Cold, Bret Hart, HBK, Triple H, The Hardyz, Edge and Christian (remember the 10 second pose for the benefit of those with flash photography), Undertaker, Kane (before the mask removal).


The Hardcore division was amazing and got the crowd buzzed as well as a proper Cruiserweight/Lightheavy weight division and a Tag Team division where classic matches like TLC and Triangle Ladder matches were classics.


Nowadays the roster is thin with only a few great stars left including Triple H, Edge, Undertaker, Kane (still ok, but not as good as the mask wearing days), HBK and the Hardyz. There are a few stars today that have potential to make it big and have shown it. But there seem to be only some great matches and these come as rarities.


The Attitude era was the best that the WWE could offer to the fans and it really got me watching it every week, the Invasion story was good as well but nothing came out of it except the brand extension which nowadays isn't providing a lot.


Kane was the best, when him and undertaker had their first rivalry, that was a beast, lots of fire and tombstones. Then when he joined DX, and fireball'd china in the face, wot a legend


Edge and Christian were great when they were heels early on, but I'm starting to think Christian had all the talent in that pairing seeing what Edge has become these days

  Jimbob said:
Nowadays the roster is thin with only a few great stars left including Triple H, Edge, Undertaker, Kane (still ok, but not as good as the mask wearing days)

Kane has displayed the basic theme of wrestlers these days. The majority have no mask/costume/theme and are basically topless blokes in speedos/tight trousers.


I have the Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle theme on my phone. Even though Angle wasn't that "popular" a wrestler, his theme was the shit.

Kane has displayed the basic theme of wrestlers these days. The majority have no mask/costume/theme and are basically topless blokes in speedos/tight trousers.


I have the Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle theme on my phone. Even though Angle wasn't that "popular" a wrestler, his theme was the shit.


Quoted for truth. Especially the bit about Kurt's theme.


I agree with what everyone's said about Kane. He looked awesome with the mask and costume, now he just looks generic.


Who would everyone say are their top 5 favourite wrestlers?


I've got my list, although it'll probably be edited again and again. :D


1. Mankind

2. Chris Benoit

3. The Rock

4. The Undertaker

5. Stone Cold


Never liked Steve Austin for some reason. Nor HHH, mainly because I remember when he first appeared with some classical music for a theme and was wearing proper victorian gentlemen clothing. He even bowed to the audience. None of that spitting water out crying "I am the Gay-me."


My technical top 5:


Shawn Michaels.

The Rock.

Bret "Hitman" Hart

Legion of Doom.

Ultimate Warrior.


LOL Eevil. Make love to me, slowly. :)


Good lists, guys. Bret Hart was going to be in my list, but I think that Stone Cold had the bigger impact on me, as I just started properly getting into wrestling around the time that Stone Cold was huge. Kinda missed Bret Hart, but got into him after.

Never liked Steve Austin for some reason. Nor HHH, mainly because I remember when he first appeared with some classical music for a theme and was wearing proper victorian gentlemen clothing. He even bowed to the audience. None of that spitting water out crying "I am the Gay-me."


That was his original gimmick, as a posh snob part of the "Connecticut Blueblood", miles away from DX and "The Game", but that's wrestling for you.


I found a video with that gimmick of his, making his debut in the WWF.



Check out his finisher at the end. Not a Pedigree, but more like a Diamond Cutter.


I was a big WWF fan in the attitude era, it was superb to watch between 1997-2001. The atmosphere used to be so much better then compared to now, the crowd would go mental when a big superstar's music hit. My two personal favourites are The Rock and Stone Cold; they really knew how to get a crowd going. WMX7 saw them clash in my favourite PPV of all time. I thought the Invasion storyline worked well, but it signalled the ending of an era. I have not watched WWF seriously since 2002, simply because it is no longer enjoyable to watch.


My top 5:

The Rock

Stone Cold

The Undertaker

Kurt Angle

Triple H.


Best thing about Bret Hart was he'd give his awesomely early 90s plastic sunglasses to a lucky kid in the crowd before every match. Definite fans favourite.


yeah they've not only lost the big stars, but they've lost the writers as well and they've got no real competition (TNA doesn't really count yet and it's having some troubles as well)


only ones in the WWE at the moment who can even work a mic are Cena, HHH, Jericho


oh how I miss the Rock and Austins bits outside the matches


1: Undertaker

2: The Rock

3: Stone Cold

4: Triple H

5: Kurt Angle


Agree with what everyone said bout Kane, they should have never taken that Mask off, worst move ever. Plus he is seriously under used, He had the Title once for like a day and barely had another real chance at Title storyline, except when they needed to fill a month with something different.... and no i'm not counting his recent ECW Championship, as we all know the WWE doesn't even consider that a title either (i mean they had Chavo, as ECW Champ, compete in the Royal Rumble... what was he gonna do fight himself at Mania?)


Undertaker is still good but it's killing me that he's just jobbing to Edge lately, thank god they didn't take his Mania streak from him at least. Edge makes a good heel but him constantly winning matches on the sly is getting ridiculous and the angle with him and Vicky is sickening. And now Taker is like on holiday again... guess age is starting to show.


Christian carried Edge in the early days I feel, and it's sad the WWE didn't give Christian the push he deserved, but glad to see him doing well on TNA, but would love to see come back to WWE, if given the respect he should have and gets to kick Edges ass... now that's a PPV i would pay 22 euro for.


Rock.... my god i wish he would give up on the mediocore films and come back, he was one of the best entertainers in the ring and no body cuts a promo like him.

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