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Where can a 16 year old get a job?


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I worked at Homebase when i was 16, so give them a try. They'll hire anybody. Generally supermarkets dont care how old you are either so you should have some luck with those you have tried. A lot of people worked at Tescos when i was at school.

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Guest Jordan

You say that, but i tried to get a job at 4 different super markets when i was 16 and had literally zero luck.

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Thanks for all your suggestions so far people :D




Not yet, I was going to try Starbucks and Costa and Cafe Nero, though


Those big coffee shops generally want people to be 18 as far as I know, try smaller ones which aren't big franchises.

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If you have relatively easy access to your town-centre, then I would suggest shopping for a temp place in one of the smaller, more niche (careful) shops. Just strikes me that that sort of thing would be really laid-back and a pretty comfortable place to work. Of course, I'm just guessing. Never had a job, and I'm sort of in the same boat as you, only... I don't really... want one.

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Talk with your local connections officer, they will give you the est advice.

There is also a list of jobs on their site if i am correct.


To get experience do things for free, for charity, or go to work with family and watch them work for a few hours per week.


Help at your local community centre, and ask around people who might give you a reference for better jobs.

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Those big coffee shops generally want people to be 18 as far as I know, try smaller ones which aren't big franchises.


They have health and safety risks to be concerned about, I think that's pretty correct.


I worked in a place called Instore (aka poundstretchers) when i was 17, they pretty much took on anyone. They rang me up about the application I had sent in 6 months ago. Well organised company! :shakehead Their interview consisted of...


"yeah you have passed all your gcses, oh, an A in maths, smart cookie"


*shows me round the store*


I didn't even have to answer any questions :D


I basically got treated like rubbish for 4 months and left after an incident occured with the manager. Ie him being an utter <insert curse word of choice>.


Although in the beginning I liked him cause he was hawt. Shame about his personality!

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Letty works in a coffee shop, has done since she was 15.


I was fairly fortunate to work for my parents when i was that age, wages were great :p


I only got that job though because I had previous experience.. (My mum owned a cafe that I worked in)


Its pretty ridiculous though, its so hard to get a job with no experience.

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I only got that job though because I had previous experience.. (My mum owned a cafe that I worked in)


Its pretty ridiculous though, its so hard to get a job with no experience.


It depends where you look. Homebase was the first place i applied to and i got the job the next day, probably because it was in a suburban area. However, when i started uni i applied for loads of jobs in Manchester town centre and had no luck for ages (i really wanted to work at HMV :(). Everybody looks there though so the odds are much slimer.


I eventually got a job at Pizza Hut though, which lead to an awesome job at Pizza Express and lots lovely tippage. But that doesn't help you being 16 at the moment.

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