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Guitar Hero: World Tour


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Got my copy earlier as well. Think collectively my brother and I played it for nearly 3 hours. The music to start at the beginning of the career wasn't too great but it's picking up. The Ted Nugent bit was laugh out loud. Playing it through on expert, which is not something that I'd normally do seeing as I can only play select stuff on Expert but I'm doing alright so far, except for on Demolition Man where I just can't do it. Will give the music creator a run through tomorrow when I have time. Try and get something decent made up. Will play again later as I've just got Lazy Eye as one of my new songs on the tour. 32% down, 68% to go.


Also, no achievement for getting 100% not streak on a song? How dare they! I spent an entire play through on What I've Done to get it FC'd and got nothing for it. Bah!

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Picked this up today, loving the tracks on the disk. Livin on a prayer is awesome to play, and Eye of the Tiger, oh and Beat It. Using my Rock Band instruments at the moment, but may pick up the guitar because a lot of songs use the slider thingy. Or I might just wait for Rock Band 2: peace:

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I'm half way through the last gig (I've got the Tool one and another 2 others to do cause I didn't like the look of the songs) and by christ it's hard. Scream, Aim, Fire took me ages to get right. Really not looking forward to Trapped Under Ice and BYOB as they'll be a real test of how Expert is.

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The singles up for DLC on this are nearly twice the price of the Rock Band why?


That sucks, I wont be buying any DLC for this anyway. Don't know if its because I am so used to RB, but I prefer it over this. Thats not to say GHWT is bad, far from it. Its just for me, RB tips it.

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I've been able to get through all of the songs on expert up until the new years New York gig. Scream, Aim, Fire took absolutely ages to do, Overkill I was lucky at and Trapped Under Ice wasn't too bad actually. BYOB is incredibly hard on expert. Even my bro can't do it and he's not too shabby at it. Stuck it on hard setting to just get past it and put it back on expert for the encore and really wish I hadn't. That Van Halen song is going to be the death of me, same as BYOB, on expert but I will, hopefully, persevere. If I manage it, the amount of Gamerscore I'll get from it will be huge.


Ok, the New York gig isn't the last one even though the credits roll after it, for some strange reason. I'm on the proper last gig now (well I think it is). Some of the songs have been a bit easy for it being the last gig. On a Joe Satriani(sp?) song and it's kinda hard, no change there.

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Bought this game today, and I do like what I have seen.


As usual, I've found some songs that I hadn't heard before and liked. Beat It and Everlong are class to play. Misery Business was never going to be rubbish, and it's all the more sweeter to play with a virtual Hayley Williams thrown in. :heart:


Started a Career mode on Expert Guitar. It's been easy so far, but I am expecting it to become harder soon. I've only played it on Guitar at the moment, I will get around to playing the other instruments tomorrow.


One feature I really like is the Guitar Customisation. You can make some really awesome-looking guitars, pretty sweet. The Create-A-Rocker mode's cool, too. Glad to see Clive Winston and Pandora, my favourite characters, are back. Although I probably won't ever use them.


I've also yet to properly check out the Studio. Do that tomorrow too. :smile:

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Finished it today. Got the achievements up to hard. Need to go back and finish 4 songs, which I did on hard just to get through, on expert. Not looking forward to it. Demolition Man should be alright now that I've got a hang of the touch notes but I'm really not looking forward to having to do BYOB, Hot For Teacher and Satch Bootie. Was easy enough apart from those songs. BYOB will probably the hardest one to beat cause the notes are all badly spaced and out of time.

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I completed Guitar Solo on Expert earlier.


I actually didn't find it TOO hard. I don't think I got less than 4 stars on any of them. And I didn't fail once. :grin:


Yay, stackable achievements meant I got 215G for completing Expert (25 + 30 + 60 + 100), plus another 25 for completing a solo career. :yay:


I was going to do a Drum career, but the Rock Band ones I am using are very knackered indeed. On Hard, I only managed 3 stars on "Beat It". Because of the damn yellow drum being inconsistent and not responding half the time, really pissed me off. :nono:


I'll probably just do Bass career instead, and wait until I get a new drum kit. :blank:

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It's mainly because I've played Guitar Hero daily since July 2006. I've just kept playing it and eventually became some sort of God really good at it. Plus being a player of the real guitar means some things just won't be difficult at all.


B.Y.O.B. isn't really too hard, you just have to be good at strumming really fast. And make sure you hit the hammer-on notes when they appear (even then, if you've got the tempo of the notes down correctly it won't be too much of a hassle.)


Hot For Teacher...well I never really had much trouble with this one, but I can see how you would. The opening guitar tapping is very difficult if you're not an Expert, and the main verse sections are a trifle hard too. So be wary.

There's also some hard tapping towards the end, you might be able to get through it if you tap quickly enough.


Other than that, just practice. It's what it's there for, just keep practising and going at it. Eventually, you'll break it. :smile:

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Yeh. See, before World Tour, I only played select songs on expert, the biggest that I'd done being One by Metallica. So to find myself being able to get the vast majority of it all done on expert bar those 4 songs has kinda annoyed me and will now doubt spur me on to waste hours trying to beat them. Probably end up breaking my GH2 guitar (it's the only one that, to me, sits comfortably when I'm playing and feels right) trying to do it.


One bad thing I will say... why in the hell can't you download songs from a track pack individually? There are a few of the metallica songs I want but I'm sure as hell not paying ~1700MS points. Why couldn't they just allow single downloads on the stuff? Really annoys me. Same with the REM stuff. Only really want Supersticious whatever it is.

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Just noticed this:


^ How in the hell did you do BYOB and to a lesser extent Hot for Teacher? No matter how hard I try on either of them I can't get them completed on expert. The note sequence on BYOB, especially, is all over the place with fast and slow sections that don't fit the song.


Um...what? :wtf:

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