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UBISOFT's Wii Games


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You know what? The Nintendo Seal of Quality present in every game released on a Nintendo console should be more demanding. Nintendo should not accept shameful attempts like this and many others present in the industry.


Caporegime I'm ashamed of you! I expect other people not to know what the Seal of Quality after all these years of having it explained in their faces, but you? *gasp*

It's what Emasher said, companies of old, after the atari crash didn't test their games, the seal of quality pretty much saved the industry, because people didn't want to buy another incredible horrible port of frogger (it was much worse than it is now with ports) that didn't work, so Nintendo vouched that it actually worked. The Quality refered to that not to the awesomeness of the game. Nowadays, every company tests their games, so it's pointless, moreover, if they're licensed, they work.



What a great, great piece of writing.


Infact, my eyes still hurt from being widened so much!


Not widened enough to read the others posts though :P

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Ubisoft's timeline of events


1. Ubisoft's Red Steel is the first Wii game ever shown. Apparently Ubisoft were given access to the Wiimote in advance of many other developers/publishers, and decided to use this 'insider' knowledge to get off to a good start. Due to decent marketing and (being a launch game), the game becomes a million seller.


2. A Rayman platformer surfaces from nowhere, apparently Wii exclusive.


3. Michel Ancel leaves the Rayman project for unknown reasons. By now, the Rayman platformer is now a (reasonably decent) party game. Also becomes a million seller.


4. Ubisoft promise that a number of Wii games are in the pipeline. This is in stark contrast to many other publishers. Not long after, SEGA claims that they are on their second generation of Wii titles. Many tell SEGA to shut up, and point at Ubisoft's proposed six games in development.


5. Those games turn out to be pathetic ports of last-gen titles for quick cash.


6. These games are ridiculed and nobody buys them.


7. Ubisoft admits these games were pathetic ports of last-gen titles for quick cash - promises "Nintendo-like quality".


8. Releases an avalanche of Imagine and Petz games on DS.


9. Petz games infiltrate the Wii.


10. Ubisoft declare that their games are not selling well at all on the Wii.


11. At Ubidays, Ubisoft announces shovelware for the Wii, and does so in such a manner that implies that these games are games that the 'core' Wii owner watching the event would be at all interested in.


12. Wii owners across the Internet declare war on Ubisoft.


13. Ubisoft decide now is a good time to announce a Wii exclusive Prince of Persia - the Wii owners aren't buying it .




You missed this.


Ubisoft Responds to Criticism


The true of the matter is this, the Wii is a very different console than what most games developers are used to. The Wii has managed to make a huge success from having games on it that just would not work on a conventional console. The Wii has also managed to increase the market share to a huge group of people that are not that interested in gaming. With Wii Sports, Wii Fit and all manner of games built for family play, Nintendo know who they are marketing for and it is not die hard gamers. If you look at the most successful Wii games, they are not amazing new AAA games, they are predominantly family orientated games/alternative games.


Looking at the current UK games sales for Wii [Wii Sales Link], there are not that many traditional games in the top 30. Trends are changing and not everyone wants a new action game, FPS game or epic RPG, sales of the Wii proves that the majority want something different.


Parents who are buying a console for their children do not really care about Prince of Persia, Rainbow Six or Far Cry on the box, they want games that are going to be good for their children and not get them in the local newspaper. Why else would games like Brain Training/Wii Fit/Mario Party sell in the millions if people wanted hardcore games?


Check the Nintendo DS figures in the UK as well. [DS Sales Link]. Notice whose name is listed there a few times but also notice which games are listed? We make games that will “hopefully” sell to a selected audience. We are a business after all, but Nintendo know which people are their market, just as Sony and Microsoft know who their markets are. Ubisoft have always been aimed at the more mature market (Look at our back catalogue) and in the last few years have started venturing into the casual gaming market. This is because that market now exists, thanks to the rise in popularity of the Wii and DS. The Wii is still a new console and it still has plenty of time to grow, Nintendo know this and Ubisoft know this.


As for Shaun Whites on the Wii, can you at least wait to get some more information and gameplay on it before binning it? Most people have seen a few screenshots and they already hate it because it does not look as good as the 360 etc but to damn a game just because of looks, and without actually playing it is just silly. All I have seen is various forums doing childish Photoshop screens, at least wait to see the game face to face before turning it into a humorous gif.

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"Looking at the current UK games sales for Wii, there are not that many traditional games in the top 30. Trends are changing and not everyone wants a new action game, FPS game or epic RPG, sales of the Wii proves that the majority want something different."


That's because there aren't any of those games available for us to buy.

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Funny how the small devs like High Voltage and Platinum Games are actually putting effort into their games while big companies like Ubisoft are creating these horrible games for Wii/DS. I mean they are a business company and they have the right to put out games likes this BUT don't feed us bullsh** about how there isn't an audience for it's core games on Wii. I didn't buy the explanation EA gave for their shyte Wii version of RockBand, so I'm sure as hell am not going to believe what UbiSoft says about Wii.

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From North American president Laurent Detoc interview:


He acknowledged the Wii in particular has been difficult for Ubisoft to find success with. Pointing to the console's generous sales, he noted that games published for the Wii made up only 10 percent of Ubisoft's sales last year, and added that the company will need to work harder to create games that will "sell as well as Nintendo's own Wii titles."


Difficult to find success with? Yeah, you release shite it sells badly, go figure. This is more shite.


How about a Ghost Recon game or a Rainbow Six game? Knobheads

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I can see less and less games like FPS', RPG's etc. being made for the Wii simply because most companies like quick cash instead of decent games. All because they believe there is no core audience.

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I can see less and less games like FPS', RPG's etc. being made for the Wii simply because most companies like quick cash instead of decent games. All because they believe there is no core audience.


Argh, it's so irritating. The auidence hasn't completely changed - it's been expanded! Nintendo are developing games that cross into each demographic: the non-games (Wii Fit), the casual-games (Wii Sports), the core games that appeal to casual gamers (Mario Kart, Animal Crossing) and the hardcore games (MP3, SSBB). They're tapping into each of these markets and opening up new auidences to the VG culture. Publishers such as Ubisoft must realise the lost potential of the markets they're neglecting. Games such as Far Cry ( preadators) i'm sure would sell well (most gamers own a Wii), but If you're aiming a game at that 'hardcore' audience, it needs to be of a benchmark quality - reviews are a big part of deciding whether to purchase a game for us.


Surely dropping a few of these casual games, and developing a true 'gamers' game; focused towards this derpived market; incorporating inutivute use of the Wii remote's functions and hardware, would be a lot more rewarding and would reubild their bruised integrity. I suppose though this is a riskier option than the 'low-cost, high-profit' shovelware; and even with games such as Shaun White, their tapping into the Casual/Core market - negating the risk of not being to the standard we demand.


For these reasons, I wonder if gamers would have been better of with a less- pardigmatic shift (not change) of focus from Nintendo. They've opened up an easy option for Publishers/Developers, and it seems many companies are afraid to develop without one eye on this new-demographic ( Would you rather have Rayman 4(?) over another RRR?). Yet the core market is still there, and left dependant on Nintendo's first party affairs; ports of well-revered games ; and good iterations of established IP's (Pro evo, MoH, e.t.c, GH3). There is still a very prominent 'core audience', and we need sustenance. Some companies are misinterpreting Nintendo's ethos and it's a shame.

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I didn't miss it Dante it's in the same thread :P

And it's nto ubi's response it's a mods response. Which is still retarded.


"Looking at the current UK games sales for Wii, there are not that many traditional games in the top 30. Trends are changing and not everyone wants a new action game, FPS game or epic RPG, sales of the Wii proves that the majority want something different."


That's because there aren't any of those games available for us to buy.


Still, 16 or so of those 30 games are "traditional" games, quite more actually, it's just that it's hard (and pointless) to figure out what's traditional or not.

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I don't like all these arguments that Ubisoft are making crap Wii games because they're targeting the wrong end of the market. They're just making crap Wii games, period.


this is true.. thir core games were terrible as well.. Splinter cell was a dire port for wii and two thrones tried to fool us into thinking it was a brand new game but a bad ps2 port as well.


Besides red steel i cant name one "core" game that wasnt a port for the wii. Thats a bit sad.

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this is true.. thir core games were terrible as well.. Splinter cell was a dire port for wii and two thrones tried to fool us into thinking it was a brand new game but a bad ps2 port as well.


Besides red steel i cant name one "core" game that wasnt a port for the wii. Thats a bit sad.

Just a bit?
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More importantly, just stumbled upon this on that other thread:


For anyone still willing to, I am going to post the link for two Nintendo Power (hoping to get something published) and a link to contact Nintendo, I will also be posting a pre-made letter, all you do is email the letter to all 3 sources, or you can change the letter, just email something to all three



The first email address is



[email protected]



the second email address is



[email protected]


the third URL( since nintendo only takes messages through their website) is





Heres the pre-made message, just replace magazine with company when writing it to Nintendo



I am writing to your magazine, knowing that this will go to no one higher than you, in hopes of bringing to your companies attention, one developer who is treating the Wii as a complete joke, and refusing to give any acknowledgment as to how successful the Wii is.



Ubisoft recently held their Ubidays event, showing new games, The Ps3 and 360 are getting a new Prince of Persia, and new War game, and a new Beyond Good and Evil, what they announced for the Wii, however, has pissed many people off, they announced three games, Shaun White's snowboarding, Rayman Raving Rabbids 3, and Petz Dogz, now I understand, the wii is a large casual market but I would hope Nintendo Power would (correctly) see what Ubisoft are doing(making bad games for the Wii, and using that money to fund better 360/Ps3) products as the direct insult that it is.



I know this may not mean much to the brass at Nintendo, but to Wii gamers, who now have to deal with this


http://gamed.nl/view/41385 (comparison of Shaun White's snowboarding on the Wii, to the other two platforms)


and this http://i28.tinypic.com/16itph3.gif (Petz Dogz) are being insulted by Ubisoft.


I know very well that no one above you will see it, and no one cares, but I felt I needed to share my outrage as a Nintendo fan by having Ubisoft insult and humiliate us with low quality, poorly made, horribly developed games.



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I think this should be taken to websites and magazines rather than Nintendo (let's be honest, what will they do?). If the people who control gaming news show what their readers think of Ubisoft (and if this happens across all publications) then Ubisoft will begin to get a bit scared that the people who give news to the general gaming public are now boycotting and complaining about them.


Hmm, please tell me that made sense...

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I think this should be taken to websites and magazines rather than Nintendo (let's be honest, what will they do?). If the people who control gaming news show what their readers think of Ubisoft (and if this happens across all publications) then Ubisoft will begin to get a bit scared that the people who give news to the general gaming public are now boycotting and complaining about them.


Hmm, please tell me that made sense...

yes, but I only e-mailed the magazine mails right now. Nintendo? I could but... What I want is them the industry media outlets to be aware and of course, that would be bad for ubisoft.


Let's ramp up this scandal ppl.


Just for recap purposes:


For anyone still willing to, I am going to post the link for two Nintendo Power (hoping to get something published) and a link to contact Nintendo, I will also be posting a pre-made letter, all you do is email the letter to all 3 sources, or you can change the letter, just email something to all three



email address is



[email protected]

[email protected]


EDITED IN: European outlets



Heres the pre-made message, just replace magazine with company when writing it to Nintendo:



I am writing to your magazine, knowing that this will go to no one higher than you, in hopes of bringing to your companies attention, one developer who is treating the Wii as a complete joke, and refusing to give any acknowledgment as to how successful the Wii is.



Ubisoft recently held their Ubidays event, showing new games, The Ps3 and 360 are getting a new Prince of Persia, and new War game, and a new Beyond Good and Evil, what they announced for the Wii, however, has pissed many people off, they announced three games, Shaun White's snowboarding, Rayman Raving Rabbids 3, and Petz Dogz, now I understand, the wii is a large casual market but I would hope Nintendo Power would (correctly) see what Ubisoft are doing(making bad games for the Wii, and using that money to fund better 360/Ps3) products as the direct insult that it is.



I know this may not mean much to the brass at Nintendo, but to Wii gamers, who now have to deal with this


http://gamed.nl/view/41385 (comparison of Shaun White's snowboarding on the Wii, to the other two platforms)


and this http://i28.tinypic.com/16itph3.gif (Petz Dogz) are being insulted by Ubisoft.


I know very well that no one above you will see it, and no one cares, but I felt I needed to share my outrage as a Nintendo fan by having Ubisoft insult and humiliate us with low quality, poorly made, horribly developed games.

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