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Most Pleasant Surprise Ever!

Guest bluey

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Also, Peggle - Oh sweet lord.




Peggle is insanely good!


I was really pleased with Yoshi's Island on the GBA, It was between that and some other rubbish game. (which I didn't realise at the time) I'm so glad I made the right choice!


Gears of War, I normally suck at these kind of games but I'm not too bad at this one which raised the level of enjoyment greatly and I really like it. Managed to beat the game in hardcore co-op! which is an achievement for me. :p


Also Super Mario Galaxy which surpassed my expectations! : peace:

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AoEIII sucked in comparison to AoEII or even AoM. Shame really.


I agree, I played aoeIII and just totally, I dunno, didn't get it. It was far too complex for my little mind :/


AOM is totally the win. I was expecting it to be a bit crap, but its the one I got so addicted to! Things can fly and you can send lightning attacks over your enemies...Wahahahahhah god powers really work! ^____^


And the titans expansion was really awesome too!


Also the Sims 2 on DS, I expected it to be a rather poor and cut down version of the game. It was most certainly cut down, but I really enjoyed it!

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The problem now is that I spend so much of my time keeping up to date on what's worth buying and not, that I'm afraid I may never have a surprise like it again.


Same with me. One of the many downsides of being a geek. I'd love to say summat like BGaE or Metal Arms, but even though i bought them at launch id already read read reviews praising them so their awesomeness was no real surprise...


Only recent one i can remember is Lost in Blue (original) which i bought pretty much cause i was Lost obsessed at the time and it seemed like lost: the game. Was good fun too ^.^


And I remember buying a shite game called Pet Soccer for the pc, 99p from a game bargin bin. So bad it was brilliant, played it for far too long with friends. And it had a parrot commentating the game, muchos lols

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Only recent one i can remember is Lost in Blue (original) which i bought pretty much cause i was Lost obsessed at the time and it seemed like lost: the game. Was good fun too ^.^

Gonna have to disagree with you there, I bought it because I had played the GBC incarnation Stranded Kids, which was sexy. However in Lost in Blue it's bloody annoying since I can't walk ten paces without having to get that useless bitch some water.

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