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Football Season 2008/2009


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Cool I can get the Manchester United wallpaper now.


what the.....


Could have gone either that. First 20 minutes all over them and I thought it was gonna be a walk in the park. Then someone switched spurs on. Lennon had a great game, just needs to sort out his final ball. Was all over us.


Thought I better mention Ronaldo's booking. It was penalty, replays backed that up. Boy who cried wolf scenario there. Would have been harsh on spurs to lose to a penalty aswell. I wasn't too angry that it wasn't given.


Penalties. I hate them but thank god we are better at them than England. Great penalties and a great save by Foster and lol @ Bentley.


Enjoyed the game just gutted I wasn't there. Stupid ballot.

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Villa threw away 2 points today.


That's the only way to put it. As soon as they got one back you just bloody knew they were going to get the equaliser.


Oh, and in case you haven't realised: This is Villa's slump. We haven't won any match since the win against Blackburn, when everybody was going "Ooh, maybe Villa are serious title contenders.". This is the dip in form that everybody said was inevitable, but where are Arsenal capitalising on it and nabbing fourth?

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This is the dip in form that everybody said was inevitable, but where are Arsenal capitalising on it and nabbing fourth?


Don't worry about us anymore mate, we're after Everton's 6th spot. Go enjoy the Champions League. ;)


Just spent 5 minutes looking for dazzy's post declaring they had the cup wrapped up back in the semi's unfortunately I've had a few at the pub and I can't find it. But I would take this opportunity on behalf of Gooners to thank Man Utd for ensuring Tottenham do not play European football whilst in the Championship.


And Canand enjoy your wallpaper mate. You aint winning any more cups this season. Provided our boys turn up to a game before the new season starts in August.

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I had a look for you, was this the one you meant?


That's because you underestimate the mighty yids. Was at the game yesterday! Great result in the end but half time was not fun..... The cup will gather dust it'll be in our trophy cabinet that long.


Can you remember Ramar....? Can you remember when you used to win things.....? ;)

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I went to watch this in the pub with two mates of mine who are Manchester United fans (as am I), one who is a Liverpool fan, and the other who is a West Ham Fan. So, it was a nice mix.


The place was full of Spurs fans, including this one table filled with women who were shouting at blokes everytime they came in and stood in the way. Their table was right next to the door, so as you walked in, you were directly in their way. They were just really cheeky and annoying and loud. "Move out the way love, I wanna see Spurs win! Aaaahahahaha!"


Another Spurs fans poked me in the chest and said that we were going to lose. I wanted to say "yeah, it'd be a nice farewell gift to the Championship for you" but I didn't know how he'd react to that. My West Ham supporter friend was having a fun time, and just basically shook his head at the sight of every Spurs fan.


The game itself was...not that great. I thought we played well in the first 20 or so minutes, but then Spurs suddenly learned how to close down, and we didn't step up enough. If anything, this game shows just how much we need Carrick, as we looked out of sorts in the middle of the field.


I thought Nani and Ronaldo played well, and Foster and Ferdinand looked great defensively. John O'Shea had an embarrassing game, and was very, very lucky not to get sent off. One of his worst games, imo.


On the whole, we definitely deserved to get the win, although I do not enjoy winning on penalties. It sorta takes the shine off the victory, but I guess a win is a win. We should have won the game in normal time, and I will never know how Ronaldo didn't score in this game. He had quite a few chances, and should have put one away.


Lennon played outstanding for Spurs today. One question, though: Why do teams or individual players suddenly step up a gear as soon as they play a team like Manchester United? If Tottenham played like this more often, they would be challenging for Europe, and not relegation-fodder. Their problem, I guess.


Defensively, I think Manchester United have been very, very good this season. Which is why I don't think that we'll lose all that many games this year. For me, the problem is whether or not we can keep scoring. If we keep more clean sheets, then there is always a chance we can win games. I'll be very surprised if the Carling Cup is the last thing we win this season.


Also, well done, Boro. ;)

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How amazing would it be if they got relegated though :heh:


To be honest, I wouldn't like to see them go. They play well, and Spurs are an entertaining team to watch.


It's teams like...Reading that I can't stand. Pretty bland, not very exciting to watch, and very uninteresting. Your typical 0-0 team.


I love my attacking football.

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Gonna take a stab in the dark...bitter pompey fan?


Not bitter, just deceived, lied to and cheated on...


Redknapp said: "It's not all about money. People don't know me but money is not my God. I'm happy, I enjoy it here and I have a great relationship with the fans.


"It would be difficult to sleep at night. You have to look at yourself and say 'the club's been good to me and I've got to pay them back'.


"This is a club I feel comfortable at. I have a fantastic relationship with the fans, a fantastic relationship with the owner and with Peter.


"When you bring in players - and I signed a lot of good players in the summer with some terrific backing from the owner (Sacha Gaydamak) - some of them could have gone to big clubs. To walk away half way through (the season) is the wrong signal; it's not fair. My heart is with Portsmouth.


And its not like it was the first time he had done it...

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Not bitter, just deceived, lied to and cheated on...




And its not like it was the first time he had done it...


It kinda sounds like my ex-girlfriend.


Dude, you need to learn to let the bitch go. A better person will come, and they will treat you nicely.


This can be applied to both relationships and football management.

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Don't worry about us anymore mate, we're after Everton's 6th spot. Go enjoy the Champions League. ;)


Just spent 5 minutes looking for dazzy's post declaring they had the cup wrapped up back in the semi's unfortunately I've had a few at the pub and I can't find it. But I would take this opportunity on behalf of Gooners to thank Man Utd for ensuring Tottenham do not play European football whilst in the Championship.


And Canand enjoy your wallpaper mate. You aint winning any more cups this season. Provided our boys turn up to a game before the new season starts in August.


I hope we win more cups.

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It kinda sounds like my ex-girlfriend.


Dude, you need to learn to let the bitch go. A better person will come, and they will treat you nicely.


This can be applied to both relationships and football management.


haha lol...I only split up with my girlfriend 3 weeks ago yet Harry was months ago and still makes my blood boil...

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Dont kno what the fuck that free kick was for??? :nono:




Told you you'd score. 1-3 half time. Yet again, shocking defending. :shakehead. Hard to watch for me. Pisses me off to see such poor defending.




:cry: I feel so sorry for Scotty Carson. Arsenal are playing well and there is absolutely no defence infront of him.


Final score 3-1 arsenal, deserved victory for yous. thought your second and third goals were soft, but the second half was all you.

Well done scott carson. Mowbray you've got alot to sort out mate, hopefully Jonas will be back for the west ham game.

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