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N-Europe's N64 Appreciation Week

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Got time to spare? Join N-Europe on Saturday for our N64 appreciation week!


Ah, those were the days, playing the N64 knowing you were at the cutting edge of technology! Things may have changed in the world of Nintendo (especially in sales figures!) yet the N64 will always hold a special place in our ageing hearts and minds. And as Smash Bros. Brawl roles into town with an archive of all things Nintendo, we thought we’d do some digging of our own…


Starting Saturday 28th June


N-Europe will be hosting a week long event of all things N64 which will be updated daily here on the site. Coupled with a selection of the best comments from YOU our readers, this is your chance to have your say even if N-Europe will be nodding and winking towards the genres and games YOU need to experience all over again.


Don’t have the title the staff will be playing? Don’t worry! The more titles we get through the better! It’s all about dusting of that N64, wrapping your grubby mitts around that three-pronged controller and getting your game on.


On Saturday we want you to get your rumble pak into position as we tackle the First Person Shooter genre. Yes, N-Europe will be hitting the genre that sold millions of N64 consoles.


And we’ve gone for the seminal FPS shooter: Goldeneye. We will be plugging away on this classic hoping that it still looks and plays as well as it did eleven years ago, and who knows what the outcome will be!


You know the classics, yet what games will reign supreme under the beady eye of hindsight? Will the big guns of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark reign supreme or will we see Turok, Quake or even Duke Nukem get a few shots off?


After Saturday's shoot down memory lane join us for our next genre! Exclusively unveiled on N-Europe when the last bullets have been fired!



Join us in our forums now for the N64 appreciation week and make sure your favourite N64 game gets the recognition it truly deserves!



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Time to dig out my N64 and Perfect Dark, The World is Not Enough and GoldenEye.

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Wish my N64 hadn't fallen to pieces... Loved that machine.


It had Majora's Mask.

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Oh yeah? Ive got TWO!! :D


Though this Saturday is out of the question - hopefully I can join in on the next genre!

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You guys just wish you could love your N64 with half the passion the N64 kid does.

Too bad I never bought 007. I just played my friend's game.

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