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Everything posted by raith

  1. Funny how the small devs like High Voltage and Platinum Games are actually putting effort into their games while big companies like Ubisoft are creating these horrible games for Wii/DS. I mean they are a business company and they have the right to put out games likes this BUT don't feed us bullsh** about how there isn't an audience for it's core games on Wii. I didn't buy the explanation EA gave for their shyte Wii version of RockBand, so I'm sure as hell am not going to believe what UbiSoft says about Wii.
  2. If Nintendo truly wants to see the amount of people who want a space solution (HDD) then they can use that useless Everyone Votes Channel to ask us. I know I want a HDD.
  3. This game is already out here but I can't get it until I work some overtime to get extra cash to buy it. I haven't bought a futbol game since ISS 64. This game will be great.
  4. The job where you have to find the kitties is the best!
  5. You know.....it DOES remind me of Kill Bill. This game needs a sequel badly! All they gotta do is fix the flaws and add new content, then it'll be a masterpiece. All my friends have either bought the game or on the verge of buying it(they gotta find it too). I hope you guys are ready to buy this game because as mentioned before, the Wii needs the fans to show 3rd parties that we love the hardcore as well as casual. By the way I love the "chemistry" between Travis and Sylvia.
  6. I have this game(I'm from NY) and I gotta say, this game has it's flaws but DAMN is it sick! Suda has a unique style that shines throughout this game. I personally think the music is one of NMH's best attributes. This is exactly the kind of game the Wii needs(great 3rd party support).
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