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Football Season 2008/2009


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Can't believe Spurs again this year. Great pre season ala last year and shocking start yet again.


What I can't believe is how people think they're gonna be the team to break the top 4 in pre season. It really baffles me. This is, what, the 3rd season running when all the stupid pundits predict they'll take a CL spot. Absolute bollocks.


I'm very happy Spurs are at the bottom of the table!:smile:

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They almost did break the top 4, if it hadn't been for that Lasagne...


Anyway, I hadn't realised that we've actually had a very good start to the season. Although losing to Stoke took the edge off a little bit, we sorta bounced back against Liverpool because we would've normally lost to them.

Hopefully, the win against Spurs has put us back on track and we can go on and win our next two matches; the UEFA Cup match and the derby against West Brom.

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They almost did break the top 4, if it hadn't been for that Lasagne...


Anyway, I hadn't realised that we've actually had a very good start to the season. Although losing to Stoke took the edge off a little bit, we sorta bounced back against Liverpool because we would've normally lost to them.

Hopefully, the win against Spurs has put us back on track and we can go on and win our next two matches; the UEFA Cup match and the derby against West Brom.


Big up the Villa! I have to admit, i dont pay much attention to the footie these days but its nice to hear my team is doing well. The teenager inside me is all excited for them, the rest is just meh. Football is on too much and its too hard to keep up, so i dont bother.

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I'm confused as to why Terry has had his ban lifted. As a fan I'm obviously happy he is there to help us against Manchester United at the weekend, but I thought I read in the paper that since the FA cannot reduce reds to yellows Chelsea had to prove it wasn't a foul at all, which is clearly was in all honesty.


Anyway, 2-0 to us and should have been 3 a second ago when Lampard missed what looked like an easy goal =]



Also good to see Clarke and Zola getting together. It could become interesting at West Ham.

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The words back and hander come to mind.


Agreed. That pisses me off as has the news about Guthrie not getting further punishment. Its stuff like this, which pisses me off about the FA.


They shouldn't be rescinding red cards...I swear they said they can't take retrospective action or something. What utter bullshit.


And then it comes to Guthrie. A mad challenge on Fagan, and they decide to do nothing.


Fucking FA dicks.

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Man Utd's Ronaldo tells Real Madrid: I won't leave England

Manchester United star Cristiano Ronaldo says he laughs at all the transfer speculation that swirled around him in the summer.


Speaking with Don Balon, Ronaldo said: "The speculation about my future is normal. I like it and it amuses me that people around the world are waiting to see what I will do. This is just part of the show.


"The important thing for me is the talk about me is as a proper professional."


Ronaldo also poured cold water on any future move to Real Madrid.


He added: "Money was not the issue as to why I did not go to Madrid. Life is more than money. Now I am happy at United. We sat down and fixed things. I will not leave England now ..."



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Doesn't rule out a move across the city though!




Ronaldo brushes off City talk

"It's good in a way," said Ronaldo, when asked at a press conference about the City takeover. "It's good for football that a club that hasn't won for a number of years.


"It's like Chelsea when Abramovich arrived. They had not won for 50 years and he arrived and they won the Premiership once and then again.


"It's good for football and for any team, not only Manchester, but Arsenal, Liverpool.


"Money doesn't make a club great and it's not the most important thing, but I am not the one making the decisions, so you never know in the future.


He added in the Gazzetta dello Sport: "I don't see myself in the shirt of another Manchester team."





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Aye, I really don't believe anything he says any more. I'm sure he's just doing this now to try and get a good reception when (if) he plays tonight.


To be honest he should get a good reception. Fantastic season last year, 42 goals. Basically if it wasn't for him we would have won nothing.


On his return to his first game he should get a standing ovation.


I don't care if he wanted to go Real. He is the best player in the world and one of the best teams in the world wanted him which so happens to be the team he supports and has always dreamed of playing for. Add to the fact that they were probably gonna offer him shedloads of money then why wouldnt he want to go there?


If you or I got an offer of a good job, being paid loads more money im sure we would go for it and want to move. I know I would.


Im glad he is back, we need him and miss him a lot which is worrying.

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I'm not saying that he should be booed to hell (though I'm sure he will be, especially away) what I'm saying is he handled the transfer saga in the total wrong way.


I don't think he did. He was honest from the start saying he was interested in going and when united turned down the offer and told him he is not going anywhere, he accepted that and respected that and got straight back into training.


I personally think that is the right way to do it rather than sneaky sneaky going off for liaison meetings with agents etc.


Would rather a player was as open and honest as he was than stab us in the back and sneakily go off somewhere.

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