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Akihabara Stabbing


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They do have women only carriages, yes.

Sexual harrassment is pretty bad for women here. Not so much for men.

It is weird to hear rape referred to as 'sexuhara' though, the term doesn't seem strong enough.

I've heard stories, and know of one person who left Japan after some weirdo guy was stalking her, and she couldn't get help from the locals. Nobody really wants to stand out here, and that inludes standing out as the guy who stopped the weirdo from groping a woman on the train.

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More infomation:


Chugoku Shimbunsays that the “Dagger knife”, a knife that has an edge on both sides, that was used by the killer in the Akihabara stabbing incident is a popular item called “Dagger knife” that is present as an item in popular video games such as Dragon Quest.


Yomiuri Online agrees and reports that the “Dagger knife” is a weapon used in popular video games and the “Dagger knife” is very popular among young teenagers, and the police is now discussing countermeasures to possibly tighten the regulation on the possession of knives with long blades. (The current regulation only requires registration if the blade is longer than 15 cm)


Zakzak reports that doujinshi was found in the Akiba killer’s room, and according to his colleagues, he likes to sing “lolicon anime songs” and proclaimed that he only likes 2D girls. The Akiba killer had also previously said that he likes Akihabara and had showed his colleagues around the area to places such as maid cafes.


Zakzak continues reporting on the killer’s interests with games and CDs that the killer had given to a friend, including doujin games such as Eternal Fighter Zero and Chantelise, and the killer reportedly loves a certain “Moe anime girl danmaku shooter” for the PC.


Yahoo reports that Masuda Hiroya, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, has responded that they will try to see if they can regulate dangerous information on the internet in response to the fact that the Akiba killer had posted on a cellphone bbs (not 2ch) about his plans to kill people in Akiba hours before the incident but the authorities did not manage to detect it.

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Yomiuri Online agrees and reports that the “Dagger knife†is a weapon used in popular video games and the “Dagger knife†is very popular among young teenagers, and the police is now discussing countermeasures to possibly tighten the regulation on the possession of knives with long blades. (The current regulation only requires registration if the blade is longer than 15 cm)




Even though they mention video games, they mention that it's more the laws regarding knives that needs to be sorted out.

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Guest bluey

i went on a mission to find out if policemen carry guns here or not. apparently they do. *points*



Apparently sexual crimes are pretty bad... apparently some of the trains have seperate female carriages due to all the rapes. Bluey, this true?


i havent seen anything..... yet... most sexual thing i've seen on a train was some guy watching porn on his mobile phone :hmm:


standing out as the guy who stopped the weirdo from groping a woman on the train.


...but if i DID see/experience anything like that - i hope the guy is prepared for the serious ass kicking i'd do my very best to give him. :yay:

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Ha ha.

I saw a guy park up his car in wondergoo (videogames/music/dvd/book.etc shop) car par, recline his seat and pull out a porno mag yesterday. Quality.


I don't think the police in Ibaraki carry guns. I'm not sure if they could carry a truncheon. The security guards at the bank have guns, but they are made of cardboard.

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Ha ha.

I saw a guy park up his car in wondergoo (videogames/music/dvd/book.etc shop) car par, recline his seat and pull out a porno mag yesterday. Quality.


I don't think the police in Ibaraki carry guns. I'm not sure if they could carry a truncheon. The security guards at the bank have guns, but they are made of cardboard.


The guards or the guns?

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Guest bluey

*makes mental note to test this new cardboard theory at a later date...*


kingjoe whereabouts do you live?? </stalk>

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