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killthenets Post A Fake Movie Plot Thread

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The Bonds That Tie


Certificate 15


Two siamese twins, born into the dangerous streets of Chicago in 1985, and illegally operated on to remove each other from each other, and both taken into different homes, living completely different lives. After they meet later in life and create a company making adhesive tapes, both not in the knowledge that they were once connected. One has sinister intentions for the company and sees it as a new way to traffic drugs into the hands of consumers, and the other wanting to provide good quality adhesive to customers at a reasonable price, the brothers deceive each other and uncover information about each other when doing so that they never thought possible.


Starring DJ Qualls and Seth Green.

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Hard Seg


Certificate 18


The year is 2006. The city is San Francisco. Street racing has gone passed its peak and now the thrill seekers of the streets require a more dangerous, and different approach. In steps billionaire playboy "Steady Stud" (Morgan Freeman) with plans for a whole new sport. His proposal is for modified Segway racing, at night on the hilly streets of San Fran, using advanced distraction and non lethal weapons, such as flares, strobe light, oil spills, and the like. The idea quickly becomes reality and the sport tagged "Hard Seg" has two up and coming stars, "Rick Chrome" (Daniel Radcliffe) and "Ivan Heatblower" (Jean Claud Vann Damme) tear open the competition, and start a rivalry to end all rivlaries. The pair become increasingly agressive and start to hold personal 1v1 matches, using lethal weapons such as grenades, spike bombs and machine guns. Steady Stud has to bring in his own force of Racers to put a stop to the two maniacs by calling in his Strike Force, including "Pendragoon Penny" (Eliza Dushku) and "Two Snake Champ" (Wesley Snipes). The explosive streets of San Francisco have never been so Segway.

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This kinda defeats the point of fooling people, if it says fake plot in the title. There is not element of surprise.


Although, it has huge potential for some entertaining ideas, none of which I can deliver, hence rendering this post useless.

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Working Title: Danny Dyer: The Mercury Man


In my film, Danny Dyer becomes obsessed with mercury, due to an accident where a massive thermometer prop in a film starring himself and Sean Bean shatters sending mercury flying everywhere. Cuts to Desperado-esque editing of Danny Dyer with mercury fountains and odd lighting effects. The film essentially tracks his descent into insanity, as he suffers from mercury poisoning whilst other famous awful british (for british sakes actors i.e. Sea Bean, Bob Hoskins, the evil guy from The Business) try to bring him back from the brink. He becomes obsessed with his neighbour (played by Becca from Hollyoaks) and eventually kills her. He is then beaten to death by Sean Bean, who commits suicide afterwards.

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