Shaze_Nab Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 I'm getting a 360, and I thought I'd take a look at the game reviews. However, I was not impressed by the number of times the reviewers said you would need a HD-TV to see the best of the next-gen. Honestly, if that is true, than Microsoft should be shot, because the true cost of the 360 isn't £280, but £1780. I think with this new era of tv's it is still unfair to back gamers into a courber and force them to buy a new TV, much like charging for online play. Living in the UK, HD-TV has only just hit stores, and is hugely expensive. My money is already limited investing in the 360 and a heap of DS games, I can't afford a new TV. But I'm being punished! Microsofts choice to include HD, has not given gamers a fair choice, but is telling you to get HD, or get out. This, in my oppinion, is unfair and if a console was truly next gen, it would look next-generation on all tv's, not just the flashy new ones. But I'm still getting a 360 come launch day, but it certianly isn't for the output, it's for the games. Now, looking at this perhaps Nintendo are right. Yes HD has taken of in the USA and Canada, but that is one combined market. Us Europeans are behing with everything (I'll admit it) and alienating one market is not wise. This is why I think Nintendo were wise to stay away from HDTV... Games should look good all the time, and not supporting HD tells developers to stop focusing on high definition, and just start creating great games for us poorer people, who happen to be in the majority. Besides I think I'd much rather pay for more games, than a TV. Also how many HD-TV's can you afford? I can't afford one, but if I did have one then other people certianly wouldn't allow me just to play games on the system... A new TV would be used as the main TV, and like it or not, games aren't that main stream yet. Maybe I'm being petty, maybe not, but I don't want to buy a new TV just yet... Especially when games are the only thing that uses them ATM. What do you lot think?
mike-zim Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 i agree. HDtv is one gen too soon. it is like the online thing last year. nintendo were right on the money not going online. this time i think nintendo have called it right once again.
MonkeyPunch Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 Why are you complaining? It's not like Microsoft is forcing you to buy a HD-TV or anything. The 360's graphics will look incredible on a regular TV and they will look even beter on a HD enabled one. You should be glad Microsoft is pushing technology. Besides HD is the future. You might not be ready to buy a HD-TV now but when, somewhere in the future, you do decide to buy one then at least you'll have a console that supports it.
system_error Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 MonkeyPunch said: Why are you complaining? It's not like Microsoft is forcing you to buy a HD-TV or anything. The 360's graphics will look incredible on a regular TV and they will look even beter on a HD enabled one. You should be glad Microsoft is pushing technology. Besides HD is the future. You might not be ready to buy a HD-TV now but when, somewhere in the future, you do decide to buy one then at least you'll have a console that supports it. On a normal TV you only notice that certain games run better than the same ones on the PS2/CUBE/XBOX but that is about it. If next-gen means only higher resolution I am out because that is just boring - but it is not my choice. Whoever wants to buy a 360 do it - I am sure you will have plenty of fun with it.
dabookerman Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 hdtv is the future of home cinema...not games that is all
mike-zim Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 system_error said: On a normal TV you only notice that certain games run better than the same ones on the PS2/CUBE/XBOX but that is about it. If next-gen means only higher resolution I am out because that is just boring - but it is not my choice. Whoever wants to buy a 360 do it - I am sure you will have plenty of fun with it. agreed. the rev is the system i am most excited about. seeing i cant afford more than 1 that is the only one for me. :yes:
Shaze_Nab Posted November 17, 2005 Author Posted November 17, 2005 MonkeyPunch said: Why are you complaining? It's not like Microsoft is forcing you to buy a HD-TV or anything. The 360's graphics will look incredible on a regular TV and they will look even beter on a HD enabled one. You should be glad Microsoft is pushing technology. Besides HD is the future. You might not be ready to buy a HD-TV now but when, somewhere in the future, you do decide to buy one then at least you'll have a console that supports it. I'm sorry but all you have to do is read reviews to see us non-HD owners are not being catered for... I mean look at this from gamespot... And that's the rub: "...if you have a good HDTV." Playing NBA 2K6 on a standard-definition television results in a game that is difficult to distinguish from the regular Xbox version. You can make out some of the cloth details as players move around, and the replays certainly look better, with player models that are obviously more detailed. But at the default camera angle, player models are noticeably fuzzier and less detailed. Even the court itself doesn't look so great, with ugly jaggies on the painted lines. The point is that you need an HDTV to fully appreciate NBA 2K6 on the Xbox 360, especially because the gameplay mechanics are so similar. Sure, there's the addition of a defensive crouch button (L trigger on defense), and there have been some refinements made to the shot stick and isomotion. However, the game is largely the same. If you're stuck with a standard-definition television, then you might as well pay less and enjoy the game on your Xbox or PlayStation 2 if you own one of those consoles.
Pestneb Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 do you think the xbox really helped online infrastructure accelerate to a point where it is now ready for online gaming this gen? it helped, but not greatly. infact personally I think it won't be ready for another couple of years even now. its at a stage where mediocre use can be well supported. imo. I think the PS3 supporting Hi Def will help more. and the 360 not supporting 1080p when they've pushed HD seems pretty retarded to me. I assume thats a typo on the site I read it on though. I think the 360 will push developers into the next generation, but its too early, to harsh a push, and I think it will suffer from that.
MunKy Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 By the time I actually get a HDTV (me, not my family), we will be in the generation of Revo clones anyway. I say good move by Ninty, it keeps costs down and doesnt alienate the key demographic.
RoadKill Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 mike-zim said: i agree. HDtv is one gen too soon. it is like the online thing last year. nintendo were right on the money not going online. this time i think nintendo have called it right once again. You are the most naïve person in the world. Have you even used Xbox live?
DiemetriX Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 Id rather buy this to-way LCD tv than a HD tv anytime
dabookerman Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 RoadKill said: You are the most naïve person in the world. Have you even used Xbox live? ill be honest, i wouldnt of been able to use a subscription live service, but now i can, so its going very much like 360 + rev for me
DiemetriX Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 Xbox live is the best ting to happen to online gaming evver since CS. And i'w heard that all 360 online games will have matchmaking (if you have a gold supcription)
DCK Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 You can get a 66cm 720p LCD TV for €700-800 (~£500) now, and the world cup is coming up, meaning a major price cut for TVs (especially HDs because it'll be broadcasted in HDTV). Even then the Revolution won't be out yet. I think it'll be a shame when you can buy a HDTV for €400 in two years and the Rev won't support it. This the same as N64 with disc media and the Cube with online if you ask me.
system_error Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 I won't buy a HD TV in the next 5 years or to be even more precise until my regular TV breaks down. I will wait until HD TV is a standard not a gimmick and next-gen consoles support 1080p. The 360 barely can do 720p (PGR3 is supposed to run with 600p) so why should I care about their "HD TV is the future crap"? I am glad Nintendo does not force developers to use HD - btw. I think the Revolution could do HD graphics because it is just a higher resolution not some godly power or something. And I would also bitch about Nintendo if they would use Nintendo.
DCK Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 When HD does become a success Nintendo could probably make a different video output cable for the Rev that will support HD, so there's not much point in worrying.
Innovance Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 Why do people find it so difficult to understand nintendos position on these things. We would all mostly agree that moeny makes the world go round figurativly speaking. So why dont you see that the overriding factor in all those "mistakes" nintendo made was profit. Live was successful to a point. but the subscription part held it back, Because that was the only way microsoft could make it work, if Live had been free then you could tell me that nintendo were wrong to not implement online this gen. What i want to know is why half a gen later nintendo is able to offer a free service. That is the question people should be asking? The ever popular disc format argument. Cds were the future, nintendo were stubborn / stupid. Nintendo werent stubborn or stupid they just handled it incorrectly at the time or i guess as best as it could be handled. The main profit point here was piracy nintendo saw it coming and side stepped it. It hurt them but at least they were making profit. I didnt even know that videogame piracy was possible till sony launched the playstation. Then every PS1 owner i met had it chipped or those other things that let them play CD-Rs. I dont know how much money sony lost but im telling you it was significant, if it wasnt they wouldnt be as aggressive with the DRM for PSP or PS3. HD is just another profit issue, if they dont find a way to do it profitably then they wont do it. This is why nintendo make more profit than their competitiors cos they are smarter with their money.
Nfanboy Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 WOW you guys truly nfanboys if you support no HD. . I stop supporting this company after GC. What a bomb that was i was truly a hardcore nintendo fanboys till i saw the light.. the green light.. HD makes everything MUCH better if you havent seen HD then you dont know what your missing. I was almost rethinking going back to nintendo but after this. HELL NO. They are smarter with money and they screw you guys over thats what it is. LOL thats why MS is gona do well even if they lose some profits they benefit the consumer. STOP BEEN FANBOYS for crying outloud and you should be ashamed of nintendo for this.
White_Wolf Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 Shaze_Nab said: I'm sorry but all you have to do is read reviews to see us non-HD owners are not being catered for... I mean look at this from gamespot... And that's the rub: "...if you have a good HDTV." Playing NBA 2K6 on a standard-definition television results in a game that is difficult to distinguish from the regular Xbox version. You can make out some of the cloth details as players move around, and the replays certainly look better, with player models that are obviously more detailed. But at the default camera angle, player models are noticeably fuzzier and less detailed. Even the court itself doesn't look so great, with ugly jaggies on the painted lines. The point is that you need an HDTV to fully appreciate NBA 2K6 on the Xbox 360, especially because the gameplay mechanics are so similar. Sure, there's the addition of a defensive crouch button (L trigger on defense), and there have been some refinements made to the shot stick and isomotion. However, the game is largely the same. If you're stuck with a standard-definition television, then you might as well pay less and enjoy the game on your Xbox or PlayStation 2 if you own one of those consoles. Isn't that bad for the revolution? If a game on a more powerful console looks like current gen without HD how can the rev do any better?
Raven Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 Nfanboy said: WOW you guys truly nfanboys if you support no HD. . I stop supporting this company after GC. What a bomb that was i was truly a hardcore nintendo fanboys till i saw the light.. the green light.. HD makes everything MUCH better if you havent seen HD then you dont know what your missing. I was almost rethinking going back to nintendo but after this. HELL NO. They are smarter with money and they screw you guys over thats what it is. LOL thats why MS is gona do well even if they lose some profits they benefit the consumer. STOP BEEN FANBOYS for crying outloud and you should be ashamed of nintendo for this. im a student who lives the stereotyped 2minute noodle for dinner life. i cant afford an hd tv, plain and simple. but from this thread i began to wonder if everyone is missing the point here that "gaming is supposed to be fun" or something like that...i am more inclined to replay super mario bros 3 than to play that useless piece of poo known as mario sunshine. here is a tip for all ye highschool kids.... GRAPHICS ARENT EVERYTHING Dont get me wrong, im sure that all of the next gen consoles will be a success, im no blind 'nintendo fanboy' who will shoot down anything with a big green glowing X, but the fact that everyone these days seems obsessed about 'how pretty a game looks' is completely juvenile. oh and Nfanboy. speaking of being ripped off, go an play with your xbox remote which you were forced to buy to use the dvd function... no seriously, do it. That way you will think about what it means for a company to really rip off a consumer who is blinded by a glowing green light before making such a ridiculous post. ok... i think im finished with my short rant... anyone else?
Rolf Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 MonkeyPunch said: Why are you complaining? It's not like Microsoft is forcing you to buy a HD-TV or anything. The 360's graphics will look incredible on a regular TV and they will look even beter on a HD enabled one. Exactly. This is like complaining that HL2 looks crappy, because you have a 64 Mb video card.
masaki86 Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 Maybe this is why Nintendo said 'you won't be able to tell the diffence between the consoles visuals' because most will have a normal tv for their xbox 360/ps3 and as reviewers are stating, there isn't much difference between last gen and this gen. Hopefully though, I am wrong, and the 2nd gen games will look awesome once the developers pull their fingers out.
Shaze_Nab Posted November 18, 2005 Author Posted November 18, 2005 The online thing.. I'll admit xbox live was great, but in the end only 10% of xbox owners had it, yet it felt like everyone had it. I mean admit it the xbox was pretty boring without online play. I was ready to sell my console before I had live, but £40 was easier for me to pay than £1000 for a second TV. @Rolf... The reason we play consoles is so we don't have to bother with updating our system. I mean it's fine and dandy on the PC, but on a console you should be able to get the fullest out of the system. @Nfanboy, you are joking? I mean I've never really felt ripped of by Nintendo. They price their systems pretty low and having a lack of online play never bothered me. Sony showed if you try a half assed attempt at online, there is no point in bothering. Besides you are talking about Microsoft... A company that was sued by the EU for ripping of European customers over there OS. A company that releases uncomplete versions of windows leaving you open to viruses, trojans and hackers... Yeah good example. @Raven. I do agree with you. The main point I was trying to make is why in the world would you want a new TV, when you could have 10 great games instead.
Shyguy Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 Nfanboy said: WOW you guys truly nfanboys if you support no HD. . I stop supporting this company after GC. What a bomb that was i was truly a hardcore nintendo fanboys till i saw the light.. the green light.. HD makes everything MUCH better if you havent seen HD then you dont know what your missing. I was almost rethinking going back to nintendo but after this. HELL NO. They are smarter with money and they screw you guys over thats what it is. LOL thats why MS is gona do well even if they lose some profits they benefit the consumer. STOP BEEN FANBOYS for crying outloud and you should be ashamed of nintendo for this. and your calling US the fanboys? wake up and smell the Nintendo Coffee :P oh and btw if 210 for a half assed console and 280 for the "real" experiance isnt a rip off then i dont know what is
Shyguy Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 also my GAME have a playable 360 and the controller is really comfy but they demos avalable wernt what i expected :S my PC pulled off better gfx than the xbox on call of duty 2 and i dont really have a good gfx card and of course being a PC gamer i tried my hardest to spot lag which only occured once overall it looks pretty nice but its not as "big" a jump in gfx as i though it would be
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