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Wow, promising trailer. Although I'll be a little wary seeing as Tenchu Z was absolutely heinous. This looks a hell of a lot better than that game though. Somehow I know I'm going to be eating my words when this comes out though :hmm:

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There's not really much opportunity to put waggle in Tenchu apart from sword fights though, and those aren't really the most complex fights either. I think it could benefit from using the IR for shuryiken and other aiming stuff. I just hope it doesn't feel like it should have been on the PS2 7 years ago.

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The trailer is sweet. Gave me goosebumps. Will love to play this, hate the over-the-top graphicalities (and genre overall) of Ninja Gaiden.


Each to their own but it's the fine-tuned gameplay that makes Ninja Gaiden such a rewarding game for me, yes the graphics are nice and over the top in places (but so are a lot of games these days) and the difficulty level is insane at times but as for replicating the feel of being a Ninja, it does it well and with style.


Tenchu looks promising but I can't see it being anywhere near as good as Ninja Gaiden. :heh:

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Well at least it looks nice for a Wii game, graphically it's quite reminiscent of Ninja Gaiden Black so at least the visuals are on par with an original Xbox game rather than sub-PS2.


Wonder if it will actually play well...

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I'm interested in this... it had passed under my radar until now. Never played Tenchu before, but I like stealth games and of course I like ninjas, who doesn't? :heh:


Will keep an eye on this, hope it turns out worthy of my purchase.

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